
  • 网络WASHINGTON;washington state;Seattle;State of Washington
  1. 选举官员预测他们将在华盛顿州创下非大选年投票人数的新纪录。

    Election officials predict they 'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state .

  2. 一些慈善资助者,包括华盛顿州西雅图市的比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会及伦敦的威康信托基金会也要求他们的捐款接受人开放数据。

    Some philanthropic funders , including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle , Washington , and the Wellcome Trust in London , also data mandate open data from their grant recipients .

  3. 现在,太平洋科学中心每年为超过130万人提供服务,并为华盛顿州各地的课堂和社区活动提供以调查为主的科学教育。

    Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1 . 3 million people a year and beings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State .

  4. 位于华盛顿州的美国西北太平洋国家实验室和本顿清洁空气机构的官员称,已采集了“牛奶雨”的样本。这种雨水给两个州很多地区的汽车上蒙上一层粉末状残留物。

    Officials at both the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Benton Clean Air Agency , both in Washington state , said they had collected samples of the rain , which left a powdery residue on cars across a wide swath of two states .

  5. 作为华盛顿州土豆委员会的执行主任,他希望该行动能够使更多的人了解土豆富含纤维、钾和维他命C。

    As executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission , Voigt hopes his efforts will highlight what a good source of fiber , potassium and vitamin C potatoes are .

  6. 加里·斯奈德(GarySnyder,1930&)生于旧金山,在俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的小农场长大。他的生活经历几乎包罗万象。

    Gary Snyder was born in 1930 in San Francisco .

  7. MercyCorpsNorthwest刚刚在华盛顿州一家女子监狱开始了LIFE项目。

    MercyCorps Northwest has just started a LIFE program at a women 's prison in Washington state .

  8. 总部位于华盛顿州科克兰德(Kirkland)的Cascade避开了媒体的关注。

    Based in Kirkland , Washington , Cascade shies away from media attention .

  9. 上周末,H1N1型猪流感使华盛顿州一个30岁心脏情况差的男性死亡。

    Last weekend , the H1N1 swine flu killed a30-something Washington state man with an underlying heart condition .

  10. 该公司曾为多种投资者成功筹资,从中国本土的基金的基金asiaalternatives,到美国华盛顿州。

    It has been able to raise money for investors ranging from a local fund of funds , Asia alternatives , to the US state of Washington .

  11. 亚马逊成立于美国华盛顿州西雅图,最初的业务是在贝佐斯家的车库里开展的,这个车库最初包括3个Sun工作站,后来被改装成工作间。

    Started up in Seattle , Washington , Amazon.com had its first base of operation in the Bezos 's garage , which was converted into a workspace initially housing three Sun workstations .

  12. 参议员PattyMurray是华盛顿州的民主党人,他称赞道Locke能够胜任这一职位。

    Senator Patty Murray , a Washington state Democrat , praised Locke 's qualifications for the job .

  13. 因此,这一勺冰淇淋大行其道,从乔治亚州到亚利桑那州再到华盛顿州,零度之下冰淇淋公司(SubZero)和蓝天乳品店(BlueSkyCreamery)这样的小企业都深受其恩。

    The result is scoopable ice cream that has supported franchises like sub zero ice cream and blue sky creamery from Georgia to Arizona to Washington state .

  14. 这段视频由位于华盛顿州的慈善组织PandaPawsRescue拍摄,该组织专门照料Duncan以及其他有特殊需求的狗狗。

    His exciting day trip was filmed by Panda Paws Rescue , a Washington state-based charity that cares for Duncan and other dogs with special needs .

  15. 所以,位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德市的Concur痛定思痛,开始收购针对主流人群的应用和网站,试图向它们学习。

    , is taking cues from apps and websites aimed at the mainstream & by buying them .

  16. 据NPR新闻的托维亚·史密斯报道,马萨诸塞州是继俄勒冈州和华盛顿州之后,第三个采取这种做法的州。

    NPR 's Tovia Smith reports Massachusetts would be the third state to do so following Oregon and Washington .

  17. 如华盛顿州西北部的MountRainier国家公园,就提供很多不同的徒步路线。

    Mount Rainier National Park in the northwestern state of Washington is a good example of a park that provides many different trails .

  18. 拉文在2013年从华盛顿州的一所高中[巴萨尔]毕业,在UCLA读了一年后,2014年参加选秀,在第13顺位被球队选中。

    LaVine graduated high school in Washington in 2013 and became the 13th overall draft pick out of UCLA in 2014 .

  19. 马克西姆·瑟盖(MaksimSurguy),29岁,华盛顿州费德勒尔韦

    Maksim Surguy , 29 , Federal Way , Wash .

  20. 该公司也与华盛顿州签有合同,在西雅图PugetSound的部分水域收集一种叫做石莼或者海莴苣的海藻。

    It also has a contract with Washington state to collect the algae called ulva , or sea lettuce , in parts of Seattle 's Puget Sound waterway .

  21. 华盛顿州西雅图的福瑞德·哈金森肿瘤研究中心的帕尔文·巴提博士表示,如果此效果得到证实,则应探讨用褪黑激素补充剂进行干预,来减少倒班员工出现可能致癌的DNA损伤。

    If such effects are confirmed , melatonin supplementation should be explored as an intervention to reduce the occurrence of potentially carcinogenic DNA damage among shift workers , said Dr Parveen Bhatti from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle , Washington .

  22. 一名顾客在萨克斯百货佛罗里达店购买了一只价值1850美元的古驰(Gucci)手袋送给住在华盛顿州的女儿。

    A customer at a Saks Fifth Avenue store in Florida had bought a $ 1,850 Gucci bag to be shipped to her daughter in Washington state .

  23. 华盛顿州学生成就理事会(WashingtonStudentAchievementCouncil)是该州政府一所关注教育的机构,其2013年的一份报告称,该州每年需要另外再培养2700名计算机科学学士,才能满足该地区雇主2021年前的预计需求量。

    A 2013 report by the Washington Student Achievement Council , a state agency focused on education , said the state needed to produce more than 2700 additional bachelor 's degrees annually in computer science to meet projected employer demand in the region through 2021 .

  24. 毛衣石公司(SweaterStoneInc.)是一家位于华盛顿州伊萨夸市(Issaquah,Wash.)的去除毛球设备生产商,该公司销售经理盖尔・森丝尼(GaleSenseny)每年都会用一个小诀窍来防止自己衣橱里的毛衣起球。

    Gale Senseny , sales manager of Sweater Stone Inc. , makers of a pill-removing device in Issaquah , Wash . , has a once-a-year trick to help prevent pilling on the sweaters that fill her wardrobe .

  25. 在一个悠长的周末,大批乐迷不约而同地赶赴华盛顿州一个遥远的角落,参加在那里举行的野人音乐节(Sasquatch)。

    Sasquatch brought droves of people to a far-flung corner of Washington State for a long weekend .

  26. 去年,蓝光技术公司的埃里克.汉森在华盛顿州的斯波坎市开设了一家独立的工厂,生产蓝光(Blu-Ray)和高清影碟(HDDVD)两种格式的高清晰度光盘。

    Last year , Erick Hansen of Blu-ray Technologies set up an independent plant in Spokane , Washington , to manufacture disks in two high definition formats , Blu-ray and HD DVD . Each had its backers .

  27. 对华盛顿州的桥梁维护机构、桥梁检查标准、桥梁监测、桥梁荷载率和重车限制、桥梁管理系统(BMS)以及应急预案和维修清单做了较为详细的介绍。

    Organizations , national bridge inspection standards , bridge inspection , bridge load rating and overload truck permit , bridge management system ( BMS ), emergency response and repair list in Washington State are focused .

  28. 本周的Speedo贴士来自于尼尔贝克,他是华盛顿州Tacoma的游泳俱乐部的助理主教练。

    This week 's Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Neil Beck , the assistant head coach of the Tacoma Swim Club in Tacoma , Wash .

  29. 这家位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德(Redmond)的软件巨头说,这款名为XboxOne的新设备旨在利用新技术为消费者提供一些新的游戏方式,以响应目前的一些趋势,比如智能手机和平板电脑的风靡。

    The Redmond , Wash . , software giant said its new device , dubbed Xbox One , was designed to take advantage of new technologies to offer customers ways to play games while responding to trends such as the popularity of smartphones and tablets .

  30. 华盛顿州大学辐射学家Antone认为这项研究很有趣。

    Radiation scientist Antone Brooks of Washington State University , Richland , finds the study intriguing .