
  1. 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。

    As China 's most complicated space project , the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time .

  2. “天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。

    China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 ( Mars mission ) , Chang'e-5 ( lunar probe ) , and Fendouzhe ( deep-sea manned submersible ) .

  3. 这些是为将于2017年发射的“嫦娥五号”所做的准备工作。

    This is in preparation for the Chang'e 5 lunar mission in 2017 .

  4. 中国启动嫦娥五号月球探测器所收集样本的科学研究工作。

    China has the scientific research on samples collected by its Chang'e-5 lunar probe .

  5. 嫦娥五号是40多年来全球首次月球取样任务。

    Chang'e-5 is the world 's first moon-sample mission in more than 40 years .

  6. “嫦娥五号”将于年底发射

    Lunar mission due by year 's end

  7. 中国在海南文昌航天发射场成功发射嫦娥五号月球探测器。

    China successfully launched the Chang'e-5 lunar probe from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan .

  8. 嫦娥五号是中国航天史上最复杂、最具挑战性的任务之一。

    Chang'e-5 is one of the most complicated and challenging missions in China 's aerospace history .

  9. 经过数周的太空旅行,中国嫦娥五号探测器带着月球样本返回地球。

    China 's Chang'e-5 probe has returned home with lunar samples after weeks of space travel .

  10. 嫦娥五号进入月球轨道后,着陆器和上升器组合体将与轨道器和返回器组合体分离。

    After it enters the lunar orbit , the lander-ascender combination will separate from the orbiter-returner combination .

  11. 嫦娥五号飞船已在月球近侧着陆并传回图像。

    The Chang'e-5 spacecraft has landed on the near side of the moon and sent back images .

  12. 中国计划在本月末发射运载嫦娥五号月球探测器的长征五号火箭。

    China plans to launch a Long March-5 rocket carrying the Chang'e-5 lunar probe late this month .

  13. 11月24日4时30分,嫦娥五号探测器发射升空,开启赴月采样之旅。

    China launched the lunar probe at 4:30 am Tuesday to collect and return samples from the moon .

  14. 嫦娥五号将在月球收集2公斤样本,并进行密封封装。

    About 2 kg of samples are expected to be collected and sealed in a container in the spacecraft .

  15. 据吴艳华介绍,嫦娥五号任务完成后,我国计划实施嫦娥六号、七号和八号任务。

    After Chang'e 5 , China has plans for Chang'e 6 , 7 and 8 missions , Wu said .

  16. 中国嫦娥五号月球探测器的上升器在采集土壤和岩石样本后离开月球。

    The ascender of China 's Chang'e-5 Lunar probe has left the moon after collecting soil and rock samples .

  17. 目前,携带月球样品的嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体各系统状态良好。

    The CNSA said all systems on the orbiter-returner combination that carries lunar samples are currently in good condition .

  18. 嫦娥五号的下一个挑战是在绕月轨道上执行交会对接任务。

    The next challenge for the Chang'e-5 is to a rendezvous and docking mission in an orbit around the moon .

  19. 嫦娥五号是中国首个月球取样任务,也是40多年来世界首次月球采样任务。

    Chang'e 5 is China 's first moon-sample mission and also the world 's first in more than 40 years .

  20. 而探月计划的第三阶段,其中包括在返回地球之前的无人采样,将通过发射嫦娥五号来完成。

    The third phase , which includes unmanned sampling before returning to Earth , will follow the launch of Chang'e-5 .

  21. 中国航天部门发射了一艘无人驾驶飞行器,以测试计划应用在“嫦娥五号”月球探测器上的科技。

    Chinese space authorities have launched an unmanned spacecraft to test technologies to be used in the planned Chang'e-5 lunar probe .

  22. “嫦娥五号”将在登陆月球后采集样本,之后返回地球。

    The plan is to land Chang'e-5 on the moon , have it collect samples , and then return to earth .

  23. 中国表示,嫦娥五号探测器已完成在月球上的取样工作,样本已被封装在航天器内。

    China says its Chang'e-5 probe has completed sampling on the moon , and the samples have been sealed within the spacecraft .

  24. 中国嫦娥五号着陆器和上升器已与月球探测器分离,预计将于本周晚些时候软着陆。

    The lander and ascender of China 's Chang'e-5 have the lunar probe for a soft landing that is expected later this week .

  25. “嫦娥五号”在登月后将采集土壤样品,之后返回地球。

    That mission is meant to send the probe to the moon , and have it return to Earth after collecting soil samples .

  26. 若嫦娥五号能圆满完成任务,我国将成为继美国、俄罗斯后第三个取回月球样本的国家。

    If Chang'e 5 succeeds in its mission , China will become the third nation to retrieve lunar samples , after the US and Russia .

  27. 我国计划于2019年年底前后发射嫦娥五号登陆月球并采样返回。

    China plans to send its Chang'e 5 probe to the moon around the end of the year and bring lunar samples back to Earth .

  28. “嫦娥五号”预定于2017年登月,有望将月球土壤样本和岩石带回地球。

    Chang'e-5 , scheduled to land on the moon by 2017 , is expected to bring samples of lunar soil and rock back to Earth .

  29. 位于内蒙古的着陆场已准备好迎接中国“嫦娥五号”探测器及其月球样本有效载荷的返回。

    The landing site in Inner Mongolia is ready for the return of China 's Chang'e-5 probe and its payload of samples from the moon .

  30. 我国的嫦娥五号探测器将择机实施月面软着陆,开展我国首个地外天体采样任务。

    China 's Chang'e-5 probe is preparing for a soft landing on the moon to undertake the country 's first collection of samples from an extraterrestrial body .