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cháng é
  • Chang'e;the goddess of the moon;Chinese mythical goddess of the moon
嫦娥 [cháng é]
  • (1) [Chinese mythical goddess of the moon] 又作姮娥。传说中后羿的妻子,后从人间飞升到月亮。

  • 羿请不死之药于 西王母, 嫦娥窃之以奔月。--《搜神记》

  • (2) 后比喻美女

嫦娥[cháng é]
  1. 嫦娥却过不惯清苦的生活,乘后羿不在家的时候,偷吃了全部的长生不死药,奔逃到月亮里去了。

    The goddess of the moon does not spoil clear bitter life , after multiplying Yi not the time at home , have eaten all long livelihoods stealthily do not die medicine , run away moon in have gone .

  2. 如果有一天我能去月球,我就能看到嫦娥。

    If one day I can go to the moon , I can see the goddess of the moon .

  3. 后羿回家后看不到嫦娥,便到处寻找她。

    When Hou Yi didn 't find his wife at home , he went looking for her .

  4. 但后羿已和一个美丽善良的女子成亲,她名叫嫦娥,后羿深爱她。

    But Yi was married to a beautiful and kind woman , Chang'e , who he loved dearly .

  5. 两国将协同实施中国的“嫦娥七号”月球极地探测任务和俄罗斯“月球—资源-1”轨道器任务合作。

    The two nations will work together to carry out China 's Chang'e 7 lunar landing mission and Russia 's Luna-Resurs-Orbiter mission .

  6. 嫦娥对后羿的爱让她留在月亮上,因为月亮是天上离地球最近的地方。

    Chang'e 's love for Hou Yi drew her towards the moon , which was the nearest place to Earth in the heavens .

  7. 嫦娥六号探测器作为嫦娥五号的备份,也将在月球进行自动采样,供全面分析和研究之用。

    As the backup of the Chang'e-5 mission , the Chang'e-6 mission would also collect lunar samples automatically for comprehensive analysis and research .

  8. 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。

    As China 's most complicated space project , the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time .

  9. 了解事情经过后,后羿带了嫦娥最爱的食物、糕点和水果到月光下和嫦娥分享。

    Upon realizing what had happened , Hou Yi brought her favorite foods , cakes , and fruit out in the moonlight to share with his wife .

  10. “天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。

    China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 ( Mars mission ) , Chang'e-5 ( lunar probe ) , and Fendouzhe ( deep-sea manned submersible ) .

  11. 嫦娥一号卫星X射线谱仪数据采集系统

    Data Acquisition System of the Payload X-ray Spectrometer of CE-1 Lunar Satellite

  12. 嫦娥一号卫星X射线谱仪能量响应矩阵的计算

    Calculation of The X-Ray Detector Energy Response Matrix for Chang E Satellite

  13. 嫦娥一号卫星CCD立体相机的设计与在轨运行

    Design and On-orbit Measurement of Chang ' E-1 Satellite CCD Stereo Camera

  14. 基于嫦娥一号CCD数据空间特征的特定目标识别

    The identification of special targets based on spatial features of Chang'e-1 CCD data

  15. SIFT和相关系数在嫦娥一号月球影像匹配中的应用

    Application of SIFT and Correlation Coefficient in Chang'E-1 Lunar Image Matching

  16. 介绍了嫦娥一号卫星X射线谱仪能量响应矩阵的计算方法,根据谱仪标定试验的标定数据计算了谱仪各路探测器的能量响应矩阵;

    We presented in this paper the calculation metrod of the energy response matrix for the detector of the Chang'E Satellite , with both laboratory measurements and simulations .

  17. 由此实现的RS码硬件译码器在实际工作中也获得了应用:[256252]RS码硬件译码器已经用于我国嫦娥一号月球探测器中的大容量固态存储器中;

    And those decoders have their applications : [ 256,252 ] RS hardware decoder has been used in the solid-state recorder during the first Moon Exploration in my country ;

  18. 利用简化模型,分析了嫦娥一号飞行器在调相轨道和地月转移轨道的VLBI测角精度。

    The precision of CE-1 angle calculation using national VLBI network was analyzed , using a simple Earth rotation model .

  19. 本文介绍了嫦娥一号卫星有效载荷X射线谱仪可靠性预计及其分析,给出了可靠性框图,并对探测器关键项目及单点失效故障模式进行分析。

    This paper introduce Chang'E-1 Satellite Lunar Orbital X-ray Imaging Analyzer responsible for the reliability prediction and analysis , include reliability diagram , elaborate on X-ray Imaging Analyzer 's key items and single point failures mode .

  20. 为适应未来嫦娥月球探测工程,CVN将扩展成含有4个观测站和2个相关处理机(硬件、软件)的实时VLBI网。

    To satisfy the requirements of the Chinese lunar exploration project , CVN will be upgraded to a realtime VLBI network , including 4 stations and two new realtime correlators ( hardware and software ) .

  21. 这一发现是中国研究人员通过“嫦娥三号”得出的,该飞船于2013年登月,是大约40年前美国“阿波罗”(Apollo)和苏联“月球”(Luna)进行月球探索活动以后,首次开展的无人月球探测任务。

    The discovery was made by Chinese researchers operating the Chang'e-3 spacecraft , which landed on the moon in 2013 and was the first unmanned mission there since the Apollo and Luna explorations about 40 years ago .

  22. 我国嫦娥一号探测卫星搭载了四个通道(3.0,7.8,19.35,37GHz)的微波辐射计,其中一个重要任务是通过多通道微波辐射亮温反演整个月球表面月壤厚度的分布。

    The Chang ' E-1 Lunar Orbiter ( CE-1 ) took Microwave radiometer of four channels ( 3.0,7.8,19.35,37GHz ) . One important task of CE-1 is for detecting the thickness of the lunar regolith though the measured brightness temperature from the CE-1 microwave radiometer .

  23. 嫦娥爸爸,我可不愿大家都忘了我。

    Chang'e Father , I would not like everyone forget me .

  24. 嫦娥一号第一幅月面遥感影像撞击坑特征

    Characteristics of Lunar Craters on the First Image of Chang'e-1 Satellite

  25. 爷爷奶奶又要给讲起嫦娥的故事了。

    Our grandparents will tell us the story of Chang'e again .

  26. 如果我能飞到月球,我会和嫦娥结婚的。

    If I went to the moon , I would marry Chang'e.

  27. 嫦娥四号探测器着陆在太阳系最大的火山口。

    Chang'e-4 lunar probe lands on largest crater in solar system .

  28. 其中最著名的要数嫦娥奔月。

    The most famous one is Chang'e flying to the moon .

  29. 为中国嫦娥工程的影像数据格式提出建议。

    We table a proposal for imagery data format in Chang'er project .

  30. 嫦娥慌乱中服下了所有的仙丹。

    In her panic , Chang'e drank it all up .