
  1. 第一部分,以华北事变和西安事变两大事件所产生的重大而深远的影响为背景,全面分析了国共两党第二次合作谈判的历史前提。

    The first part gives an overall view of the historical prerequisite for the negotiations during the second KMT-CCP collaboration .

  2. 华北事变后,面对内忧外患的局面,蒋介石开始改变过去妥协退让的态度,对日态度逐渐强硬。

    After northern china incident , Jiangkaishi became to change policy of compromise to tough attitude when facing inner worry and foreign aggression .

  3. 华北事变前后,郑州领事馆成为日本在中原、北地区从事非法活动的中心。

    Before and after the Northeast China incident , Japanese Consulate in Zhengzhou became the center of illegal activities of the Japanese in middle and northwest china .

  4. 它的出现在整个华北事变中具有标志性意义,完全暴露了日本帝国主义吞灭华北的阴谋,进一步加深了中华民族的危机。

    The conclusion of the agreement is of great significance in " North China Event ", which fully displays Japan 's conspiracy to annex north China and deepens the Chinese nation 's crisis .