
  • 网络The Sumatran tiger;Sumatra Tiger;Panthera tigris sumatrae
  1. 本文提出了cytb基因上识别东北虎、孟加拉虎、印支虎、苏门答腊虎4个亚种的特异性单倍型。

    We proposed specific haplotypes on cyt b gene for specifically identifying Amur tiger , Bengal tiger , Indo-China tiger and Sumatran tiger .

  2. 三只苏门答腊虎幼崽在伦敦动物园公开亮相。

    Three Sumatran tiger cubs made their public debut at the London zoo .

  3. 苏门答腊虎目前面临的最大威胁是偷猎和植被砍伐。

    Nowadays , the main threats it faces are poaching and deforestation .

  4. 只有26天大的迪玛是一只苏门答腊虎宝宝,它和5个月大的雌猩猩厄玛相拥在一起。

    Dema the26-day-old endangered Sumatran Tiger cub cuddles up to5-month-old female Orangutan , Irma .

  5. 苏门答腊虎产于印度尼西亚,目前为濒危物种。

    The tiger species , which is native to Indonesia , is critically endangered in the wild .

  6. 本月,在新西兰汉密尔顿动物园,一名动物园管理人员不幸遭到苏门答腊虎袭击身亡,这头老虎将不会接受安乐死。

    A Sumatran tiger that attacked and killed a zookeeper in Hamilton , New Zealand this September will not be euthanized .

  7. 最新的遗传测试结果显示了苏门答腊虎独特的遗传标记,这意味着它将可能发展成为单一物种。

    Recent genetic testing has revealed the presence of unique genetic markers , indicating that it may develop into a separate species .

  8. 史蒂夫·欧文的职业生涯开始于他接管自己父母位于昆士兰的一家动物园,他在该动物园内一直致力于诸如苏门答腊虎等濒危野生动物的繁育工作。

    His career began when he took over his parents'zoo in Queensland to help breed endangered creatures , such as the Sumatran tiger .