
  1. 武侠小说作为一种类型文学,在长期的演变过程中形成了自身独特而相对固定的基本叙事语法和原型性因素,江湖就是武侠小说基本叙事语法中的原型性因素之一。

    As a typologic literature , wuxia-novel has formed it 's own particular and fixed narrative syntax and archetypal factor in the long-term evolvement .

  2. 这一类型文学凭借着当代发达的图书出版业以及传媒技术迅速在市场上流通,占有有力的市场份额。

    This type of literature by virtue of the developed contemporary book publishing industry and the media quickly circulated in the market , occupies a strong market share .

  3. 这种类型的文学艺术所具有的艺术特质是怎样的?

    What 's the special artistic quality of this genre in literature ?

  4. 相对于其他类型的文学翻译,儿童文学的翻译有其自身的特点。

    Compared with other types of literary translation , CL translation has its own characteristics .

  5. 论敦煌佛教愿文类型及其文学性

    The Types and the Literature Characters of the Article of the Buddhism Wishing in Dun Huang

  6. 语篇类型与文学翻译策略

    Text Type and Translating Strategies

  7. 随着其他文学类型和文学思潮的介入,极大丰富了吸血鬼文学的创作空间。

    Followed others literature styles and thoughts involves in the vampire literature , it has been enriched it 's creative space .

  8. 小说类型与文学传统:问题与思路&中国现代小说类型研究引论(四)

    Types of Novel Traditions of Literature : Questions and Thoughts An introductory essay of modern Chinese novel types research ( IV )

  9. 作为一种过渡性类型的文学,中国近代文学的特征表现为:文学观念呈现多元状态;

    As a kind of transitional type , the modern Chinese literature has the following characteristics : the multiple state of the present literary concept ;

  10. 这种前瞻在大的类别上包括作者写作方式与状态、文学传播途径与类型、文学的接受与影响、文学史关系、文论研究的整合五个方面;

    And that forecasting consideration includes five kinds : the writing way and attitude of the author , the transmissive channel categories of literature , the reception and influence of literature , the relation with the literary history , the interdisciplinary of researches in literary theories .

  11. 论证了该类型小说在文学史上的枢纽地位。

    It proves the pivot position in the literature history .

  12. 思想矛盾的三种类型及其与文学名著的伴生关系。

    The three kinds of the idea contradictions and their growing relationship with famous literary works .

  13. 各种类型不同的文学复制现象,为理论研究提供了丰富的感性经验和研究论据。

    Different types of literary reproduction have provided rich perceptual experience and arguments for theoretical research .

  14. 问:过去你曾经质疑类型小说与文学小说之间的壁垒。

    Q. You 've questioned the arbitrary divide between genre fiction and literary fiction in the past .

  15. 《三国志通俗演义》无疑是一部具体、生动、鲜活的人物类型化的文学性著作。

    The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms is concrete , vivid and fresh Literature works of characters type .

  16. 从文学媒介场功能构成的视角来看,讨论不同类型媒介与文学的关系及不同文学媒介的功能问题,梳理媒介场中不同类型媒介的关系,探讨了不同媒介对文学的承载方式。

    Through the function constitution of the literary media field , discussion the different between literature medium and different literature medium function .

  17. 第一部分时代背景介绍,主要介绍五四落潮以后,感伤的时代氛围和不同类型的感伤文学思潮纷纷泛起。

    The first part is about the introduction about the background , which is mainly about sentimental atmosphere of the times and the sentimental literary trends .

  18. 第二章对中国现代乡土文学的具体情状进行概括,并对以鲁迅和沈从文为代表的两种类型的乡土文学及其特点进行说明;

    Chapter two summarizes the concrete circumstances of China 's modern local literature , and explains the characteristic of two kinds of local literature represented by Lu Xun and Shen Congwen ;

  19. 由多重文学本质、多样文学功能、多种文学类型构成的文学本体论,在文学实践中有很高的应用价值,对开展文学活动具有很强的指导性。

    The literary ontology , which is composed of multi-layered literary essences , various literary functions and varied literary categories , is of great applied value in literary practice as well as of much guidance in literary activities .

  20. 试论文学史研究的三种类型及其与比较文学的关系

    Three Types of Literary History Studies and Their Relations with Comparative Literature

  21. 文学类型化可能导致文学成为模仿写作和商业化写作。

    The modeled literature is a kind of imitation and a kind of commercialized writing .

  22. 类型化是当代文学的一个重要现象,文学类型化有着多方面的动因:一是文学类型化有着传统的原因;

    The modeled literature is the important phenomenon . Its appearance has causes : one is the traditional ;

  23. 象征型文学是文学作品的三大类型之一,象征主义文学包含于内;

    The symbolic literature is one of the three greatest types of the literature works , which includes the symbolic literature .

  24. 武侠文学是中国传统小说的一种类型,在通俗文学领域占有重要的地位。

    Kungfu literature , a type of Chinese traditional novel , occupies an important status in the field of light literature .

  25. 景德镇陶瓷传说是广泛流传于景德镇民众生活中具有传说类型价值的民间文学作品。

    Jingdezhen ceramic legends are legend-type works of folk literature , which are widespread in the everyday life of the Jingdezhen people .

  26. 相对比较新颖的只是将这些写作类型当做独立的文学体裁来对待,因而也就需要为它们取一个新名字了。

    What 's relatively new is treating these types of writing as separate literary genres , hence the need for new names .

  27. 戏剧,作为一种独特的艺术表现形式和文学类型,在世界文学和人类文明的地位不可小觑。

    As a unique form of artistic expression and a kind of literary genres , the contribution of drama to world literature and human civilization can never be underestimated .

  28. 本文运用历史学、接受美学、叙事学、类型研究、比较文学、政治文化等多种理论与方法,对20年代革命文学进行了多角度、多方位的系统研究。

    The thesis researches Chinese " Revolutionary Literature " in 1920 's by the method of History , Aesthetics of Reception , Narratology , Story Pattern , Comparative Literature and Political Culture .

  29. 民间故事的母题和类型对斯里兰卡民间文学来说是一个新的范畴,但是为了准确理解中国异类婚故事,本文简单讨论了这个系统的分类。

    The motif and type of folk tale is a new category to the Sri Lanka folk literature but this systematic classification is briefly discussed for the well understanding of the Chinese heterogeneous marriage tales .

  30. 诸作家作品目录和个人著述目录是现代文学目录中最为重要的两种类型,对现代文学的整体研究和作家个人研究起着不可替代的作用。

    Among them the most important two kinds are the catalogue of all writers ' works and the catalogue written individually , which play an exclusive role in the whole research on the contemporary literature and the personal research .