
  • 网络genre film
  1. 类型电影芷是这种互动关系的典范。

    Genre Film is the typical style of this kind of interaction relationship .

  2. 类型电影概念及特征

    The Definition and Basic Characteristics of Genre Film

  3. 虽然这部电影不是该网站上评分最高的,8.9分低于2018年的同类型电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》(CallMeByYourName(9.1))

    The film is not exactly the best-reviewed film in the site 's history . Its 8.9 average score is lower than that of fellow 2018 awards contender Call Me By Your Name ( 9.1 ) .

  4. 恐怖片是美国类型电影中重要的一类。

    Horror film has been an important type among American film .

  5. 电影的娱乐性的魔力存在于类型电影之中。

    The magic of film entertainment cinema exists in the type .

  6. 青春电影是一种亚类型电影。

    Youth movie is a kind of the genre movie .

  7. 描述不同类型电影的词汇学习。

    The words used to describe different types of films .

  8. 中国类型电影的生存与发展

    The Survival and Development Strategy of Chinese Genre Cinema

  9. 类型电影良好的发展机制为动画电影产业的发展提供了可借鉴的蓝本。

    The animation film industry can learn from the development of Genre film .

  10. 好莱坞类型电影致力于宣传美国主流意识形态和文化霸权。

    Hollywood genre movies tends to promote the American dominant ideology and cultural hegemony .

  11. 类型电影与观众态度

    Genre films and the attitude of audience

  12. 构建类型电影的新观念

    Constructing the New Concept of Film

  13. 类型电影探因

    On the origin of genre film

  14. 类型电影的本质内涵是模式化,它的创新是在模式基础上的破格;

    In essence , genre films are formula films and their innovations base on their formulas .

  15. 2.参考译文:女:我想改变一下,换个不同类型电影的看。

    W : I 'd love to see a different type of movie for a change .

  16. 特别是其在类型电影方面取得的成功更是给世界其他国家提供了很好的经验。

    And especially its success on genre movie provide abundant experiences for other countries in the world .

  17. 类型电影源于美国,且在美国发展得最为成熟。

    Type film originated from the United States , which develop most mature in the United States .

  18. 类型电影生产制作的缺失是中国电影陷入困境的原因之一。

    The absence of the production of genre films is one big problem in contemporary Chinese cinema .

  19. 建筑在其深层次上实际是几乎所有类型电影的主题。

    Architecture is , in quite a profound sense , the subject of nearly all feature films .

  20. 卡通片以其独特的艺术品格逐渐在纷繁复杂的类型电影世界中找到了属于自己的位置,并不断剖离出卡通自身有别于电影、绘画、文学等艺术形式的本体性形态特征。

    Cartoon with their special art character found their own position in the complicated film genre world gradually .

  21. 这也是韩国类型电影之所以具有被亚洲乃至世界各个国家观众接受的重要原因。

    This is also why that Korea movie was accepted by Asia countries and all over the world .

  22. 他并没有过多超越类型电影的传统,而是用真正信仰者的热情去充实它们。

    He does not so much transcend genre conventions as fulfill them with the zeal of a true believer .

  23. 青春电影,从类型电影的定义来看,并不能算是一个严格的电影类型。

    Youth movie can not be regarded as a strict classification of the film from the definition of genre films .

  24. 而在我国,由于历史和文化原因,中国电影界历来对类型电影存在着诸多的曲解。

    But in China , genre movies have been misinterpreted for a long time due to the historical and cultural reasons .

  25. 中国类型电影发展的困境以及相应的发展策略。

    Fourthly , the article discusses the dilemma of Chinese type movie in the course of the development and the corresponding development strategy .

  26. 国民收入提高刺激了票房收入;同时,随着观众的受教育程度越来越高,他们已不再满足于标准的好莱坞类型电影。

    Rising incomes are fuelling box office receipts and increasingly educated audiences want more than the standard Hollywood genre film , he says .

  27. 本文主要从以下四个方面进行分析:一、类型电影简述及中国类型电影研究综述。

    This article mainly from the following four aspects analysis : Firstly , this type of China film and type of film studies review .

  28. 灾难片立足灾难,选择了一个全球性的开放话题,人类对灾难的共识为这一类型电影的成功提供了最可靠的砝码。

    Disaster films are based on disaster , which is a worldwide open issue and is supported with the common view of audiences to it .

  29. 同时,类型电影对电影的市场化运作具有积极意义,因而成为电影发展的一个趋势。

    At the same time , genre film is significant to the marketization of film industry , which makes genre film a tendency of film developing .

  30. 公路电影是美国文化的特有产物,它作为一种类型电影已经有40余年的历史。

    The road movie is a special production of American culture , which has been developed for over 40 years as a kind of genre film .