
  • 网络pink;p!nk;Pink lady
  1. 华红和烟富1号试管苗POD活性在接种后44d时达到最大值,粉红佳人接种后52d时达到最大。

    In addition the POD activity of Huahong and Yanfu No.1 reached maximum after the inoculation for 44d , and which were 52d for Pink Lady .

  2. 与此同时,红毯上出现了一个不幸的窘境,粉红佳人和夏奇拉穿著相同的巴尔曼礼服现身。

    Meanwhile , in an unfortunate red carpet faux pas , Pink and Shakira both showed up in the same Balmain dress .

  3. 整个生育期内,华红和粉红佳人两个品种脱毒苗叶片中的叶绿素含量均显著高于普通苗,增幅分别达到13.16~47.06%和23.67~77.78%。

    In the entire growth period , the chlorophyll contents of virus-free Huahong and Pink Lady were significantly higher than the common seedling , the increase amplitude can respectively reach 13.16 ~ 47.06 % and 23.67 ~ 77.78 % .