
  • 网络Stephania tetrandra;Stephania tetrandra S. Moore
  1. 对粉防己生物碱的提取分离工艺路线进行调整设计,改革天然药物化学实验,使有机整体化和降低成本、毒性等;

    By adjusting and designing technical route about extraction and isolation of alkaloids from Stephania tetrandra S. Moore , in order to reform experimentation on medicinal chemistry of Nature Products , to connect experiments , reduce the cost and toxicity and so on .

  2. FTIR结合径向基人工神经网络智能识别粉防己与头花千金藤的研究

    Study on the Identification of Stephania Tetrandra S. Moore and Stephania Cepharantha Hayata Based on FTIR and Radial Basis Function Neural Network

  3. 粉防己碱可明显降低再灌注早期心室颤动的发生(P<0.05)。

    Tet reduced the incidence of ventricular fibrillation significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .

  4. 粉防己碱对烟雾吸入伤家兔炎症细胞合成释放白三烯B4的影响

    The effect of tetrandrine on the release of leukotriene b_4 by inflammatory cells of rabbits with smoke inhalation injury

  5. 粉防己甲素逆转耐药细胞株K(562)/VCR多药耐药的研究

    Study on Reversal of Multidrug Resistance of Drug resistance Leukemia K562 / VCR Cells by Tetrandrine

  6. 中药粉防己碱对高脂饮食兔脂代谢和主动脉壁血管细胞清道夫受体amRNA表达的影响

    Effects of Tetrandrine on Serum Lipid and Expression of Scavenger Receptor-A mRNA in Hypercholesterolaemic Rabbits ' Aorta

  7. 粉防己碱抑制肝纤维化大鼠肝组织c-fos和c-junmRNA表达

    Tetrandrine inhibits expressions of c-fos and c-jun mRNA in fibrotic liver of rats

  8. 粉防己碱对肾型高血压左室肥厚大鼠心肌ATP酶活性的影响

    Effects of tetrandrine on myocardial ATPase activities in renovascular hypertensive rats with left ventricular hypertrophy

  9. 粉防己碱和蝙蝠葛碱对人白血病细胞株HL-60和K(562)的生长抑制作用

    Inhibitory effects of tetrandrine and dauricine on growth of HL-60 slid K_ ( 562 ) cell lines

  10. 粉防己碱对大鼠角膜新生血管HIF-1α和VEGF表达的影响

    Effect of tetrandrine on the expression of HIF-1 α and VEGF in corneal neovascularization of rats

  11. 粉防己碱对人宫颈癌Hela细胞增殖与凋亡的影响

    Effect of tetrandrine on proliferation and apoptosis of human cervical cancer cell line hela

  12. 结论粉防己碱能增加GSH的神经保护作用。

    Conclusion Glutathione combined with tetrandrine could be endowed with the effects of neuroprotective effect .

  13. 粉防己碱与BSA相互作用的同步荧光光谱表明,二者的结合对BSA构象产生了影响。

    Results of synchronous fluorescence spectrum showed that the binding could cause conformational changes of BSA .

  14. 粉防己碱(Tet)对MDCK细胞钙激活钾通道(K(Ca))的影响

    Effect of Tetrandrine ( Tet ) on Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels ( K_ ( Ca )) in MDCK cells

  15. 粉防己碱逆转耐阿霉素的人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞的抗凋亡作用

    Reversal of Anti-Apoptotic Action by Tetrandrine in The Human Breast Carcinoma Doxorubicin Resistant MCF-7 Cells

  16. 结论粉防己碱可有效逆转P-gp介导的MDR。

    Conclusions : Tetrandrine was effective to overcome P-gp mediated MDR of human bladder cacinoma .

  17. 结果:在加入不同浓度的粉防己碱、维拉帕米后,肿瘤细胞K562内依托泊苷浓度有显著性提高。

    Results : The concentration of etoposide significantly increased in k 562 cells after adding the calcium channel blocking agents .

  18. 粉防己碱对缺氧诱导的大鼠大脑皮层神经元NMDA受体通道变化的影响英文

    Effects of tetrandrine on changes of NMDA receptor channel in cortical neurons of rat induced by anoxia

  19. 联合应用粉防己碱与甘草酸抑制HSC增殖及细胞外基质合成

    Effect of Combination of Tetrandrine and Glycyrrhizinic Acid on Proliferation and Extracellular Matrix Synthesis of Hepatic Stellate Cells

  20. 粉防己碱对内膜损伤后血管平滑肌细胞表型转化和p38表达的影响

    Effects of Tetrandrine on Phenotypic Modulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Expression of p38 after Intimal Injury

  21. 60及30mg·kg-1粉防己碱均可降低血清及胰腺组织内IL-1,IL-6及TNF-α的含量。

    60 and 30 mg · kg-1 tetrandrine significantly decreased IL-1 , IL-6 and TNF-a contents in plasma and pancreatic tissue .

  22. 目的应用大鼠异位心脏移植模型研究粉防己碱(TET)对慢性排斥反应(CR)的抑制作用。

    Objective Using rat heterotopic cardiac allografts transplantation model , the efficacy of tetrandrine ( TET ) in treatment of chronic rejection was investigated .

  23. 粉防己碱对HUVEC人类脐静脉内皮细胞迁移能力的抑制作用;

    To investigate invasion ability of HUVEC cell ( human umbilical vein endothelial cell ) under the stimulation of Tetrandrine ;

  24. 粉防己碱对PDGF、TGF-β诱导瘢痕成纤维细胞增殖与胶原合成的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of tetrandrine on the proliferation and collagen synthesis of human scar-derived fibroblasts stimulated by PDGF and TGF - β

  25. 粉防己碱抑制人膀胱移行细胞癌BIU-87细胞生长的研究

    Inhibitory Effect of Tetrandrine on the Growth of BIU-87 Cell in Human Bladder Transitional Cell Cancer

  26. 运用钙离子荧光指示剂Fura-2/AM,检测了粉防己碱(Tet)对成年大鼠心室肌细胞电压依赖性钙通道的影响。

    The effect of tetrandrine on voltage-dependent calcium channel of ventricular myocyte was investigated by fluorescein Fura-2 / AM in rats .

  27. 目的:观察粉防己碱(tetrandrine,Tet)对缺血顿抑心肌的保护作用并分析与心肌ATP酶活力的关系。

    AIM : To study the protective effect of tetrandrine ( Tet ) on postischemic myocardial stunning and whether it is responsible for ATPase activity .

  28. 本文以中药钙拮抗剂粉防己碱(tetrandrine,TET)为模型药,制备了TET海藻酸钙凝胶小球;

    Tetrandrine ( TET ), the calcium antagonists of Traditional Chinese Medicine , was selected as model drug to prepare calcium alginate gel beads .

  29. 粉防己碱(Tet)和牛磺酸(Tau)均能抑制ADP、胶原和凝血酶诱导的大鼠血小板聚集及血栓形成。

    The effects of tetrandine ( Tet ), Taurine ( Tau ) and Tet + tau on platelet aggregation and thrombosis were studied in rats .

  30. 目的探讨粉防己碱逆转MDR细胞凋亡抗性的作用及其机制。

    AIM To study the reversal action of apoptotic resistance in multidrug resistant ( MDR ) cell lines by tetrandrine ( TTD ) and mechanism involved in it .