
  • 网络size fraction;grade;particle fraction;soil particle;fraction
  1. 筛分后,不同粒级矿样的Au含量不同,在小于0037mm粒级中,Au含量达472×10-6,分布率高达9342%。

    After sizing , different size fraction sample has different Au content and less than 0.037 mm the Au content can reach 4.72 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ), the distributing ratio is 93.42 % .

  2. 考察矿物粒级、阴极孔径、电流强度对高岭石浮选速率的影响。

    The effects of particle size fraction , current intensity and aperture of mesh electrode on the flotation rate were studied .

  3. 土壤全N的粒级分布规律与有机碳基本相同。

    The distribution pattern of total nitrogen was similar to that of organic carbon .

  4. 塿土各粒级K十吸附特征有很大区别。

    K + adsorption of different particle fractions of lou soil varies greatly .

  5. 大气CO2浓度升高对土壤中不同粒级碳的影响

    Effects of CO_2 Concentration Increase in the Atmosphere on Carbon in Different Sized Soil Particles

  6. 大浓度范围内PV型旋风分离器粒级效率的计算方法

    Calculation of grade efficiencies of PV type cyclone sep-arators in a high dust concentration range

  7. 微细粒级钛铁矿浮选捕收剂ROB的作用机理

    Action Mechanism of Collector ROB in Panzhihua Ultrafine Ilmenite Flotation

  8. 采用粗粒级高强石墨加压渗铜工艺,制备了石墨渗铜(CIG:copper-impregnatedgraphite)喉衬材料。

    The copper-impregnated graphite ( CIG ) throat insert material was made by means of impregnating copper to coarse granular graphite .

  9. 矿化带处B层土壤比A层土壤中元素的富集强度稍大,元素明显地富集在粗粒级组分中;

    While on mineral belt , the extent of ore-forming elements and indicator elements supergene enrichment in horizon B soil was somewhat higher than that in horizon A soil .

  10. 黑钙土中>0.25mm粒级的水稳性团聚体百分含量增加,阳离子交换量提高,土壤pH值下降。

    The percentage content and cation exchange amount of aggregate stability of chernozem ( > 0 . 25 mm ) increased , but the pH decreased .

  11. 通过田间试验研究了长期定位施用不同有机肥种类对土壤各粒级复合体组成及其中C、N、P含量与分配的影响。

    A field experiment was conducted to study the contents and distribution of organic C , total N and P in soil particle sizes under long term application of manure .

  12. 长期施用不同有机肥对土壤各粒级复合体中C、N、P含量与分配的影响土壤-植物根系复合体本构关系的理论研究

    Influence of Long term Application of Manure on the Contents and Distribution of Organic C , Total N and P in Soil Particle sizes Study on constitutive relation of soil-root composite

  13. Cr以氧化物结合态和不溶物为主,在各粒级中含量较稳定,环境活性不大;As主要以前3种形态存在,在稳定环境下,其活性随粒径增加而减小。

    Soluble , carbonate and oxides are the main form of As , and its activity fall when diameters increase in the stable environment .

  14. 用室内模拟试验研究了有机C、无机N添加对耕地黑土不同粒级团聚体水稳性的影响。

    By the experiment of laboratory simulation , effect of organic C and inorganic N addition on water stability of aggregates with different particle fraction from cultivated black soil were studied .

  15. 采用田间培养试验初步模拟研究在高CO2浓度条件下土壤不同粒级碳的分布。

    Basing on field cultivation experiment and under high CO_2 concentration condition , the distribution of carbon content in different sized soil particles was primarily studied .

  16. 随粒级的增加HS各组分含量没有明显变化。

    The content of each component in HS did not change significantly with the increase of particle size .

  17. 微细浸染型金矿成矿与找矿的几个问题新型捕收剂ROB浮选微细粒级钛铁矿的试验研究

    Discussion on metallogeny and exploration of micro-fine disseminated gold deposits Flotation of Micro-fine Ilmenite Using New Type Collector ── ROB

  18. 除Sr以外,细粒级沉积物中元素含量明显高于粗粒级,变化幅度大。

    Except strontium , the concentrations of elements in fine-grained sediment is great higher than those in coarse-grained , with a wide range of variations .

  19. 降低烧结矿≤10mm粒级率的生产实践

    Production practice on reduction of sintered ore content in grain size ≤ 10mm

  20. 棕壤各粒级微团聚体及组成成分对Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+)吸附特性和吸附机制影响的研究

    Analysis of Adsorption Character and Mechanism of Cu ~( 2 + ) Cd ~( 2 + ) on Component in Brown Earth and Several Different Particle Fractions of Microaggregates Extracted from It

  21. ZY捕收剂分选粗粒级钛铁矿的试验研究

    Test Research of Separating Coarse Ilmenite with ZY Collector

  22. 对承钢黑山铁矿TiO2品位33%左右的粗钛精矿进行了不磨矿的粗粒级浮选或磨矿后细粒级浮选试验研究;

    The trial researches are conducted separately with coarse-grain flotation without grinding and fine-grain flotation after grinding for crude titaniferous concentrate with TiO2 grade of about 33 percent .

  23. 新型捕收剂RST浮选微细粒级钛铁矿

    Fine ilmenite flotation with RST

  24. 伊利石Rb-Sr粒级等时线定年模式及其在前寒武纪地层上的应用

    A dating model of illite grain Rb-Sr isochron and its application to Precambrian stratigraphy

  25. 采用交流阻抗谱方法,测定了以单粒级石墨为集料配制的系列硅酸盐水泥砂浆和含15%硅灰水泥砂浆的电导率.砂浆电导率与集料体积分数的关系可以用GEM方程拟合。

    AC impedance spectroscopy was used to evaluate the DC conductivity of Portland cement mortar and silica fume containing cement mortar with single sized graphite as aggregate .

  26. ISFOM对大粒级(50~250μm)中HA的影响较大。

    The humic acids of 50 - 250 um particle fraction were more sensitive to treatment .

  27. 厦门湾水体中不同粒级颗粒物、Chl-a和~(234)Th随潮汐的变化及其海洋学意义

    Tidal effects on size-fractioned SPM , Chl-a and ~ ( 234 ) Th in the Xiamen Bay waters and its oceanographical implications

  28. 结果表明:在不同粒级中C、N含量和分布均随土壤颗粒的加粗而逐渐下降,而C/N比则与此相反。

    The results showed that the C and N contents and their Percentages in the soil organic C and N decreased with the increase of particle size , but the C / N ratio increased with the increase of particle size .

  29. R-2捕收剂选别攀枝花微细粒级钛铁矿试验研究

    Experimental Research of Using R-2 Collector to Separate Panzhihua Microsized Ilmenite

  30. 中国北方沙漠风成沙不同粒级组分的Sr-Nd同位素特征

    Sr-Nd Isotopic Characteristics of Different Particle-Size Fractions of Eolian Sands in the Deserts of Northern China