
  • 网络tmv;smv;tobacco mosaic virus;mosaic virus
  1. TS制剂对番茄花叶病毒病的防治效果及其生理机制的研究

    The study on effects of virucide & ts in preventing tomato mosaic virus disease

  2. 花生矮化病毒(PSV)的研究花生普通花叶病毒病发生和流行规律研究

    Occurrence and epidemiology of peanut stunt virus ( PSV ) on peanut

  3. 大白菜不同品种对芜菁花叶病毒病(TPMV)的抵抗性

    Varietal resistance of Chinese cabbage to Turnip mosaic virus disease

  4. 针对黄瓜花叶病毒病防治现状,分析不同防治策略的优缺点,指出药剂防治、生物制剂、疫苗等由于污染环境、防效不明显等原因,在防治CMV上的应用受到越来越多的限制;

    The virtue and shortcoming of different tactics for cucumber mosaic virus control are reviewed in this paper . The application of such methods as pesticide , biologic pesticide and vaccine is restricted more and more in controlling CMV because of environment pollution and unconspicuous control effect .

  5. 莴苣花叶病毒病的研究Ⅰ。病原鉴定

    On the mosaic disease of asparagus lettuce ⅰ . etiological identification

  6. 中草药剂对烟草普通花叶病毒病的防治效果

    The Control Effects of Chinese Herbal Medicine to TMV in Tobacco

  7. 烤烟普通花叶病毒病田间自然传播能力研究

    Research on spread ability of tobacco mosaic virus in the field

  8. 烟草花叶病毒病是烟草漂浮苗的一个主要病害。

    Tobacco mosaic is a serious disease in float seeding .

  9. 几种抗烟叶普通花叶病毒病药剂的大田防效对比试验

    Comparison of Field Antivirus Effects of Several Reagents Against TMV of Tobacco

  10. 烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病抗性遗传分析及其分子标记

    Genetic Analysis and Molecular Marking of Resistance of Tobacco Cucumber Mosaic Virus

  11. 大豆抗花叶病毒病的鉴定方法

    Methods of identification of soybean resistance to soybean mosaic virus

  12. 杀病毒制剂对番茄花叶病毒病的防治效果

    A Study on the Controlling Effect of Viricide on Tomato Yellow Mosaic Virus

  13. 黄瓜花叶病毒病防治策略研究进展

    Research Progress of Tactics for Cucumber Mosaic Virus Control

  14. 植物基因工程为番茄抗黄瓜花叶病毒病育种开辟了新的途径。

    Plant genetic engineering provides a new way for tomato 's CMV resistance breeding .

  15. 甜菜花叶病毒病研究之二&感病细胞超微结构观察

    On the observation of ultrastructure of beet leaf cells infected by beet mosaic virus

  16. 小麦梭条花叶病毒病的初步研究

    Preliminary study on Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus

  17. 本文研究了植物激活蛋白对烟草花叶病毒病的盆栽和田间诱抗效果以及激活蛋白对烟草生长和品质的影响。

    The plant activator protein greatly increased the resistance of tobacco to mosaic disease .

  18. 吉林省大豆新品种(系)大豆花叶病毒病抗性分析

    Analysis of Resistance of New Soybean Varieties to Soybean Mosaic Virus in Jilin Province

  19. 菠菜花叶病毒病的诊断及其病细胞内含体的观察

    Notes on diagnosis of a virus disease of spinach with special reference to the cell inclusions

  20. 甘蔗花叶病毒病的研究进展

    Advances in Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Disease

  21. 烟草花叶病毒病是一种危害严重的世界性病害,可大幅度降低烟草的产量和品质。

    Tobacco mosaic is a severe worldwide disease and capable of greatly reducing tobacco quality and yield .

  22. 本研究利用农杆菌介导技术将黄瓜花叶病毒病缺失的运动蛋白基因导入番茄,创造了番茄抗黄瓜花叶病毒病新种质。

    In this study we have developed some new tomato germplasms with CMV-dMP gene by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens .

  23. 浙江省烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病灾变因子调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on cataclysmic factors caused by the disease of cucumber mosaic virus to tobacco in Zhejiang

  24. 甜菜花叶病毒病的研究Ⅰ.病毒的分离鉴定

    THE STUDIES OF BEET DISEASE INDUCED BY BEET MOSAIC VIRUS ⅰ . Isolation and Identification of The Virus

  25. 药用植物粗提物对罗汉果花叶病毒病的防治作用研究

    Study on Prevention Effect of Extracts from Several Medicinal Plants on Mosaic Virus Disease of Momordica grosvenori Swingle

  26. 黄瓜花叶病毒病是影响番茄产量的重要病害,发病时可造成番茄严重减产。

    Cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ) is an important virus to tomato which can cause serious yield lost .

  27. 芋花叶病毒病是造成天星科植物产量下降,品质劣变的主要原因。

    The main reasons of low output and quality were infected by Dasheen mosaic virus ( DMV ) in Araceae .

  28. 大豆花叶病毒病是世界性病害,导致大豆产量降低并产生种粒斑驳。

    Soybean mosaic virus ( SMV ) disease is a worldwide disease , resulting in yield reduction and seed coat mottling .

  29. 高抗晚疫病,对花叶病毒病和卷叶病毒病具有较好的田间抗性。

    It is high resist to late blight , resist to the potato mosaic virus and potato leafroll virus in the field .

  30. 氟苯尼考混悬注射液与普通注射液在猪体内的药代动力学比较几种抗烟叶普通花叶病毒病药剂的大田防效对比试验

    Comparative pharmacokinetics of suspension injection and common injection of florfenicol in pigs Comparison of Field Antivirus Effects of Several Reagents Against TMV of Tobacco