
  • 网络Smart growth
  1. 精明增长的城市交通与土地利用规划模式

    Planning Mode of Urban Transport and Land Use on Smart Growth

  2. 基于精明增长的城市灰色用地规划研究

    Study of Urban Grey Land Planning Based on " Smart Growth "

  3. 公交导向发展(TOD)是资源节约、环境友好、土地集约型的精明增长方式,是我国大都市发展的战略选择和必由之路。

    Transit-Oriented Development ( TOD ) is a resource-con - serving , environment-friendly , land-intensive , and growth-smart de - velopment pattern , and is a strategic choice and the only way for metropolitan development in China .

  4. 新城市主义与精明增长理论进展与评述

    A Review on the Study of New Urbanism and Smart Growth Theories

  5. 因此,选择精明增长的城市发展策略更有其紧迫性。

    Therefore , it is more urgent to select the smart urban growth .

  6. 浅析精明增长理论在我国的应用

    The application of smart growth theory in our country

  7. 基于精明增长的区域土地利用结构优化配置研究

    Optimization of Regional Land Use Based on Smart Growth

  8. 美国新城市主义与精明增长发展观解读

    Understandings on Development View of New Urbanism and Smart Growth of the USA

  9. 从精明增长的视角看浙江省城镇空间扩展的理性选择

    Rational Choice of Urban Spatial Expansion in Zhejiang Province Based on Smart Growth

  10. 美国的精明增长发展计划

    Smart Growth in the United States of America

  11. 在协调与融合中精明增长&国外交通建筑的规划与设计

    Smart Growth in Coordination and Assimilation : Planning and Design for Transportation Architecture in Abroad

  12. 精明增长在城市土地利用中的应用&以重庆市1小时经济圈为例

    Application of Smart Growth Theory in Urban Planning & A Case Study of Chongqing One-Hour-Urban-Economy-Circle

  13. 从无序蔓延到精明增长&美国城市增长边界概念述评

    From sprawl toward smart growth : remarks on urban growth boundary concept of USA and its significance

  14. 本文在精明增长和城市土地集约利用研究综述的基础上,将精明增长对城市土地集约利用的作用机理进行了分析,形成了基于精明增长的城市土地集约利用的概念与内涵。

    And it formed concept and connotation of urban land intensive use basing on the smart growth .

  15. 其四,基于精明增长理论的东部浅山居住片区规划设计。

    Forth , the programming and planning of eastern Qianshan resident area based on smart growth theory .

  16. 本文通过精明增长和紧凑城市等理论的比较研究,以经验借鉴充实集约增长的编制内涵。

    With analising smart growth and compact city , intensive growth is enriched by using for reference .

  17. 其次,运用城市精明增长评价指标对上海市的城市增长进行实证研究。

    □ Conducts the empirical study with a case of Shanghai by the urban smart growth indicator system .

  18. 西方国家针对这种日益严重的城市蔓延现象,提出了精明增长理念。

    Response to this growing phenomenon of urban sprawl in western countries , it proposed smart growth concept .

  19. 管理城市成长:精明增长理论及对中国的启示

    Managing Urban Growth : Review on the Theory of Smart Growth and Its Reference for City Development in China

  20. 这也是本文的创新点,其创新之处在于精明增长理论在山地居住片区中的运用。

    This is the innovation point in this paper , which is using smart growth theory in hilly resident areas .

  21. 精明增长理念作为一种全新的城市发展思路,在发达国家已逐渐成熟并取得较大进展。

    Smart growth theory , a new urban development idea , has gradually matured and made great progress in developed countries .

  22. 借鉴西方国家的精明增长的理念,对南昌市空间管制提出了建议。

    In the last , Drawing on concept of " smart growth " from Western countries , space controlling Strategies of Nanchang have been suggested .

  23. 而在西方城市,基于紧凑、节约和持续发展的城市精明增长思潮正方兴未艾。

    At the same time , the theory of urban smart growth based on compactness , economy and sustainable development is in the ascendant in West cities .

  24. 本文旨在对精明增长相关文献做一梳理,主要包括理论内涵及基本特征、相关实践进展以及对中国城市发展的启示。

    This paper aims at sorting and analyzing correlative literature about Smart Growth , including its theoretical and practical advance and reference for city development in China .

  25. 以此为基础,作者从城市土地利用结构、土地利用强度、土地利用的经济、社会和环境效益五个方面选取指标,构建了精明增长下的城市土地集约利用评价指标体系。

    On the base of this , the author built an evaluation index system from land-use structure , intensity , land-use economic , social and environmental benefits .

  26. 根据城市精明增长理论的理论内涵,建立了包括城市增长总量、城市增长强度、城市增长循环和城市增长效益等四个指标的面向土地低消耗的城市精明增长的指标框架。

    Leading components comprises of urban growth capacity , urban growth intensity , urban growth circulation and urban growth efficiency are introduced about urban smart growth indicator system .

  27. 其中理论构建部分阐明了精明增长中国化的内涵、以及精明增长的城市交通与土地利用规划内涵两个主要内容,这两个内容同时也构成了论文的前两大结论。

    For planning theory , the Chinese connotation of Smart Growth and integration of urban transport and land use are well discussed , which , in accord constitutes the main results of the paper .

  28. 因此,借鉴国外城市增长管理经验方法,解决我国城市发展过程中的种种问题,引导城市精明增长十分必要。

    Therefore , learn from foreign experience city growth management method , to solve all kinds of problems in the city development of our country , it is necessary to guide the urban smart growth .

  29. 从执行系统分析,应改进规划审批权限及程序,改革开发控制模式,实现城市精明增长;

    From the perspective of implementation subsystem , the administrative power , the examination and approval procedures and the development control mechanism of urban planning should be improved to meet the need of efficient urban growth .

  30. 理论研究部分通过对关于城市可持续发展理论的分析,提出了绿色城市生态城市、新城市主义、精明增长以及紧凑城市这几个城市可持续发展的理念。

    Theoretical research on the part of urban sustainable development through the analysis of several , made clear the theory of green city 、 ecological city 、 new urbanism 、 smart growth and compact city this several ideas .