
  1. 基于GPS和INS数据融合的复合精确制导技术

    Combined Precision Guidance Technique Based on GPS and INS Data Integration

  2. GPS制导方式是当前精确制导技术中一项重要技术,GPS制导与反制导技术的研究正成为军事领域关注的焦点。

    GPS guidance is one of the key methods of precision guidance technology at present . The GPS guidance and anti GPS guidance technologies are the focus in military field .

  3. 自动目标识别技术(ATR)是当前精确制导技术中应重点研究的一个关键问题。

    Automatic target recognition ( ATR ) is a key technology for the precise missile guiding .

  4. 毫米波精确制导技术

    Study on the Millimeter Wave Precision Guidance Technology

  5. 成像精确制导技术分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Imaging Precision Guidance Technology

  6. 从美伊之战看精确制导技术的发展

    Development of Precision Guided Technology from America-Iraq War

  7. 21世纪前20年精确制导技术发展预测

    A prediction of precision guidance technology in the earlier 20 years of the 21st century

  8. 精确制导技术的发展

    Developing Trend of Precision Guidance Technology

  9. 精确制导技术研究

    Study on Precision Guidance Technology

  10. 基于最新控制理论的新型导引律成为各国精确制导技术的研究热点。

    New guidance law based on latest control theory has become a hot spot in precision guidance technology .

  11. 精确制导技术在未来制导兵器发展中的应用预测(二)

    The forecast of the precision guiding techniques applied to guided weapon systems in future ( part 2 )

  12. 并对当前的成像精确制导技术做了相关介绍。

    The last of this chapter has made an introduction to the current imaging precision guidance technology . 2 .

  13. 随着红外对抗技术的发展,红外成像制导已成为光电精确制导技术的一个发展方向。

    With the development of infrared counteraction technology , infrared imaging guidance has become the stream of photoelectric precision guidance technology .

  14. 随着光电技术的进步,图像制导成为精确制导技术的重要方法之一。

    With the development of optical current technology , image guidance is becoming one of the important methods for accuracy guidance technology .

  15. 复合制导技术作为精确制导技术的发展方向之一,是导弹制导的发展趋势。

    Composite homing technology which is one of the development directions of the precision homing technology , is the development trend of missile homing .

  16. 红外成像制导是当今精确制导技术中使用最多的一种,是当今红外技术在军事上的主要应用之一。

    IR imaging guidance is the most wildly used among precise guidance technique and is one of application in military affairs of IR technique .

  17. 打了就不管的精确制导技术已经成为现代制导武器的发展方向。

    The accurate guidance technology of " Launch and Forget " has already become the trend of the development of the modern guided weapons .

  18. 随着精确制导技术和卫星技术的发展,空间防御能力成为各个航天国家日益关注的课题。

    With the development of the precision guided munition and satellite technology , the space-faring nations are increasingly concerned about the capability of space defense .

  19. 在最新的激光成像精确制导技术中,利用三维激光雷达图像获取的三维目标数据进行三维目标识别是需要解决的一个关键问题。

    Making use of three-dimensional target data obtained from the three-dimensional laser radar to recognize three-dimensional object is the core process of lasted precision guided weapon technology .

  20. 从地地导弹制导系统的发展历程,论述了地地导弹制导技术的未来趋势,讨论了激光精确制导技术在地地导弹末制导中的应用可行性。

    In this paper , from the development of the surface to surface missile guidance , the future direction of the surface to surface ( missile ) guidance is discussed .

  21. 随着红外技术的快速发展,红外成像制导成为红外制导技术发展的趋势,同时也成为精确制导技术的重要方法之一。

    With the rapid development of the infrared technology , infrared image guidance is becoming the tendency of the infrared guidance technology , and one of the methods for high accuracy guidance technology .

  22. 随着精确制导技术的发展,现在不再是利用单一的雷达或者红外寻的制导方法实现对目标的探测、跟踪,而是采用多谱段组合的复合寻的方法实现对目标的探测、跟踪和指令的形成。

    With the development of the precision guidance technique , the multi-frequency bands integrated detector has been applied to homing guidance for detecting and tracking targets instead of single mode detector , such as radar or infrared seeker .

  23. 现代战争已发展成为高科技信息化战争,导弹因为其精确制导技术,已成为信息化局部战争中物理杀伤的主要手段,在现代战争中起着越来越重要的作用。

    Modern warfare has developed into a high-tech information warfare . With precision-guided missile technology , Information-based missiles has become a local anti-war primary means of physical . In the current generation of missile war playing an increasingly important role .

  24. 本文根据未来制导兵器应具有的基本功能,综合分析了现有各种制导技术的特点,给出未来制导兵器发展中精确制导技术的发展重点,并对每一种技术进行了较详细地论述。

    On the basis of the synthetic analysis of the functions of up-to-date guiding techniques , the forecast of the development of the precision guiding techniques is made in this paper in consideration of the deserved elementary requirements for the precision guided weapon systems in future .

  25. 武器精确制导系统技术包括了卫星导航定位技术(例如GPS、GLONASS等)和捷联惯导系统(SINS)。

    Precision guided weapon system technology , including satellite navigation and positioning technologies ( such as GPS , GLONASS , etc. ) and SINS ( SINS ) .

  26. 抗精确制导武器技术研究

    The Study of Precision Guided Weapon Countermeasures Technique

  27. 半主动雷达寻的/红外寻的双模复合导引头,是精确制导复合技术中一种典型的复合导引头。

    The dual mode composite seeker of half-active radar / infrared homing is a successful composite seeker in technique of precision guidance system .

  28. 随着高新技术在军事领域的应用,精确末制导技术可直接影响导弹的命中精度。

    With the application of the new technology in military areas , terminal guidance laws are used in missile to improve the guidance precision .

  29. 随着精确制导武器技术的不断发展,机载光电吊舱已成为精确打击和跟踪系统中的重要组成部分。

    With the development of the Precision Guided Weapon technique , airborne optoelectronic pod has become an important part of fighter precise attack system .

  30. 近年来,随着精确制导武器技术的不断发展和作战样式的改变,以美国为首的西方发达国家纷纷把发展精确制导武器的重点转向了防区外中远程精确打击武器之上。

    In recent years , some western developed countries , for example USA first , turned exact control and guide weapon into the out-defence area and middle and long-distance precision-beating weapon with the unceasing develop of the exact control and guide and the change of the campaign manner .