
  • 网络Lean six sigma;LSs;lean sigma;Lean SixSigma
  1. 如何培养对管理层的精益六西格玛领导力影响?

    How to build up LSS leadership influence to executives ?

  2. 精益六西格玛虽然具有如此强大功能,也早已被国内外一些大型生产企业所采用,但是在国内真正能为企业带来卓越成效的案例并不多见。

    Although LSS has such a powerful function , and has long been adopted by some large domestic and abroad manufacturers to improve their manufacturing capacity , but it is rare to see that this management method brought the outstanding effectiveness in the domestic implementation of lean six sigma enterprise .

  3. 戴尔公司PC精益六西格玛组装项目实施研究

    The Research about Implement of PC Lean Six Sigma Assembly Project in Dell

  4. BD苏州公司推行精益六西格玛管理取得了多方面的效果。

    BD Suzhou Company made various effects by carrying out lean six sigma .

  5. 我个人就为业务分析师写过一份教程,它基于10个关键概念,同时附有相应的BPMN。说服与我一起工作的精益六西格玛(LeanSixSigma)黑带接受BPMN不是件易事。

    Personally , I have created a tutorial for business analysts based on10 key concepts and even by pairing down BPMN it was hard to convince the Lean Six Sigma Black Belts I worked with to adopt BPMN .

  6. FBU公司精益六西格玛战略实施研究

    Implementation Research of Lean & Six Sigma Strategy at FBU Company

  7. 本文以笔者所在的WY公司为案例研究对象,理论与实践结合,分析研究和总结精益六西格玛理论和实践在我国企业推广应用的策略和措施。

    Combining theory with practice , by case study in WY Company where the author is working , the paper study and summarize the theory and practice of Lean Six Sigma for application of promotion policies and measures in our enterprises .

  8. 精益六西格玛方法在电信服务质量管理中的应用研究

    Research on Lean Six Sigma Applications to Telecommunication Service Quality Management

  9. 快速改变解决方案,支持一个迭代、精益六西格玛方法

    Change solutions rapidly and support an iterative lean six sigma approach

  10. 精益六西格玛物流与山西企业竞争优势的构筑

    Lean Six Sigma Logistics and Building Competitive Advantage of Shanxi Enterprises

  11. 最后提出了精益六西格玛实施建议,强调企业文化的重要性。

    Finally , bring forward some lean six sigma implementation suggestion .

  12. 精益六西格玛:新竞争优势的来源

    Lean Six Sigma , the Source of New Competitive Advantage

  13. 为执行精益六西格玛,一个模式和框架被开发出来。

    A model and framework for implementing Lean Six Sigma is developed .

  14. 提出了看板系统实施精益六西格玛模式的方法。

    The method of LSS to improvement Kanban system is pointed out .

  15. 中国企业实施精益六西格玛过程中的关键问题

    Key issues on Lean Six Sigma implementation in China

  16. 基于精益六西格玛建造的工程项目优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Construction Project Based on Lean and Six Sigma Construction

  17. 精益六西格玛方法在缩短平均住院日中的应用研究

    The Study of Lean Six Sigma Applications in Decrease of Average Length of Stay

  18. 钛合金铸件生产管理精益六西格玛实践

    The Practice of Lean and Six Sigma

  19. 精益六西格玛及其实施

    Lean Six Sigma and Its Application

  20. 并且相关的经验可以为其他公司或其他行业精益六西格玛的推广实施提供有益的借鉴。

    And the experience can be used for reference for the other companies or the other industry .

  21. 精益六西格玛是精益生产与六西格玛管理的结合,其本质是消除浪费。

    Lean Six Sigma is a combination of Lean and Six Sigma , its nature is to eliminate waste .

  22. 精益六西格玛作为精益方法与六西格玛管理的结合,必将能够刨造出超越对手的竞争优势。

    Lean six sigma , which is the integration of lean and six sigma , can create a competitive advantage surpassing other competitors .

  23. 同时通过对项目成果的展示,展现了公司发展精益六西格玛后取得巨大成功转变的历程。

    Through display the harvest results of projects , it is presented Donaldson Wuxi acquired great successful by develop Lean Six Sigma management .

  24. 论文提出关注系统、以流程管理为中心等实施精益六西格玛的关键因素。最后对精益六西格玛理论的要素和基本定理内容进行了阐述。

    And it addresses some key successful factors of Lean Six Sigma application , such as focusing on the system , process management .

  25. 本文是中小企业精益六西格玛转型升级战略研究论文,对中小企业转型升级发展改善具有指导意义。

    This is SME " S Lean Six Sigma Transformation Upgrade Stratagem Study , To Lead SME " S Development and Improvement directivity .

  26. 将有助于中国企业管理层科学地认识并在企业成功实施精益六西格玛。

    All these studies are benefit for managers in China to understand Lean Six Sigma correctly and execute it successfully in their own corporations .

  27. 明确了精益六西格玛的内涵并构造精益六西格玛的经济效益评估模型,并对精益生产和六西格玛两种模式结合的必要性和可行性进行论证。

    The research clarifies lean six sigma connotation and its economic evaluation model . And account for lean and six sigma combine necessity and feasibility .

  28. 在国外,有许多服务性企业正在运用精益六西格玛管理模式,并取得了良好的业绩及客户满意度提升。

    Many service firms are using Lean Six Sigma management abroad , and have achieved good results and the customers ' satisfactory has been raised .

  29. 精益六西格玛委员会隶属于上海市管理科学学会,是一个校企合作,服务学生,企业和社会的非营利性组织。

    Lean Six Sigma Institute ( LSSI ), subordinated to the Shanghai Management Science Society , is a non-profit organization with the goal to improve operations performance .

  30. 上海电信话费异议的精确化管理&基于精益六西格玛的方法确定配电网最佳无功补偿点位置及容量的优化方法

    Research on Accurate Management of Service Operation Based on Lean Six Sigma ; Optimization Method for Determining Best Location & Capacitance of Reactive Power Compensation in Distribution Network