
  • 网络psychoactive substance
  1. 精神活性物质滥用能引起神经细胞特定的适应性反应,从而导致依赖。

    Psychoactive substances abusing may induce neuron-specific adaptation and lead to physical and psychological dependence .

  2. 格拉-多西的分析进一步表明,精神活性物质可能是给精英保留的。”

    Guerra-Doce 's analysis further suggeststhat psychoactive substances may have been reserved for the elite .

  3. 深圳市中学生使用药物与精神活性物质的追踪研究鱼藤中抗肿瘤活性化合物的追踪分离及与DNA的相互作用

    STUDY ON DRUG AND PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE USE AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SHENZHEN ; Bioassay-guided Isolation of Antitumor Compounds from Derris trifoliate Lour and Their Interaction with DNA

  4. 以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质精神依赖性强。国产丁丙诺啡的药物依赖性特性

    ATS and related club drugs had strong psychic dependence-producing potential . THE DEPENDENCE - PRODUCING PROPERTIES OF BUPRENORPHINE

  5. 应激、学习记忆与精神活性物质依赖及复发的关系

    Relationship between learning , memory and relapse of psychological active substances

  6. 全国部分地区中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用流行病学调查

    Epidemiological study of central stimulants and other related psychoactive substance abuse

  7. 杭州市中小学生精神活性物质使用情况调查

    Investigation on the use of psychoactive substance among primary and middle school students in Hangzhou

  8. 精神活性物质滥用的危害性及相关问题

    On harmfulness of psychoactive substance abuse

  9. 医学生使用精神活性物质状况分析

    Psychoactive substance use among medical students

  10. 目的··:了解武汉地区中学生使用药物/精神活性物质情况。

    Objective : To survey drug / psychoactive substance use among senior middle school students in Wuhan area .

  11. 据早期的书面文件证明,许多欧亚文化是已公认拥有一种精神活性物质的古代历史。

    Many Eurasian cultures are known to have anancient history with psychoactive substances , as evidenced by early writtendocuments .

  12. 目的:调查全国部分地区中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用的基本情况、特点和危害。

    Objective : To understand the basic situation , characteristics and consequences of central stimulants and other related psychoactive substance abuse .

  13. 药物渴求是药物滥用者对过去体验过的精神活性物质效应的一种难以克制的渴望。

    Drug craving refers to drug abusers ' un-inhibitory yearn for the spiritualized material effect , which they used to experience .

  14. 之前的研究也发现了类似的相关性,进一步表明咖啡——这一世界上被最频繁摄取的精神活性物质——能够帮助缓解抑郁的可能性。

    Previous research has found similar correlations reinforcing the possibility that coffee-the most frequently ingested psychoactive substance in the world-can help alleviate depression .

  15. 成瘾是精神活性物质长期作用于大脑而产生的神经适应性改变,而成瘾性物质的奖赏效应则被认为是产生精神依赖的最主要原因。

    Past investigations indicated that rewarding effect of abusive drugs is considered as the major reason , which results in addiction especially psychological dependence .

  16. 精神活性物质滥用的主要原因是好奇和受周围人影响(分别占87.5%,78.7%和87.0%)。

    The main reason of using psychoactive drug was " curiosity " and " peer " influence ( 87.5 % , 78.7 % , 87.0 % ) .

  17. 目的了解广州市大、中学生对精神活性物质的知、信、行现状,为进行学生健康教育提供参考。

    Objective To collect the information of psychoactive drug KAP among college and middle school students in Guangzhou and to provide evidences for health education policy making .

  18. 之前的研究也发现了类似的相关性,进一步表明咖啡这一世界上被最频繁摄取的精神活性物质能够帮助缓解抑郁的可能性。

    Previous research has found similar correlations reinforcing the possibility that coffee – the most frequently ingested psychoactive substance in the world – can help alleviate depression .

  19. 本文采取自填问表方式,对北京医科大学在校的1229名医学生使用精神活性物质状况进行了调查。

    A Psychoactive substance use survey of 1229 medical students at Beijing medical university was carried out in 1990 . The survey instrument used was a self-administered questionnaire .

  20. 当男人最可能得孩子的年龄时,抑郁、焦虑、酗酒、精神活性物质的滥用、双相性精神障碍和精神分裂症的发病率达到了顶峰。

    The incidences of depression , anxiety , alcohol and substance abuse , bipolar disorder , and schizophrenia peak at the age when men are most likely to have young children .

  21. 药物成瘾是精神活性物质反复作用于大脑引发的一种长期适应性改变,并被认为是一种慢性复发性的脑病。

    Drug abuse is recognized as long-term adaptation in brain which is resulted from repeatedly usage of psychoactive substances . Therefore , drug addiction is also presumed as chronic and relapsing encephalopathy .

  22. 既往精神健康,无严重躯体疾病,无慢性疼痛史,无精神活性物质依赖史,没有被催眠的经历。

    Normal subjects without mental diseases , general medical diseases , chronic pain and psychoactive addiction in the past and at present , and have never been hypnotized .