
  • 网络elite universities;Help;Help University;Help University College;Elite-Uni
  1. 尽管如此,琼斯还是代表了一小部分能够进入更多精英大学的第一代学生,这些精英大学强有力的经济援助计划和第一代学生的高毕业率非常有名。

    Still , Jones represents a small percentage of first-generation students who are able to gain entry into more elite universities , which are often known for robust financial aid packages and remarkably high graduation rates for first-generation students .

  2. 在英国,他考察的是牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)等精英大学;

    in the UK , at elite universities such as Oxford and Cambridge ;

  3. "现实情况是,很多低收入的孩子能够获得全额奖学金进入精英大学,但是他们甚至没有意识到这一点。"

    " The   reality   of   it is   that   a   lot   of   low-income   kids   could   be   going   to   elite   universities on a full ride scholarship and don 't even realize it . "

  4. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new 100 Under 50 report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  5. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new " 100 Under 50 " report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  6. 在美国,他考察了医生;在英国,他考察的是牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)等精英大学;在瑞典,他考察的是土地记录。

    In the US he looked at doctors ; in the UK , at elite universities such as Oxford and Cambridge ; and in Sweden , land records .

  7. 上月,德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)批准选择3所大学,作为有资格享受更多国家资助的精英大学,而长期以来有关教育资金的争论由此升级。

    It comes after a long debate about education funding escalated last month when the government of Angela Merkel , Chancellor , endorsed the selection of three universities as elite institutions eligible for state higher funding .

  8. 最近像病毒般迅速传播的杜克大学学生报纸的客座专栏中,大四学生凯莉·诺埃尔·沃尔多夫(KellyNoelWaldorf)谈及一所精英大学的低收入家庭学生会感到多么孤立无援。

    In a guest column for Duke University 's student newspaper that recently went viral , senior KellyNoel Waldorf addresses how isolating it can feel as a low-income student at an elite university .

  9. 美国两所精英大学就禁止只上网课的留学生留在美国的新规向特朗普政府提起诉讼。哈佛大学和麻省理工学院起诉美国移民和海关执法局,此前该机构宣布,将不允许持F-1签证的国际学生在秋季参加全部网络课程。

    Two elite U.S. universities have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration over new rules barring international students from taking online courses in the U.S. Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued Immigration and Customs Enforcement after announcing it will not permit international students on F-1 visas to take a full online course load in the fall .

  10. 学生们非常清楚进入精英大学给他们带来的好处。

    Students know that there are advantages to attending an Elite school .

  11. 这种会议网络效应在精英大学里要好得多。

    The conference networking scene is much better at the elite universities .

  12. 正是精英大学孕育了这种社交成果。

    Elite universities are a breeding ground for this type of social outcome .

  13. 这些精英大学的学生周末就可以拿到。

    The Elite student can have it by the end of the week .

  14. 一位我曾经雇用过的人认为,因为他毕业于精英大学,

    One person I hired felt that because he attended an elite university ,

  15. 该项调查还发现,来自精英大学的毕业生对简历的美化最少。

    The research also finds that graduates from elite universities embellish the least .

  16. 其结果就是越来越多的大学缩短了与精英大学的差距。

    The result is that numerous colleges have narrowed the gap with the elites .

  17. 造成2008年的经济危机的人几乎都是从精英大学毕业的。

    The financial crisis of2008 was overwhelmingly caused by graduates of the world 's elite Universities .

  18. 能够被精英大学录取并顺利毕业,同样需要付出很多心血和牺牲。

    getting into and graduating from an elite university takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice .

  19. 再者,普林斯顿大学是世界级的精英大学之一,在其学生中仍然可见这种效应。

    Furthermore , theeffect was seen in students from Princeton University , one of the world 's eliteuniversities .

  20. 取得高分数,进入一所精英大学是我能看到出人头地的为数不多的路之一。

    Getting perfect grades and attending an elite college was one of the few ways up I could see .

  21. 此举是中国新一代企业家向美国精英大学作出高调捐赠的最新一例。

    The initiative is the latest high-profile donation to elite US universities by a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs .

  22. 在日本、韩国、法国等国家,沉重的功课负担在那些有望上精英大学的尖子生当中是很常见的。

    And heavy workloads are typical for elite-college-bound kids in countries such as Japan , South Korea and France .

  23. 大家都期望精英大学的学生们会倾其所有地投入学习和研究。

    It is expected that the students who attend these Elite schools will put everything they have into their studies .

  24. 在精英大学,学生们能获取的不仅仅是大学资源,还包括了整个世界的资源。

    At Elite universities , the students have access to not just their own universitys resources but to the entire world .

  25. 但是与其把资源集中在少数精英大学上,不如将目标定为建立一个世界级的高等教育系统。

    Ather than concentrating resources in a small number of elite universities , the aim should be a world-class HE system .

  26. 以前,拥有一所精英大学的本科文凭被认为是被重点法律或医学学院录取的前提条件。

    Once , it was assumed that an elite-college undergraduate degree was required for admission to a top law or medical program .

  27. 奇怪的是,在精英大学忽视他们的核心任务的同时,进入大学的竞争却变得非常疯狂。

    Curiously , the elite universities neglect of their core college mission has coincided with a frenzied competition to enter their gates .

  28. 这些精英大学历来积累着极好的资源和人才,每年吸引大批生气勃勃的申请人。

    Propelled by a tradition of great resources and talent , these Elite schools attract a large pool of hopeful applicants each year .

  29. 如果把招聘范围从精英大学的小圈子扩大到更多大学,那么数量较少但更为忠诚的员工肯定是找得到的。

    By expanding hiring away from purely elite university applicants , a smaller but more loyal cohort of employees could surely be found .

  30. 但有这样一群学生,甚至是克鲁格尔和戴尔也觉得他们从精英大学里获得了巨大的益处:那就是那些来自劣势背景的学生。

    There is one group of students that even Krueger and Dale found benefited significantly from attending elite schools : those from disadvantaged backgrounds .