
  • 网络saccharomyces diastaticus;S.diastaticus
  1. 糖化酵母原生质体诱变育种的研究

    Studies on mutagensis of Saccharomyces diastaticus by protoplast

  2. 以K氏酵母、糖化酵母为亲本,采用单亲灭活原生质体融合技术进行属间融合,构建可直接转化淀粉产酒精的菌株。

    S. cerevisiae K and S.diastaticus were used as parent strains to construct a new strain ( which could directly transform starch into fuel alcohol ) by inactivating S.diastaticus through protoplast fusion .

  3. 研究了DS57酵母的性能,鉴定为糖化酵母。

    It was identified as saccharifying yeast according to its property .

  4. 淋饭酒母中糖化酵母的分离及其性能研究

    Isolation of saccharifying yeast from Lin-fan rice wine starter and its property

  5. 糖化酵母直接发酵甘薯原料生产蛋白强化饲料

    Production of Protein Enriched Feed Directly Fermenting from Sweet Potato by Amylolytic Yeast

  6. 糖化酵母在酒精工业中应用的研究(Ⅱ)&原生质体融合构建能分解淀粉的高温酒精酵母

    The study and application of Saccharomyces diastaticus (ⅱ) & construction of amylolytic distiller 's yeast by Protoplast Fusion

  7. 糖化酵母在干啤酒生产中应用的研究(Ⅱ)&原生质体细胞融合法选育高发酵度啤酒酵母

    The Study on the Application of S.Diastaticus in Beer (ⅱ)── Selection of Brewing Yeast with Higher Activity of Extracellular Glucoamylase by Protoplast Fusion

  8. 糖化工艺对酵母沉降速率的影响

    Effects of Saccharification Technology on the Sedimentation Rate of Yeast

  9. 糖化酶与酵母共固定化酒精连续发酵研究初报

    Preliminary study on alcoholic continuous fermentation by co-immobilization of saccharifying enzymes and yeasts

  10. 原生质体融合可培育出糖化型啤酒酵母,选育提高酵母凝絮性的菌株,以及培育新菌株;

    Saccharification beer yeast could be cultured by bioplast inoculation and strains of improv-ing yeast flocculation selected for the culture of new strains ;

  11. 黄姜淀粉经过!-淀粉酶液化,加糖化酶和酵母进行边糖化边发酵生产酒精。

    Yam starch was liquefied by α - amylase , adding saccharifying enzyme and yeast to carry on fermenting while saccharifying to produce ethyl alcohol .

  12. 黑曲霉糖化酶在酿酒酵母中的表达和分泌

    Expression and Secretion of Glucoamylase of Aspergillus niger in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  13. 结果表明:改造后的糖化酶基因在酵母中的表达、分泌水平及水解淀粉的能力都高于未改造的基因。

    Theresults show that the expression and secretion level of the modified cDNA and the amylolyticcapability of the engineered yeast strain are higher than those of the stain with cDNA .

  14. 利用糖化醋渣制取酵母单细胞蛋白物料,其酵母细胞数和菌体有机氮含量分别达到1.26×109个/g(干物量)和4.76%(干重)。

    The yeast single cell protein material was obtained by saccharified vinegar residue residues . The number of the yeast cell and the organic nitrogen content of the material reached up to 1.26 × 109 cfu g-1 ( dry matter ) and 4.76 % ( dry weight ), respectively .

  15. 通过一系列应用试验,证明其具有刺激微生物增殖、提高糖化酶的糖化效果、提高酵母的产酒率等多种作用。

    Through a series of application experiments , it was proved to stimulate the multiplication of brewing microorganisms , increase the effect of saccharifying enzyme activity and improve the production rate of the yeast .