
  1. 糖尿病高危人群风险因素对照研究

    The control study on risk factors of high-risk population in diabetes

  2. 2型糖尿病高危人群的早期预测及其评价

    Prediction and evaluation of population at high risk of 2 type diabetes mellitus

  3. 对该糖尿病高危人群应进行监测及教育以利早期防治。

    These high risk groups of diabetes should be monitored and educated for early prevention and treatment .

  4. 在770名高血压或糖尿病高危人群中,46.88%认为社区内设立的高血压、糖尿病咨询门诊对自己有帮助。

    Of 770 high risk people with hypertension and / or diabetes mellitus , 46 88 % regarded the community service station of hypertension and diabetes mellitus as a helpful way .

  5. 本品是专为糖耐量低减人群和糖尿病高危人群而研制,能有效地预防糖尿病的发生,降低糖尿病发病率,对糖尿病患者的康复有促进作用。

    It is developed technically for the patients with glucose tolerance low and at risk of diabetes ; it can effectively prevent diabetes , reduce the incidence of diabetes , and promote rehabilitation .

  6. 不同来源黄芪的AFLP标记和代谢谱分析糖尿病及高危人群氧化代谢关键酶的测定与生化代谢谱的研究

    Study of Different Sources Astragalus with AFLP and Metabolite Profiling Analyses and Research on Oxydation Key Enzymes and Biochemistry Metabolism Spectrum in Diabetes Mellitus and Its High-risk Groups

  7. 糖尿病及高危人群血清游离脂肪酸成分分析

    Analysis on serum free fatty acid composition in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

  8. 糖尿病及其高危人群血清维生素D的现况研究

    Cross-sectional Study of Serum Vitamin D in the People of Diabetic Mellitus and the High Risk Group

  9. 糖尿病及高危人群氧化代谢关键酶的测定与生化代谢谱的研究

    Analyses and Research on Oxydation Key Enzymes and Biochemistry Metabolism Spectrum in Diabetes Mellitus and Its High-risk Groups

  10. 目的:研究糖尿病及其高危人群血清维生素D的流行病学特征。

    Objective : To investigate the epidemiological feature of serum vitamin D in the people of diabetic mellitus and the high risk group .

  11. 结论儿童假性黑棘皮病与肥胖、高胰岛素血症、胰岛素抵抗密切相关,是发生2型糖尿病的高危人群。

    Conclusion Children with benign acanthosis nigricans are closely associated with obesity , hyperinsulinemia , insulin resistance , and are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  12. 社区糖尿病患者及高危人群健康教育指导与干预方式研究

    Community-based Diabetes Mellitus and the High-risk Groups Health Education Guidance and Intervention Research

  13. 截肢糖尿病患者中高危人群是男性,65岁以上,黑人及非英语人群。

    The diabetes patients most at risk for amputations were male , older than 65 , black and non-English speaking .

  14. 临床路径在社区2型糖尿病和糖尿病高危人群的护理研究

    Evaluation on the application of clinical pathway for nursing intervention for type II diabetes mellitus and it 's at high risk group in community

  15. 应该考虑随机对照临床试验来评价苯扎贝特治疗糖尿病或者预防高危人群患糖尿病的功效。

    Randomized controlled trials should be considered to assess the utility of bezafibrate in treating patients with diabetes or in preventing diabetes in high-risk patients .

  16. 提高糖尿病患者和糖尿病高危人群接受糖尿病教育、预防和治疗的意识。

    Raise awareness among people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes of the education , prevention and care available to them .

  17. 重点关注每一位糖尿病患者或糖尿病高危人群应该得到的最好的糖尿病教育、防和治疗的信息。

    Underscore the message that every person with diabetes or at risk of diabetes deserves the best quality of education , prevention and care that is possible .

  18. 目的探讨新疆糖尿病高发民族维吾尔族中的糖尿病高危人群以及是否有糖尿病高危因素。

    AIM : To explore the diabetic high risk group in the Uygur nationality , which has the high incidence of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) in Sinkiang Uygur autonomous region , and to study whether there are high risk factors of DM .

  19. 目的利用居民健康档案数据和决策树方法,建立糖尿病预测模型,建立社区新型糖尿病高危人群筛选模式。

    OBJECTIVE To set up the prediction model for evaluating the risk of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) in community by application of decision tree with data from health records .

  20. 用本院糖尿病诊治协作组自行设计的糖尿病高危人群筛查调查表,调查纳入对象的年龄、性别、疾病史、糖尿病家族史、糖尿病高危因素、体力劳动强度、家庭经济状况等。

    Their age , gender , disease history , diabetic family history , diabetic high risk factors , intensity of physical work and family economic status were investigated with the self-designed inventory for screening diabetic high risk group .