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  • glycolysis
  1. 甘油酸激酶的作用可能是参与糖酵解过程中古菌特有的非磷酸化的ED途径。

    The role of glycerate kinase is probably involved in the glycolysis pathway . 2 .

  2. AKT激活后可通过促进糖酵解和氧化磷酸化提高细胞内ATP水平。

    The activation of AKT can increase total cellular ATP content by induced glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation .

  3. 提示CO改变心肌能量代谢途径,增强无氧糖酵解以代偿CO所致的心肌缺氧。

    These results suggest that CO can change the way of cardiac energy metabolism and increase anaerobic glycolysis to compensate for cardiac hypoxia induced by CO.

  4. HIF-1与肌肉糖酵解酶

    HIF-1 and Anaerobic Glycolytic Enzymes of Skeletal Muscles

  5. 葡萄糖糖酵解酶、热休克蛋白(HSP)、磷酶甘油还原酶B(PGMB)及基因疗法可提高机体对缺氧的耐受性和适应性。

    Glucose glycolysis enzyme , HSP , PGM B and gene treatment may increase the tolerance and adaptability of mitochondria to anoxia .

  6. ATP在糖酵解的收获阶段经过两个反应生成,由磷酸甘油酸激酶和丙酮酸激酶催化。

    ATP is formed in the payoff phase of glycolysis by two reactions , promoted by phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase .

  7. 研究结果显示:长拳自选套路供能特点是由CP、糖酵解和有氧代谢三种供能形式供能;

    The results indicated that the characteristic of energy supply in practice chang-quan is made up of CP ? glycolysis and aerobic metabolism .

  8. 顺式二氢茉莉酮酸甲酯的合成技术改进磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)是糖酵解中合成ATP的两种磷酸基的供体之一。

    Phosphoenolpyruvate ( PEP ) is one of the two phosphoryl group donors in the synthesis of ATP during glycolysis .

  9. d.提高组织中丙酮酸激酶活性及降低1,6-二磷酸酶活性,加强细胞内糖酵解和减少糖异生,促进糖原的生成。

    D. improve the activity of PK and lower the activity of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from liver , enhance glycolysis and decline glyconeogenesis , promote glycogenesis .

  10. 结论新生儿窒息时糖酵解增加,大量乳酸堆积,导致高AG状态的代酸是窒息酸碱紊乱的最根本原因。

    Conclusion The primary causes of the acid-base imbalance in neonatal asphyxia are the increased glycolysis , large amount of lactic acid accumulation and high AG acidosis .

  11. 鉴定出来的其他蛋白质还参与了基础代谢、防御胁迫、DNA代谢、细胞循环、转录、蛋白质合成、氧化代谢、糖酵解等代谢过程。

    Other proteins took part in the metabolic processes of basal metabolism , defense and stress , DNA metabolism , the cell cycle , transformation , Protein Synthesis , oxidation , glycolysis , and so on .

  12. 脓毒症中骨骼肌有氧糖酵解增强与细胞Na~+、K~+、ATP酶活性改变间的关系

    Experimental study on the enhancement of aerobic glycolysis of muscles in sepsis and its relationship with the activity of the intracellular Na + , K + , ATPase

  13. 探讨CD147分子参与糖酵解的机制。

    To investigate the mechanism of CD 147 involving in glycolysis . 3 .

  14. NSE是糖酵解途径中重要的酶,它与脑中能量的供应密切相关。

    NSE is proved to be an important enzyme involved in the glycolytic pathway and is closely related to the energy supply for brain .

  15. 目的克隆恶性疟原虫海南株(FCC1/HN)株糖酵解醛缩酶(ALD)编码区基因。

    Objective To clone , sequence , and express the aldolase ( ALD ) encoding gene of Plasmodium falciparum FCC1 / HN strain .

  16. 而LDH-A是有氧糖酵解中的关键酶。

    LDH-A is the important enzyme in the aerobic glycolysis process .

  17. 1,6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)在体内既是糖酵解代谢中间产物,又是糖代谢的调节物质,改善细胞机能水平和提高机体应激能力。

    FDP is not only the intermediate of the glycolysis , but also the adjustment of the carbohydrate metabolism , which can improve the cell 's function .

  18. 结论:Art引起血吸虫PPa活力的增加,使虫的糖原分解,并抑制LDH使虫糖酵解的终产物乳酸明显减少。

    CONCLUSION : In schistosomes , the increase in the activity of AMP-independent PPa induced by Art may enhance the decomposition of glycogen and the inhibition of LDH by Art could reduce the formalin of lactate .

  19. 而HIF-1不仅可调控VEGF的表达、还可调节EPO基因、血红素氧化合成酶1、基因内皮素1基因、糖酵解酶基因等,这些基因是诱导新生血管形成及细胞缺氧反应的重要调控因子。

    HIF-1 can regulate the expression of VEGF and the gene of EPO 、 Endothelin-1 、 oxygen regulated proteins and so on . HIF-1 is an important regulated factor to angiogenesis and cellular hypoxia reaction .

  20. 因此研究油茶的PK基因在揭示糖酵解对油脂合成的影响和油茶的分子育种具有重要意义。

    So the study of PK gene of Camellia Oleifera is of great significance in revealing the influence that glycolysis has on the oil synthesis and molecular breeding in Camellia oleifera .

  21. 抑制糖酵解途径对胰腺癌细胞PANC-1生物学特性的影响及其机制的研究

    The Research of Influence and Mechanism of the Inhibition of Glycolysis of Pancreatic Cancer to the Biological Characteristic of the Adenocarcinoma Cell PANC-1

  22. AMPK可启动分解代谢途径,如脂肪酸氧化和糖酵解,从而增加ATP的产生,同时关闭合成代谢途径,如脂肪酸合成和蛋白合成,减少ATP的消耗。

    AMPK switches on catabolic pathways , such as fatty acid oxidation and glycolysis , to generate ATP , and switches off anabolic pathways , such as fatty acid synthesis and protein synthesis , to reduce ATP-consumption .

  23. 测定糖酵解关键酶(HK、PFK、LDH)的活性以及培养液中乳酸含量的变化。

    The change of the content of lactate acid ( LA ) in the culture media and that of the activity of the key enzymes ( HK , PFK , LDH ) during glycolysis .

  24. 文中计算了二变量糖酵解模型在给定参数下对应的CGLE系数。

    In this paper , the coefficients of the CGLE for a two-variable glycolytic model are presented .

  25. Fantin和Leder采用名为“RNA干扰”技术,对喂养的实验室小鼠体内肿瘤糖酵解作用了改进。

    Dr Fantin and Dr Leder used a trick called RNA interference to modify glycolysis in the tumours of some specially bred laboratory mice .

  26. 本研究利用测序方法扫描了调节细胞代谢的糖酵解酶磷酸甘油酸激酶(PGK)和醛缩酶-C(ALD-C)编码基因的全序列,发现了藏鸡特有的多态(SNP);

    We scanned the genome sequence of phosphoglyceric kinase ( PGK ) and aldolase - C ( ALD-C ) for glycolysis enzyme in cell .

  27. PGK除了作为糖酵解代谢中的关键酶发挥功能之外,它还可以分泌到细胞外,作为一种还原酶催化肿瘤抑制因子angiostatin的生成。

    PGK not only functions as an glycolytic enzyme , but also as an reductase . It secretes to the outside of cell and catalyzes angiostatin production .

  28. 认为:YO-YO测试是渐增负荷的力竭测试,分别动员了运动员的有氧系统、磷酸盐系统和糖酵解系统供能;

    Yo-Yo test is an exhausted test carried out with a progressively increasing load , and separately mobilizes players ' aerobic system , phosphate system and glycolytic system to supply energy .

  29. 低氧诱导因子-1(Hypoxia-induciblefactor-1,HIF-1)是低氧状态下产生的一种DNA结合蛋白,与低氧反应元件(HRE)结合,诱导糖酵解代谢关键酶等转录增加,使机体适应低氧环境。

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 ( HIF-1 ) which is a DNA binding protein produced under hypoxia condition increase transcription of glycolysis metabolic enzymes combining with hypoxia reacted element , and make the body adapt to the low oxygen environment .

  30. 目的:为了解上腹部手术后红细胞内糖酵解通路是否全面受到抑制,观察红细胞内己糖激酶(HK)和磷酸果糖激酶(PFK)活性的变化。

    Objective : In order to investigate whether the glycolysis pathway in RBC is totally inhibited . The perioperative changs of erythrocyte hexokinase ( HK ) and phosphofructokinase ( PFK ) activities were observed .