
  1. 基于系统控制论的城市游憩商业区(TBD)研究&以福州市为例

    The Research of Tourism Business District Based on System Control Theroy & Taking Fuzhou as an example

  2. 基于大系统控制论的管网应急调度技术

    Gas Field Pipe-net Emergency Scheduling System Based on Large System Control

  3. 大系统控制论在棒线材厂的应用

    Application of large system cybernetics to bar or wire rolling plants

  4. 基于大系统控制论的重大突发事件处理系统研究

    Study on Emergency Response System Based on Big System and Cybernetics

  5. 系统控制论与3级责任编辑制模型

    System Control Theory and 3-grade Duty Editing System Pattern

  6. 企业成长的系统控制论

    Theory about Systematical Control of Enterprise 's Development

  7. 大系统控制论模型化

    Modelling of Large System Cybernetics

  8. 另一方面,系统控制论等信息科学学者也正把生物体看作又一类新的复杂系统与智能系统的研究目标。

    On the other hand , organism is treated by information science scholar as new research targets of complex and intelligent systems .

  9. 求解模型时,利用了变分和非线性规划的系统控制论方法,并充分应用到油藏数值模拟及其软件的优秀成果。

    The methods of differential and nonlinear programming , reservoir numeric simulation and its software are used in process of solving model .

  10. 借鉴大系统控制论中广义模型化方法,建立了软件人情感控制的广义模型。

    The method of generalized modeling in a large scale system was used for reference to construct a generalized model of SoftMan emotional control .

  11. 大系统控制论是专门研究各种大系统控制过程、方法和共同规律的一门新兴学科。

    The macro system cybernetics is a new discipline specializing in the controlling process , methods and common principles of all kinds of macro systems .

  12. 基于大系统控制论,研究供应链响应协调的递阶控制结构,对控制结构要素进行分析,并描述供应链响应协调的交互式过程。

    Hierarchical control structure in supply chain response coordination and its elements are proposed and analyzed based on the control theory of large scale system .

  13. 从区域稳定性研究入手,以地壳、堤坝与地基三系统控制论为理论基础,系统总结了悬河研究领域中的最新成果和结论。

    Based on the controlling theory of three systems , the expert system of suspended river stability is established by means of advanced artificial intelligence technology .

  14. 设计过程中应用大系统控制论的分解&协调方法与递阶层次结构方案。

    The ' resolution coordination ' method of grant system control theory and the structure plan of ' multi level layer ' are applied in the design process .

  15. 本文针对数字气田项目中的气量调度的问题,结合大系统控制论,提出了基于多重广义算子的生产调度模型。

    A production Scheduling Model Based on Large Scale System Control and Multi - layer Generalized Operator are put forward for improvement the performance of current general scheduling system .

  16. 从大系统控制论的角度,提出了能够保证地面飞行模拟器仿真可信度的建模分析、实现和VV&A的方法。

    From the cybernetics of a large-scale system , it depicts several methods of modeling analysis , implementation and VV & A to insure the simulation creditability for the ground-based flight simulator .

  17. 本文通过介绍山地危险区区划的基本概念和优点,运用系统控制论的基本准则对危险区区划的重要性进行了分析和评价。

    Based on the introduction of basic concept and advantage of danger area planning , its significance in mountain watershed management is evaluated through the basic criterion of the systematic cybernetic theory .

  18. 若以道德控制、制度控制和法律控制作为系统控制论的一种设想,在实践中将对银行业职务犯罪控制有所裨益。

    If we conduct moral control , principle control and law control as an assumption of systematic control , it will be advantageous for us to get the post crimes under hole in bank circles in practice .

  19. 根据电厂竞价上网的特点,基于大系统控制论思想,采用人工智能技术和博弈论方法建立了电力市场发电侧的电力竞价上网智能决策支持系统。

    Combined with features of electricity bidding and based on the control theory of large scale systems , an intelligent decision support system for electricity bidding in deregulated power market at generation side is established by using the artificial intelligence technology and the game theory .

  20. 第三部分,依据动态系统控制论基本原理,选取综合事故率和死亡率为安全状态变量,以危险度和控制度为参数,构建水上交通系统的安全状态方程模型。

    In the third part , based on the dynamic system control theory , it select the integrated accident rate and mortality for safety state variables , the degree of risk and control for parameters . Ultimately , a safety-state-equation model of water transportation system is constructed .

  21. 新的系统符合控制论系统的基本模型。

    The new structure conform the basic mode to control the theory .

  22. 世界一般系统与控制论组织

    World Organisation of General Systems and Cybernetics

  23. 生物学家用系统、控制论与信息处理方法来观察了解生物学过程的例子越来越多。

    Now the systemic , cybernetic and information processing methods have been widely used by biologist to observe and understand the biology process .

  24. 信息技术、非线性科学、复杂系统、控制论等科学方法的发展,为中医药研究提供了新的思路与方法。

    The development in information technology , non-linear science , complex system and control theory has provided new thoughts and ways for TCM research .

  25. 结合旅游学、经济学、社会发展学、政策研究、贫困研究,应用系统论、控制论的方法,将云南省PPT操作模式作为一个系统进行深入研究。

    Make PPT pattern a thoroughgoing systematical work integrating tourism . economy , social developing , policy and poverty study .

  26. 文章重点部分,从系统论和控制论的角度出发,把完善AC公司财务风险控制措施作为主要章节:它由三个子系统构成:1.完善AC公司内部制度性财务风险。

    From the perspective of systematic theory and cybernetics , this chapter mainly deals with the measure of enhancing and improving the AC enterprises ' financial risk control . It can be divided into three parts : 1 .

  27. 利用系统论和控制论的理论,方法和工具推进(动作与时间的研究)使MCAD数控网络制造系统快速响应市场。

    Through the use of system and control theories , methods and tools ( research on action and time ) , the MCAD Numerical Control Network Manufacturing System is made to quickly respond to the market .

  28. 基于系统论和控制论的交通运输系统安全分析

    Transportation System Safety Analysis Based on System Theory and Control Theory

  29. 论述了网络控制论系统以及网络控制论系统仿真;

    Network cybernetics system and the simulation of it are discussed .

  30. 关于系统论、控制论和信息论的哲学思考

    A Philosophical Discussion on Systematology Cybernetics and Information Theory