
xì tǒnɡ jiān shì qì
  • system monitor
  1. 一个Screen会话正在运行(尽管看不到),窗口A处于活动状态,它正在运行系统监视器top,每隔几秒刷新一次系统性能信息。

    A Screen session is running ( albeit unseen ), and window A is active , running the top system monitor , which refreshes system performance information every few seconds .

  2. 使用数据库系统监视器调优MAXLOCKS值。

    Use the database system monitor to tune the MAXLOCKS valuer .

  3. PCM连续3次检查没有发现故障(除了熄火及燃油系统监视器)。

    PCM does not detect the malfunction for 3 consecutive trips ( except misfire and Fuel system Monitors ) .

  4. 性能改进中最近人注目的莫过于代码索引时间下降了50%,同时借助于本地的Linux文件系统监视器实现了Linux上更快的项目同步。

    Performance improvements most notably include a50 % reduction in code indexing time , as well as faster project sync on Linux with a native Linux file system watcher .

  5. 系统监视器使您可以看到在%1上的访问和网络使用。

    System Monitor enables you to see disk access and network use on % 1 .

  6. 跟踪日志与系统监视器没有共同的属性。属性将不会加载。

    Trace logs have no properties in common with System Monitor . The properties will not be loaded .

  7. 下面介绍了如何使用数据库系统监视器帮助您调优该参数的一些方法

    Here is how to use the database system monitor to help you tune this parameter in the following ways

  8. 跟踪日志属性与系统监视器不一致。跟踪日志事件数据将不被显示。

    Trace log properties are not consistent with System Monitor . The trace log event data will not be displayed .

  9. 然后您就可以打开性能日志,选择要与跟踪关联的系统监视器对象和计数器。

    You can then open a performance log , and select the system monitor objects and counters that you want to correlate with the trace .

  10. 使用数据库系统监视器,利用有关从缓冲池进行写操作的快照数据(或事件监视器)信息来帮助您调优该配置参数。

    Use the database system monitor to help you tune this configuration parameter using information from the snapshot data ( or event monitor ) about write activity from a buffer pool .

  11. 这是目前为止我发现最好用的系统监视器,不但是因为其轻量和高可定制性,更重要的是有一群忠实用户不断贡献配置文件、代码和修正。

    It is by far the best system monitor I 've found , not just lightweight and fully customizable , but with a whole community of loyal users contributing config files , code and hacks .

  12. 虽然我们可以通过启用系统监视器来简单观察内存的使用量,但是它不会告诉我们比整个系统内存状态更有用的任何内容。

    While we can simply watch the amount of memory used by a script by turning the system monitor on , it will not tell us anything more useful than the status of the entire system memory .

  13. 针对监视器应实时、高效的原则,详细讨论了基于Unix系统的Internet网络监视器的设计方案与实现方法。

    Presented in this paper is the comprehensive and detailed information about the design and implementation of Internet Monitor System based on Unix .

  14. 本系统能够实时显示监视器上图像和文字。

    The system can display picture and words on display monitor .