
  • 网络Systematic approach;Systematics Approach;System Analysis;ASI
  1. 价值链是一个检视竞争力优势的系统研究法。

    The value chain is a systematic approach to examining the development of competitive advantage .

  2. 通过土壤养分系统研究法,诊断出贵州省铜仁地区松桃县黄泥土影响小麦产量的主要限制因子排列为:P>K>B。

    The main soil nutrients of affecting wheat yield is P > K > B by the systematic approach for determining nutrient contents of the yellow soil in Tongren prefecture .

  3. 系统研究法注重运用系统分析的理论、方法和技术,全面分析现有企业管理模式的弊端,归纳ERP系统应用中的管理模式。

    Study on applying the system analysis theory , method and technology , a comprehensive analysis of existing enterprise management pattern malpractice , the ERP application system management mode .

  4. 采用土壤养分状况系统研究法(ASI法),分析土壤养分状况及各养分对籽瓜与瓜籽的经济性状、瓜籽产量及收益的影响,确定各养分对籽瓜产量与效益的贡献率。

    Soil nutrients system evaluation method was adopted to study soil nutrients effect on economic characters , yield and income of seed-melon , the distribution ratio of nutrients to yield were analysed also .

  5. ASI土壤养分状况系统研究法的诊断结果与菠菜产量和品质的提高具有较好的相关性,对菠菜平衡施肥有一定的指导作用。

    There was a preferable correlation between the yield and quality of vegetable and diagnosis results of ASI systematic approach . Therefore , ASI systematic approach could be applied on spinach balanced fertilization .

  6. 本文以随机抽样方法取样、土壤养分系统研究法评价土壤养分状况,研究了华北平原地区及浙江绍兴水网平原农田土壤养分变异特性。

    Soil fertility variability in field of the plain areas was studies .

  7. 土壤养分系统研究法的改进及应用

    The Studies on the improvement of soil fertility systematic approach and application

  8. 应用土壤肥力系统研究法诊断芒果国土壤的矿质营养

    Diagnosis of Mineral Nutrients in Mango Orchards by Using Systematical Procedure of Soil Fertility Survey

  9. 本文的研究方法:实证分析法、规范分析法、对比分析法、系统研究法。

    The main research methods are that positive analysis , normative analysis , contrast analysis and system analysis method .

  10. 同时证明土壤养分状况系统研究法确实可以很好地用来评价土壤肥力。

    Simultaneously it proved that the soil nutrient condition system methodology may use for truly to appraise the soil fertility well .

  11. 采用化学测试和土壤养分状况系统研究法对杭州市郊菜园土壤养分状况及其障碍因子进行了研究。

    A systematic approach was used for systematically investigating nutrient inhibiting factors in longan site soil of8 orchards in East Guangdong province .

  12. 本研究利用系统研究法对山西省介休市农业综合开发项目区农田土壤中主要元素进行测量分析,确定最佳施肥量,在此基础上推荐施肥。

    Using system research method , this research is to make use of System Fertilization Technology in Shanxi Agriculture Comprehensive Exploitation Zone .

  13. 本文采用系统研究法,研究了钾肥对甜菜产量及含糖的影响。

    With using systemetized study method and balance fertilizer application , the test studied the influence that potassium fertilizer made to beet yield and quality .

  14. 在论文写作过程中,主要运用文献研究法、系统研究法、跨学科研究方法和调查研究方法。

    In the paper writing process , the main research method to use literature , systematic research methods , interdisciplinary research methods and survey research methodologies .

  15. 采用大型直剪仪,系统研究法向应力历史对黏土–混凝土界面剪切特性的影响。

    A series of direct shear tests were carried out to study the effect of stress history on shear behavior of interface between clay and concrete .

  16. 本文以生态旅游景区质量管理为研究对象,在广泛查阅相关研究文献的基础上,采用系统研究法、比较分析法、理论与实证相结合等多种方法进行研究。

    This paper takes Ecotourism Attraction quality management as research object , on the basis of extensively reading the relevant literatures , uses systematic approach 、 comparative analysis etc.

  17. 试验采用土壤养分状况系统研究法,根据土壤养分状况研究钾对籽瓜与瓜籽的经济性状、瓜籽产量及效益的影响。

    Soil nutrients systematic evaluation method was adopted to study soil nutrients and effect of potassium on economic character of seed of melon and seed-melon , yield and benefit of seed-melon .

  18. 应用土壤养分状况系统研究法测定土壤中11种大、中、微量元素含量,结合土壤对营养元素的吸附研究和盆栽试验,认为菜地土壤中氮、钾、锰是主要的养分限制因子。

    11 elements in Zhengzhou suburb soil were analysed by soil nutrient systematic research method . Absorption studies and pot experiments were supplemented . The limiting factors of nutrient of were found .

  19. 在对中式快餐的创业管理中,本文不仅运用上述前沿创业理论,而且运用系统研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法、标杆研究法等多种研究方法。

    Focusing on the entrepreneurship of Chinese fast food , the article not only uses new theories , but also uses many methods , including system research , comparison research , case research and so on .

  20. 针对海南岛香蕉园花岗岩发育的砖红壤的养分限制因子及其亏缺程度目前尚不清楚,笔者试验采用土壤养分状况系统研究法来开展研究。

    In view of Hainan Island banana garden granite latosol nutrient limiting factor and its owed lacks the degree is still not clearly now , the method of systematic study on soil nutrition is employed in this paper .

  21. 利用网格取样、土壤养分状况系统研究法、地统计学方法及地理信息系统技术探讨了湖北省1个自然村(梅家墩村)土壤的养分特性及其空间变异规律。

    Soil nutrients characteristics and its spatial variability of one natural village ( Meijiadun village ) in Hubei Province were studied using grid sampling , systematic approach for soil nutrients status evaluation , geo-statistics analysis and geographical information system ( GIS ) technique .

  22. 在对国内外关于党的制度建设的现状作了综述后,文章认为研究党的制度建设需要运用历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的方法、文献研究法、比较研究法、系统研究法等研究方法。

    After the general introduction to the status quo of the system building at home and abroad , the article points out that studying the party system needs to use such methods as the dialectical materialism , historical materialism , literature and comparative research .

  23. 研究采用土壤养分状况系统研究法,根据土壤养分亏缺状况,平衡微量元素后确定氮磷钾的适宜用量,研究小麦玉米带田的平衡施肥方案。

    The objective is to study balancing fertilization scenario by determining the appropriate dosage of nitrogen , phosphor and potassium after balancing microelements which are deficient in soil according to soil nutrients status from result of soil nutrients systematic evaluation method that adopted to study soil nutrients .

  24. 最后运用系统分析研究法,全面解析两者之间的关联和运用的问题。

    Finally give a comprehensive analysis the association and application between the two by using systems analysis study .

  25. 本文介绍了研究引文行为和引文动机的4种不同的调查法,即抽样样本调查法、系统研究调查法、经验研究调查法和较大规模研究调查法。

    This essay introduces 4 kinds of Investigation of Citation behavior and motivation , that is Sample Survey 、 Systematic research survey 、 experience research survey and Large-scale research survey .

  26. 最终归纳出人性化营造原则,并以系统论研究法分别展开对高阶需求和低阶需求的人性化营造方法的讨论,结合相关理论与案例并最终得出相关结论。

    The principles of humanized creation have been concluded . The systems theory has been applied to discuss the high demand and the low demand respectively . Therefore , combining related theories and cases , the final conclusions have been drawn .

  27. 基于多Agent的焦炉生产智能控制维护管理一体化系统研究迪维尔法-翻炉铸造

    Intelligent Control-Maintenance-Management Integrated System of Coke Oven Production Based on Multi-agent Durville process

  28. 方法系统研究了FPIA法测定HCY的精密度、灵敏度、稀释线性、校准曲线的稳定性及干扰因素,并分析了其与高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测结果的相关性。

    Methods The parameters like precision , analytical sensitivity , calibration curve stability , dilution recovery of the FPIA assay were determined . The correlation study was also performed versus HPLC method .

  29. 系统研究了发酵法生产糯米饮料的生产工艺以及影响糯米饮料品质的因素。

    Study on the Biological Properties in the Fermentation of Sweeten Glutinous Rice Wine ;

  30. 本文报道了水热法KTP晶体的生长工艺及晶体生长形态,系统研究了水热法KTP晶体的宏观缺陷,其宏观缺陷主要为添晶、生长脊线、裂隙和包裹体。

    The growth procedure and crystal form of hydrothermal KTP are reported in this article . Some defects in the hydrothermally grown KTP crystal were researched . The macroscopic defects of hydrothermal KTP crystal are mainly twin and coalescence crystal , growth spine , cracks and inclusions .