
  • 网络system architect
  1. 另一个通过e-mail被通知新需求的团队成员是系统架构师。

    Another team member notified via e-mail of the new requirement is the system architect .

  2. 现在Shay是GigaSpaces的系统架构师。

    Currently , Shay is a System Architect at GigaSpaces .

  3. Nick是Twitter的一名系统架构师。

    Nick is a Systems Architect at Twitter .

  4. IBMRationalSystemsDeveloper是一个设计和开发工具,它能够充分利用Eclipse的能力,而且还包含一些插件,使得系统架构师可以对复杂系统进行建模。

    IBM Rational Systems Developer is a design and development tool that takes advantage of the full power of Eclipse and includes plug-ins that enable system architects to model complex systems .

  5. 系统架构师需要明白如何在此类系统中执行分析,此外,这些技术在协议级别上也适合基于SOAP的系统。

    The systems architect needs to understand how to perform analysis in such systems , and , as a bonus , these techniques are also available for SOAP-based systems at the protocol level .

  6. 随着存储的网络化和高度虚拟化,对于DBA或系统架构师来说,数据库存储设计似乎是一项极其复杂的任务。

    In a world with networked and highly virtualized storage , database storage design can appear like a dauntingly complex task for a DBA or system architect to get right .

  7. 在公共客户数据服务后,系统架构师为每个后端系统定义一个服务接口(为了清楚定义这些系统调用的方式),并指定一个ESB中介映射两个服务接口级别间的请求和应答。

    Behind the Common Customer Data Service , the Software Architect defines a service interface for each of the back-end systems ( to clearly define how these systems are being called ) and specifies that an ESB mediation maps the requests and replies between the two levels of service interface .

  8. 系统架构师可以使用此工具来确定系统体系结构和进行设计。

    System architects use this tool for system architecture and design .

  9. 程序员,系统架构师,都是技术上的工作。

    Programmer , system architect but always technical .

  10. 服务监视可以帮助系统架构师在问题出现之前检测和预防问题。

    Service monitoring helps the system architects to detect and prevent problems before they occur .

  11. 通常代码审查由系统架构师执行,或者委托给团队中更熟练的开发人员。

    They are normally conducted by the system architect or delegated to the team 's more skilled developers .

  12. 在这样的会议中,系统架构师和其他团队成员可以重温设计,并仔细地评估发现。

    During such a session , the system architect and other team members can revisit the design and carefully assess the discovery .

  13. 进行用例实现的开发人员应该和系统架构师碰面,审查当前的研究结果,并重温前面的设计决策。

    Developers working on the use-case implementation should meet with the system architect to review current findings and revisit previous design decisions .

  14. 我当时有多个头衔:分公司经理、项目经理、技术总监、首席工程师和系统架构师等。

    I had several titles at that time : branch manager , project manager , technical lead , principle engineer and systems architect .

  15. 举例来说,系统架构师还作为开发人员来实现用例实现的一部分是完全可以接受的。

    For example , it is perfectly acceptable for the system architect to also act as a developer to implement part of the realization .

  16. 然而,一旦完成了用例实现,并且进行了单元测试,系统架构师就必须审查设计实现的准确度。

    However , once the use-case implementations have been completed and unit tested , the system architect must audit the design implementations for accuracy .

  17. 因而,在具体项目中还是应该由系统架构师来决定在哪儿、以哪种方式应用松耦合。

    Therefore , there still has to be a system architect who decides where and in which form loose coupling is appropriate in a concrete project .

  18. 在开发的时候,你可以将服务实现与托管服务的拓扑(系统架构师建模的部署拓扑)关联在一起。

    At development time , you can associate a service implementation with the topology that hosts it ( the deployment topology that the system architect models ) .

  19. (详见参考资料)。他给出了一个概念框架,业务分析家和系统架构师可以使用这个框架来确定适合他们需求的各种模式。

    ( see Resources ), who developed a conceptual framework that business analysts and system architects can use to determine the various patterns that serve their needs .

  20. 根据设计问题的严重性,系统架构师甚至可能想要召开另一个会议,以在环境中重温整个用例实现。

    Depending on the severity of the design issues , the system architect might even want to hold another meeting to revisit the whole use-case realization in context .

  21. 在团队会议上(最少包括系统架构师和负责实现的开发人员)进行用例实现要有效得多。

    It is far more effective to do use-case realizations in team sessions that include , at a minimum , the system architect and the developers responsible for the implementation .

  22. (也就是,系统架构师)必须定义每个服务接口,那些服务创建并消费的工作产品,以及处理异常条件的规则。

    ( i.e. , the System Architect ) must define each service interface , the work products created and consumed by those services , and the rules for handling exceptional conditions .

  23. 我们的公司文化与结构非常有趣。我当时有多个头衔:分公司经理、项目经理、技术总监、首席工程师和系统架构师等。

    We had an interesting company culture and structure . I had several titles at that time : branch manager , project manager , technical lead , principle engineer and systems architect .

  24. 系统架构师角色关键的一方面就是衡量相互冲突的需求、决定解决方案,常常要牺牲一个方面来换取另一个方面。

    One of the key aspects of the system architect 's role is to weigh up conflicting requirements and decide on a solution , often by trading off one aspect against another .

  25. 系统架构师需要考虑能量消耗并找到降低消耗的办法:系统虚拟化、服务器合并、数据中心中灵敏的个体位置等等。

    System architects need to take into account energy consumption and to find ways to reduce it through : system virtualization , server consolidation , smart unit positioning in data centers , and others .

  26. 本文的内容适用于任何类型的架构师,比如开发环境架构师、软件架构师、系统架构师等等。

    The remaining sections of this article apply , to a large extent , to any type of architect , whether this is a development environment architect , a software architect , a systems architect , and so on .

  27. 在初创企业中,技术奠基人常常把自己作为一个可伸缩系统的架构师所拥有的技能当作是荣誉的勋章。

    In startups , the technical founder often wears his skills as an architect of scalable systems as a badge of honor .

  28. 假定您是刚刚被任命为遗留系统的架构师的一位资深开发人员。

    Imagine that you 're a senior developer who has just been assigned to a new position of architect for a legacy system .

  29. 高效企业Java是适合于至少有一年设计企业Java系统经验的架构师,设计师和开发者的。

    Effective Enterprise Java is appropriate for architects , designers , and developers who have at least a year of experience designing enterprise Java systems .

  30. 为了确定哪一部分的代码需要进行更改,以及需要检出哪些文件,他要浏览SiteA的系统设计师和架构师所做出的更新。

    To determine what part of the code needs to be modified , and hence what files he 'll need to check out , he views the updates made by the system designer and architect at Site A.