
  • 网络System Theory;Systems approach
  1. 计算智能(ComputationalIntelligence)是进化计算和人工神经网络以及模糊系统理论一起形成的一个新的研究的方向。

    Computational Intelligence is a new research direction with the evolutionary computation , artificial neural networks and fuzzy systems theory .

  2. 将灰色系统理论应用于宏观经济分析并给出了一般步骤,在实例中利用灰色关联度分析方法通过对各行业的产值的增长情况进行分析求出其对GDP的影响程度。

    This paper applied the grey systems theory to the macroscopic economic analysis and presented the general steps .

  3. 灰色系统理论对LEG船货舱温度的预测

    The Temperature Forecast Using Grey System Theory for Cargo Tank of LEG Vessel

  4. 通用系统理论研究虽有成果,但难以实施。CAPP开发工具则是CAPP研究开发和推广应用的另一种可行方法。

    The general methodology for CAPP development has been proposed , but it is difficult to implement .

  5. 将复杂适应系统理论与CA模型结合,构建城市增长仿真模型,并应用该模型对西安市的城市增长过程进行仿真。

    Based on the complex adaptive system theory and Cellular Automaton model , an urban growth model is developed . The model is applied to simulate the urban growth of Xi'an City .

  6. 因此在《线性系统理论》的教学中,引入ISS稳定性的概念是非常必要的。

    In conclusion , it is very necessary to introduce the concept of ISS in the course of Linear System Theory .

  7. 通过分析短时交通流时序特性,将灰色系统理论应用于短时交通流预测,建立了滚动GM(1,1)预测模型。

    By analyzing short time traffic flow time sequence property , the gray system theory is used for short time traffic flow prediction and the scrolling GM ( 1,1 ) prediction model is set up .

  8. 将2-D线性离散系统理论应用于开闭环迭代学习控制中,设计出一种新型的迭代学习控制方案,给出并证明了其控制律及收敛条件。

    D linear discrete system theory is used in open closed loop iterative learning control . A new iterative learning control scheme is presented , and convergence condition of the scheme is given and proved .

  9. 通过结合人类视觉系统理论与区域生长思想可取得对彩色图像更好的分割效果,将这种方法用到Poisson抠图技术中可明显降低处理时间,并且处理效果也得到提高。

    Combine the Human Vision System theory with Region Growing , color images is segmented more efficient . Using the method to Poisson matting , less processing time and better processing result is gained .

  10. 利用实测的桩基静载试验数据,用灰色系统理论建立桩基沉降量的灰色GM(1,1)预测模型,可以模拟桩基静载试验Ps曲线的未知部分。

    A GM ( 1,1 ) model is established by Gray Theory using observation data of loading tests for pile . The model can be used to predict the unknown part of p ? s curve of pile loading tests .

  11. 并运用极限系统理论,Liapunov函数法,Dulac判据等对模型进行了研究和分析。

    And , these models are studied and analyzed by the limiting system theory , Liapunov function , Dulac criterion , and so on .

  12. 本文在介绍混杂系统理论的基础上,分析了保护系统的混杂特性及其数学描述,提出利用混杂系统的模型工具&可编程赋时Petri网(PTPN)建立线路保护模型的方法。

    The paper introduces hybrid system theory , analyzes hybrid characteristic and mathematic representation of protective system , and proposes modeling method for protective system using programmable timed Petri Nets .

  13. 应用灰色系统理论和模糊数学方法,对广钢40tUHP电炉的实际生产数据进行计算机分析。通过灰色关联分析,多元线性回归和模糊聚类分析确定了节能降耗的实施方案。

    Grey system theory , fuzzy maths and polynomial regression analysis were applied to determine the program of decreasing power consumption of a 40t UHP arc furnace at Guangzhou Iron and Steel Ltd.

  14. 引入灰色系统理论,对传统理想解法(TOPSIS)进行了拓展,提出了一种基于组合权重的灰色关联理想解法(GC-TOPSIS)。

    Introducing the Grey system theory , this paper presents a new Grey correlation technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ( GC-TOPSIS ) and so as to develop the traditional TOPSIS .

  15. 针对分布式水文模拟的问题,结合河西走廊黑河流域实际资料条件,提出将水文循环空间数字化信息与水文系统理论相结合的分布式时变增益水循环模型(DTVGM)。

    Based on requirement of distributed hydrological modelling and considering the real conditions of the arid and semi-arid regions in China , this paper develops a Distributed Time Variant Gain Model ( DTVGM ) by coupling the mechanism and special digit information of water cycle with hydrologic system approach .

  16. 建筑结构半主动控制系统理论研究

    Theoretical Research of Semi - active Control System in Structural Vibration

  17. 神经网络系统理论在雷达目标速度识别中的应用

    The Application of Neural Network Theory to Radar Target Speed Identification

  18. 岩石工程系统理论在边坡稳定性评价中的应用

    Application of rock engineering system theory in the slope stability estimate

  19. 线性系统理论本科教学改革与实践

    " Linear System Theory " Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Practice

  20. 灰色系统理论在地质灾害研究中的应用

    Application of the Grey System Model in the Research of Geological Hazards

  21. 灰色系统理论用于自然资源未来需要量的预测

    Forecasting the Natural Resources Demand in the Future by Grey System Theory

  22. 灰色系统理论与方法在城市环境噪声污染分析中的应用

    The Gray System Theory and Method Applied in Environment Noise Pollution Analysis

  23. 随机服务系统理论在威胁估计中的应用

    Application of the stochastic service system theory for threat assessment

  24. 灰色系统理论用于矿震极值预测的初步研究

    Preliminary study of mine tremor prediction in terms of grey system theory

  25. 用动力系统理论研究多自由度非线性振动问题

    Study on Nonlinear Vibration Problems of Multi-Degree-Freedom System by Dynamic System Theory

  26. 灰色系统理论用于海水养殖生产评估和预测的探讨

    Production Yields Estimation and Forecast on Marine Culture by Gray System Theory

  27. 灰色系统理论在上海港港口物流发展预测上的应用研究

    Application of Gray System Theory in the Logistics Forecasting of Shanghai Port

  28. 运用非线性系统理论确定电力系统暂态稳定域的应用

    Application to determine the transient stability boundary using nonlinear theory

  29. 灰色系统理论在库周区社会经济预测中的应用

    Application of Grey Systems Theory to Social Economy Prediction for Circumjacent Reservoir Region

  30. 用非平衡系统理论认识水资源系统分析中的几个问题

    Discussing Several Problems of Water Resources System by Means of Nonequilibrium System Theory