
  • 网络Self-organizing Theory;self-organization theory;gmdh
  1. 自组织理论和BP人工神经网络在税收预测中的应用研究

    Application Research on Tax Forecasting Based on GMDH and BP Artificial Neural Network Theory

  2. 从自组织理论看技术的本质

    Studying the Essence of Technology with the Viewpoints of Self-Organizing Theory

  3. 从自组织理论看加入WTO后中国企业人力资源管理

    On the Human Resources Management of Chinese Enterprises after Entry into the WTO from the Angle of Self-organization Theory

  4. 域间路由系统与Internet一样是一个复杂巨系统.自组织理论是当前对于复杂性系统研究的重要成果,是研究复杂系统的有效工具。

    The inter-domain routing system is a complex macrosystem just like the Internet , and the self-organization theory is the efficient utility for studying complex system .

  5. 在对有关概念进行界定的同时,运用自组织理论对企业组织双链DNA模型进行了解释。

    After defining some concepts concerned , the paper interpret the model of two chains of enterprise organizational DNA using the theory of self-organize .

  6. 运用自组织理论和方法建立河湾的演化方程.结合Fokker-Planck方程解析解的性质与Langevin方程的动力学特征,推断河湾演变的基本规律如对称破缺、形态转变、演变趋势及速度等。

    The evolution equations of river bends are proposed by using the self-organized theory and method which are the Fokker-Planck equation and the Langevin equation .

  7. 姜祖桐曾在《H自组织理论》一书中,用易&数相结合的方法,探索性地揭示了宇宙生成和演化的固有逻辑,并对科学前沿中诸多问题进行了尝试性的整合。

    In the book " H Auto Organization Theory ", JIANG Zu tong explores the inherent logic within the creation and evolvement of the cosmos , by the combination of " Yiqing numeric " method , and tries to conform the multitude of issues in scientific frontier .

  8. 市场运行和演化的自组织理论探析

    An Analysis of the Self-organization Theory of Market Running and Evolution

  9. 运用自组织理论分析人工湿地生态系统

    Analysis on Constructed Wetland Ecology System through Self - organization Theories

  10. 基于临界自组织理论的电力系统脆性分析

    Brittle analysis of electric power system based on self-organized criticality theory

  11. 基于自组织理论的两种城市空间结构动态模型比较

    The compare of two dynamic urban models based on Self-organization Theory

  12. 基于自组织理论的资源型城市发展策略

    Study on Development Strategies of resource-based cities based on self-organizing theory

  13. 自组织理论在军校研究生教育中的应用

    Application of self-organization theory to post graduate education in military schools

  14. 系统自组织理论对加强人才流动管理的指导意义

    Guiding Significance of System Self-organization Theory on Strengthening Administration upon Talent-flow

  15. 建筑市场管理的自组织理论及其实现

    Self - organizing Theory for Administration of Building Market and Its Application

  16. 基于自组织理论的自组织多项式网络算法

    The Self Organizing Polynomial Network Algorithm Based on the Self Organizing Theory

  17. 自组织理论对创造教学的影响研究

    Research on the Self-organization Theory 's Influence on Creative Teaching

  18. 孙氏修道养生观是对自组织理论的自觉运用。

    The Tao regimen is a self-using to self-organization theory .

  19. 热力学熵对自组织理论的贡献

    Contribution of entropy in thermodynamics to the theory of self-organization

  20. 基于自组织理论的黄土坡面细沟发育特征分析

    Characteristics of loess slope evolution based on concept of self-organization

  21. 从自组织理论看文学革命

    Studying the Literature Revolution with the Viewpoints of Self-organizing Theory

  22. 自组织理论视角下的地方性银行产权制度研究

    Study Property Rights for Chinese Local Bank from a Self-organization Theory Perspective

  23. 基于自组织理论的企业组织结构研究

    Research on Enterprise Organizational Structure Based on the Self-organizing Theory

  24. 一种基于自组织理论的城市与区域空间格局演变模型研究

    Research on a kind of regional spatial evolution structure based on Self-organization

  25. 基于自组织理论的黑龙江省城市系统演化发展研究

    Research on Heilongjiang City System Evolvement and Development Based on Self-Organization Theory

  26. 谈自组织理论在历史文化村镇保护中的作用

    The roles of self-organization in protection of historic cultural towns and villages

  27. 论知识管理与自组织理论

    On the Theory of Seif - organization and Knowledge Management

  28. 从自组织理论看国有企业改革

    On the Reform of State-owned Enterprises from the Viewpoint of Self-organization Theory

  29. 从混沌到有序:用系统自组织理论对顿悟的解读

    From chaos to order : an explanation of insight by self-organization theory

  30. 自组织理论在大学校园文化建设中的应用

    Application of Self-organizing Theory in Campus Culture Construction of University