
  • 网络systems science and engineering
  1. 生物系统科学与工程系生物系统学教授RenatoParo带领的研究小组中的成员,对上述果蝇杂交了六代。

    Researchers in a group led by Renato Paro , professor for Biosystems at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering ( D-BSSE ), crossed the flies for six generations .

  2. 系统生物科学与工程的高科技产业化

    Industrialization of High Scientific Technology of System Biological Science and Engineering

  3. 系统科学与系统工程学科发展战略研究

    Development strategy of systems science and systems engineering

  4. 现代系统科学理论与工程地质系统观老矿工正在挖矿找金子。

    Brief introduction to modern systematics and its uses in engineering geology The old miner was digging for gold .

  5. 混杂系统是控制科学与工程中的一个重要的研究方向,而网络控制系统是一个典型的混杂系统,所以将混杂系统运用到网络控制系统的研究中具有重要意义。

    The research of Hybrid Systems is an important research direction in control science and engineering .