
xì tǒnɡ jiě pōu xué
  • systematic anatomy
  1. 《系统解剖学》CAI的设计

    Design of CAI for systematic anatomy

  2. 七年制系统解剖学教学方法初探

    An Initial Exploration on Teaching Methods of Systematic Anatomy in Seven-year Program

  3. 鹿生殖系统解剖学和组织学的研究进展

    Research Progress on Anatomy and Histology of Reproductive System of Deer

  4. 系统解剖学双语教学的比较研究

    The comparative research on bilingual teaching program of systemic anatomy

  5. 系统解剖学和局部解剖学内容能够统一;

    The contents of the systemic and topographic anatomy can be unified .

  6. 研究性教学在系统解剖学实验课中的尝试

    Applying Research-based Teaching to Systematic Anatomy Experiment Teaching

  7. 系统解剖学双语教学初探

    Primary Study on Bilingual Teaching of Systematic Anatomy

  8. 护理本科《系统解剖学》实施双语教学的效果调查及对策探讨

    Research on Effects of Bilingual Education in Systematic Anatomy of Nursing Undergraduates and Countermeasures

  9. 护理学专业系统解剖学课程双语教学模式初探

    Bilingual teaching of systematic anatomy for undergraduate nurses

  10. 心理应激在系统解剖学教学方法中的应用探索

    Psychological stress in the teaching of systematic anatomy to explore the application of methods

  11. 运动系统解剖学多媒体课件的研制

    The study on movement system in anatomy and the manufacturing of its medium teaching aids

  12. 足部动脉系统解剖学研究与以跖底动脉为蒂足部组织游离移植术

    An anatomical study and clinical application of free transfer of foot tissues pedicled with plantar metatarsal artery

  13. 为探讨护理应用解剖学与系统解剖学合并教学的效果。

    To assess the outcome of the teaching method of integrating applied anatomy with systemic anatomy in nursing anatomy teaching .

  14. 本文阐述了研究性教学的特点,并尝试将研究性教学融入系统解剖学实验教学。

    This paper deals with the characteristics of research-based teaching , which has been applied into systematic anatomy experiment teaching .

  15. 局部解剖学是在人体系统解剖学的基础上,着重研究人体局部由浅入深的组成结构、形态特点及其层次和毗邻关系的解剖学。

    The Regional Anatomy deals with the form , position , and relationship of the structures of several systems located in a particular region of the body .

  16. 对系统解剖学双语教学进行了比较研究,结果表明双语教学能显著提高学生的专业英语成绩,而对学生的系统解剖成绩及普通英语成绩影响不大。

    The bilingual teaching programs of systemic anatomy have been compared . The results showed that two language teaching programs could improve students ' scores of professional English , but not those of systemic anatomy and everyday English .

  17. 非洲雏鸵鸟泌尿系统的解剖学研究

    Anatomic Study on the Urinary System of African Ostrich Chicks

  18. 光裸星虫消化系统的解剖学和组织学研究

    Anatomical and Histological Study on Digestive System of Sipunculus nudus

  19. 中国大鲵雌性生殖系统的解剖学和组织学研究

    Study on anatomy and histology of female reproductive system of Andrias davidianus

  20. 大鹤望兰花部维管束系统的解剖学研究

    Studies on Vascular System Anatomy of Strelitzia nicolai Flower

  21. 向日葵幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究

    Anatomical Studies of Primary Vascular System of Helianthus Annuus

  22. 多媒体实物演示双向控制系统在解剖学实验教学中的应用

    Application of bidirectional controll system of multimedia entity demonstration in anatomy experimental teaching

  23. 面中部浅表肌肉腱膜系统的解剖学研究

    Anatomic study of superfical musculoaponeurotic system of midface

  24. 无脊椎动物神经系统比较解剖学研究

    The Comparative Anatomy Study of Invertebrate Nervous System

  25. 奇静脉系统的解剖学观察

    Anatomical Observation of the Azygos Vein System

  26. 通过对大鼠雄性生殖系统的解剖学研究,对大鼠雄性生殖系统各个器官的解剖学特征进行了详细的描述,并发现了前列腺腹叶和尿道球腺的特征和以前的报道不同。

    I found that the ventral lobules of prostate gland and bulbourethral gland have different characteristics with other studys .

  27. 也讨论了心血管、呼吸和肾脏系统的解剖学、生理学和病理生理学特点。

    It also discusses anatomical , physiological , and pathophysiological features of the cardiovascular , respiratory , and renal systems .

  28. 其初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明:子叶节区明显长于毛茛科植物幼苗,属顶枝伸长型。

    The anatomical structure of its primary vascular system was studied and its cotyledon node zone is longer than that of Ranonculaceae .

  29. 其幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明,它与毛莨科的其它属同样,存在一个以子叶节区为中心的两个过渡区。

    Other genera of the Ranunculaceae in that there were two transition regi-ons with the cotyledon node zone ( CNZ ) being the centre .

  30. 为促进腹腔镜技术在泌尿外科领域的发展与应用,我们对该设想进行了系统的解剖学研究及手术模拟,并初步应用于临床。

    In order to promote urinary laparoscope utilize and progress , we studied systemic anatomy and operation simulation and initial utilize the technology to the clinical .