
  • 网络system integrator;OEM;SIs
  1. 跟踪项目进展,协调相关设计院、甲方、系统集成商等关系。

    Follow up the project ; coordinate the relationship among related design institute , Party A and system integrator , etc.

  2. 作为一家专业级别的系统集成商,公司还为客户在专业灯光、舞台机械以及广播领域提供交钥匙服务。

    Acting as a system integrator , we are also a trio of specialists providing with turnkey solutions to our clients in the aspects of professional lighting , stage engineering as well as broadcasting .

  3. 系统集成商和电信运营商之间是商对商,或企业间的业务(BusinesstoBusiness)关系。

    The relationship between SI and telecom operation is a kind of business to business relationship .

  4. 他为欧洲的客户和主要系统集成商提供MDM体系结构和MDM解决方案。

    He provides MDM architecture and MDM solution workshops to customers and major system integrators across Europe .

  5. OASIS期望这一事件能吸引一些CIO、系统集成商和IT部门的高级成员听众。

    OASIS is expecting the event to attract an audience of CIOs , system integrators and senior members of IT .

  6. VCA供应商已经持续建立与视频管理软件供应商和安防系统集成商的强有力的伙伴关系。

    VCA vendors have continued to build strong partnerships with video management software providers and security systems integrators .

  7. CMIS标准提供了新的可能性,使得业务合作伙伴和系统集成商可以轻松而又有效地集成内容管理系统。

    The CMIS standard opens new possibilities for business partners and systems integrators to easily and effectively integrate content management systems .

  8. 这样可用于多个企业共同合作的场景,尽管供应商或系统集成商等存在变更。SOARA提供一种常见的分类系统和术语表来设计、构建和描述SOA解决方案。

    As such it can be used in situations where multiple companies are partnering , in spite of changes in vendors or systems integrators , etc. The SOA RA provides a common taxonomy and terminology for designing , building and describing SOA solutions .

  9. 不像系统集成商,ISV可以创建通用目标的解决方案,他们出售这些方案,包括定制服务,为那些喜欢用现成的解决方案的公司定制他们的解决方案。

    Unlike Systems Integrators , ISVs create general purpose business solutions which they resell , along with customization services , to companies who prefer off-the-shelf solutions to custom solutions .

  10. 此外,系统集成商通常涉及到大量的重写或者更新的项目,在他们的投标中,EGL将是一个很大的优势,特别是在结合自动化转换工具的使用时。

    Moreover , Systems Integrators are often involved in large rewriting or modernization projects , and EGL can become a significant advantage in their bids , especially when used in combination with automated transformation tools .

  11. 城市轨道交通弱电系统集成商的选择

    The Contractor of Weak Electric System in Urban Mass Transit

  12. 作为一个系统集成商,我们期待谁的合作伙伴提供最佳的一流技术和设备。

    As a systems integrator , we look for partners who provide best-in-class technology and equipment .

  13. 本地和全球的系统集成商

    Regional and Global Systems Integrators

  14. 因此,现在很多有需求的企业已经开始纷纷在本地就近选择有实力的系统集成商提供解决方案。

    Therefore the enterprises already have chosen some integration businesses in locally nearby to provide the solution .

  15. 例如,世界最大的系统集成商最近在敏捷开发商投入了经多的精力。

    For example , the world 's largest system integrators have recently put more focus on agile development .

  16. 通信运营商,设备制造商、设备供应商、系统集成商,网络服务商及使用部门;

    Communication operators , equipment manufacturers , equipment providers , system integrators , network service providers and users ;

  17. 与设计院、系统集成商、最终用户及其它决策部门保持良好的关系。

    Keep a close relationship with design institute , channel , end-user and anyone that influence decision-making process .

  18. 工业界的会员包括飞机机体,发动机制造业,航空电子设备和系统集成商,供应商和顾问公司。

    Our worldwide corporate membership includes airframe and engine manufactures , avionics and systems integrators , suppliers and consultants .

  19. 控制器和管理软件可自由设置工程密码,有效保护系统集成商的市场投资。

    Project password is free setting via control and management software , which is helpful for protecting integrator 's benefit .

  20. 江苏维世迅的李海蓉还提到,今后系统集成商也许将成为国外机器视觉企业更青睐的合作伙伴。

    Li Hairong also mentioned that , perhaps system integration businesses will become the partner which the overseas machine vision enterprises favor .

  21. 因此,大的系统集成商挺进电信业务,而电信公司也在向IT服务业渗透。

    Hence the advance of the big systems integrators into telecoms services , and the move of telecoms firms into IT services .

  22. 我认为对于当前系统集成商的可持续创新来说,仍然存在着“中间人”的生存空间,但是却需要出现很多变革。

    I believe this is in the category of sustaining innovations for the current system integration firms , but with a lot of change to come .

  23. 三年后,我认为自己有能力应付更大的挑战,于是我跳槽到(目前雇主)一家系统集成商。

    After three years , I felt I was ready for a bigger challenge , so I switched to my present employer , a systems integration company .

  24. 当应用和基础架构可以通过云端交付时,系统集成商、行业伙伴和IT专业人士又将何去何从?

    When applications and infrastructure are delivered over the cloud , where do the business models of system integrators , ecosystem partners , and IT professionals go ?

  25. 我们也为系统集成商和最终用户提供咨询服务,告知他们如何将安全产品整合到安全仪表系统和应用中。

    Our consulting services also refer to system integrators and end-users informing them how to use and integrate safety related products into their safety instrumented systems and applications .

  26. 再次,运营商能够为集成商提供较多的信息,了解到新的需求的变化,甚至提供一些定制软件必不可少的开发环境,这对于系统集成商的软件开发与完善也将有很大的帮助。

    Next , operators are able to provide more information to those SI , they provide the new requirement and requirement changes , even provide the necessary development environment .

  27. 在第二章中,对电信系统集成商进行业务转型的外部动因进行了分析,主要包括市场环境分析、竞争力分析等;

    In the second chapter , the articleanalyzed the external causes of the business transformation of tsi , includingthe market environment analysis , the competitive analysis , and so on .

  28. 年度住宅楼盘智能化应用及运行情况,分析并找出智能化应用与现实的距离,为产品研发商、系统集成商、网络运营商、房地产开发商和物业管理公司提供实用的参考资料。

    Based on the investigation of Real Estate and Management Companies in China , intelligent system 's problem is realized . A reference document will be given in the following articles .

  29. 这些决策需要在您的内部it团队、系统集成商、应用程序供应商以及商业用户之间进行认真讨论、评估和议定。

    These decisions will need to be carefully discussed , evaluated and agreed upon between your internal it team , your systems integrator , your application vendor and your business users .

  30. 您在选择为您提供这方面的建议的团队时将进行这一可能是最重要的决策,而系统集成商将在此决策中发挥关键性作用。

    Your systems integrator will play a critical role in this and perhaps the most important decision you will make will be in selecting the team who will advise you on this .