
  • 网络sonic;Sonic The Hedgehog;sega;Sonik
  1. 但是这一情况将很快将改观,因为这款实用但呆板的汽车即将被新款索尼克(Sonic)所取代。现在,索尼克已在底特律南部投产。

    But that could change soon as that dull utilitarian machine is replaced by the new Sonic , which is starting in production in suburban Detroit .

  2. 在设计和乘坐舒适度等方面,新款索尼克都填补了乐骋的空白。

    Not surprisingly , the new sonic offers many of the design and comfort features that the Aveo lacked .

  3. 丰田公司称该设计团队致力于从上世纪80年代早期的八位微处理电脑游戏,诸如超级玛丽和刺猬索尼克中寻找灵感。

    According to the company , the team sought to channel the feel of early1980s8-bit microprocessor videogames such as Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog .

  4. 大家最爱的刺猬了新还坚持自己的根在索尼克释放,包括一个新的一侧索尼克和实现双重游戏。

    Everyone 's favorite hedgehog breaks new ground yet maintains his roots in Sonic Unleashed , featuring a new side of Sonic and bringing a dual gameplay .