
  • 网络Index page
  1. 这里是我知道了如何在Ubuntu顽强的工作安装(除用于索引页仍然没有完全如预期)一些笔记。

    Here are some notes on how I got it working ( except for the index page which still isn 't completely as expected ) on an ubuntu hardy installation .

  2. 额外的空间可以降低溢出和索引页拆分。

    The extra space can reduce overflows and index page splits .

  3. scope:搜索范围;空字符串表示搜索所有可用的索引页。

    Scope : The scope to search ; an empty string means search all available indexes .

  4. “按”“start”“键,计算机内的流览器便会被开启,并显示索引页。”

    " By clicking the " start " button , web browser in the computer will be launched and the first page-index page will appear . "

  5. 所以这样做时要小心,不过,太多的自由空间意味着大量的索引页,这对查询的性能乃至insert处理本身都会产生负面影响。

    This must be done carefully , however , because too much free space will mean an abundance of index pages , which could negatively impact query performance and even insert processsing itself .

  6. 包含那些行的所有聚集索引页上的意向共享锁,除非页已被ix锁保护。

    Intent share locks on all clustered index pages containing those rows , unless the page is already protected by an IX lock .

  7. 通过使用这些小块,可以使NPI的索引页散步到多个数据集中。

    This use of pieces enables the index pages of an NPI to be spread out into multiple data sets .

  8. 数据和索引页被从DASD中读出之后,便进入这些插槽,并留在其中,直到DB2缓冲区管理器确定那些插槽要用于其他数据。

    After being read in from DASD , the data and index pages go into these slots and remain there until the DB2 buffer manager determines that those slots should be used for some other data .

  9. 这要求在缓冲池中存在适当的索引页。

    This requires the appropriate index pages to be in the buffer pool .

  10. 将需要读取的索引页和数据行降到最低。

    Minimize the number of index pages and data rows that have to be read .

  11. 请注意,只对表数据页进行抽样,而不是索引页。

    Note that only the table data pages and not the index pages are sampled .

  12. 第二个问题是索引页的数量也必须增加以寻址这些页。

    A secondary problem is that the number of index pages also has to increase to address the pages .

  13. 另外,数据页和索引页变满也会导致更新的时间更长。下面的选项将帮助解决这些问题。

    Also , data and index pages become full , which can cause updates to take longer . The following options will help solve these problems .

  14. 如果的确是上述情况,那么使用更大的缓冲池是最好的解决办法,但是为索引页增加更多的自由空间也有所帮助。

    If this is the case , a larger buffer pool is the best solution , but adding more free space to index pages may also help .

  15. 如果当前页上没有足够的可用空间,则添加行版本控制信息会导致拆分索引页或分配新的数据页。

    Adding the row versioning information can cause index page splits or the allocation of a new data page if there is not enough space available on the current page .

  16. 我目前接触到一个客户,他想要让主索引页能够提供一组外观和感觉的选项以供站点的访问者选择。

    I 'm currently working with a client that wants the main index page to provide a set of " look-n-feel " choices from which the site 's visitors can choose .

  17. 检测到残缺页或校验和时,如果故障仅限于索引页上,则可通过还原数据,可能还需要重建索引进行恢复。

    When a torn page or checksum failure is detected , you can recover by restoring the data or potentially rebuilding the index if the failure is limited only to index pages .

  18. 如果向已满的索引页添加新行,数据库引擎将把大约一半的行移到新页中,以便为该新行腾出空间。

    When a new row is added to a full index page , the database engine moves approximately half the rows to a new page to make room for the new row .

  19. 已从磁盘读取的索引叶页的数量。

    The number of index leaf pages that have been read from disk .

  20. 对于索引,页分配与页拆分对应。

    For an index , a page allocation corresponds to a page split .

  21. 一个专门的按钮可立即翻到索引第一页。

    A special button transfers him immediately to the first page of the index .

  22. 简而言之,您此时要做的只是传递页索引和页大小。

    In a nutshell , all you 're doing here is passing in the page index and the page size .

  23. 它们不仅是针对相交区域的索引;叶页(leafpage)面保存数据对象本身。

    They are not bounding-box-only indexes ; the leaf pages store the data objects themselves .

  24. Write还可以自动创建索引和内容页表,并将内容(照片、图例、表格、电子表格片段)插入和合并到您的文档中。

    Write also provides the ability to automatically create indexes and table of contents pages , and to insert and merge content ( photos , illustrations , tables , spreadsheet fragments ) into your documents .

  25. 在访问索引时允许页锁。

    Page locks are allowed when accessing the index .

  26. 也就是说,对非聚集索引禁用所有页锁。

    That is , all page locks are disallowed on the nonclustered indexes .

  27. 但是,对于具有很多随机插入且页很满的索引,其页拆分数将不断增加。

    However , an index that has many random inserts and has very full pages will have an increased number of page splits .

  28. 通常,第一个调用事务的用户将承受读取索引和数据页的成本。

    Often it is the first user to invoke a transaction that incurs the cost of I / Os for reading in the indexes and data pages .

  29. 未能截断表''%1!'',因为日志中没有足够的空间来记录所有索引和数据页的解除分配。

    Could not truncate table ' % . ls ' because there is not enough room in the log to record the deallocation of all the index and data pages .

  30. PCTFREE告诉DB2在装载或重组数据时,表空间或索引中的每个页要留出多少百分比的空余空间。

    PCTFREE indicates to DB2 what percentage of each page in the table space or index to leave free when either loading or reorganizing the data .