
  • 网络Genji
  1. 紫姬无疑是《源氏物语》中最引人注目的女性形象。

    Genji is undoubtedly the most attractive female figure .

  2. 在压抑中寻觅自我&试论《源氏物语》中的紫姬形象

    Seeking ego under depression - On Genji 's image of The Tale of Genji

  3. 这样一个近乎完美的女性却也是抑郁而终,这是紫姬的悲哀,也是当时日本社会下女性的悲哀。

    Such a nearly perfect woman died from depression . This is not her but also are women of under Japanese society sorrow .

  4. 殊途同归&黛玉、紫姬形象之比较玉米-紫花苜蓿间作模式与效应研究

    The Same Goal Achieved by Different Means & comparison between the image of Dai Yu and That of Zi Ji ; A study on the pattern and effect of Zea mays intercropping with Medicago sativa