
zǐ tónɡ sè
  • red copper color
  1. 温暖水域中几种琥珀色到紫铜色叉形尾巴的鲹科鱼。

    Any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes .

  2. 他那只紫铜色的光头,看来看去就象一具发霉的骷髅。

    His bald purplish head now looked for all the world like a mildewed skull .

  3. 叉开被分叉(叉开)的状态温暖水域中几种琥珀色到紫铜色叉形尾巴的鲹科鱼。

    The state of being divergent . any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes .

  4. 然而,我从来没有听说过酷热的太阳会把一个白人晒成紫铜色的。

    but I never heard of a hot sun 's tanning a white man into a purplish yellow one .

  5. 还得加上各种年龄和各种面貌的人,脸色苍白的青年,晒成了紫铜色的码头工。

    Add to this , all ages , all sorts of faces , small , pale young men , and bronzed longshoremen .

  6. 这些绵延50英里的壁画,据推测,创作于公元前200年到公元700年之间,是纳斯卡土著的印第安人用刮掉沙漠表层的紫铜色岩石以露出底下的浅色土壤的方式设计出来的。

    They cover an area of some 50 miles , and were supposedly created between 200 BC and 700 AD by the Nazca Indians , who designed them by scraping away the copper colored rocks of the desert floor to expose the lighter-colored earth beneath .