
  • 网络Industrial diamonds;ballas;carbonado;carbon spot
  1. 稳定地实现大腔体金刚石合成,大幅度提高金刚石合成中的空间、材料、能源利用率及提高金刚石的热稳定性等,是工业钻石合成永恒的研究内容。

    The eternal goal for diamond Synthesize is to make bigger reaction chamber , to increase the utilization ratio of space , materials and energy resources in the process of diamonds synthesizing and to improve the thermal stability of the diamonds .

  2. 俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院表示,西伯利亚东部的珀匹盖陨石坑内有“数万亿克拉”的“冲击钻”,是良好的工业钻石,而不是用来打造珠宝。这一储量比目前已知的全世界钻石矿储量的总和还超出很多。

    The Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences said that the Popigai crater in eastern Siberia contains " many trillions of carats " of so-called " impact diamonds " -- good for technological purposes , not for jewelry , and far exceeding the currently known global deposits of conventional diamonds .

  3. 今天,大部分工业用钻石来自俄罗斯。

    Today , most diamonds used in industry come from Russia .

  4. 俄罗斯科学家表示,前苏联政府曾在西伯利亚地区一个巨大的陨石坑内,发现大型工业用钻石矿,而这一发现有可能引发工业变革。

    Russian scientists are claiming that a gigantic deposit of industrial diamonds found in a huge Siberian meteorite crater during Soviet times could revolutionize industry .

  5. 研究人员称,他们在实验中用到的最便宜的东西是以大约150美元(约合人民币1000元)购买的工业用合成钻石。

    The researchers say their industrial fabricated diamond , which cost about $ 150 , was the cheapest thing in their experiment .

  6. 非工业用金钢石(钻石),已加工,但尚未镶嵌者。

    Non-industrial diamonds , worked , but not mounted or set .

  7. 工业:原油,钻石,铁矿,磷酸盐,长石矿,铝氧石,铀,黄金。

    Industry : petroleum , diamonds , iron ore , phosphates , feldspar , bauxite , uranium , gold .