
  • 网络Industrial circle;COP
  1. 如果想要在本地发展有竞争力的产业,则必须从产业全球化的视角来考察;如果想要在本地发展多元化的工业圈,则必须从核心能力共享和专业化的角度去思维。

    If you want to develop a competitive local industry , you should consider things at a global view ; if you want to develop a diversified industry cycle , you should think from angle of core capacity sharing and specialization . 6 .

  2. 在他的富有争议性的《为现实世界而设计&人类生态和社会改变》中,他呼吁美国工业设计圈要反对商业利益导向的设计,并专注于那些被设计师所忽略的人们真实的需求。

    In his controversial work Design for the Real World : Human Ecology and Social Change , He called on design professional to against the profit-oriented design . , and focus on the real needs of the people who were neglected by the designers .

  3. 在一些情况下,随着工业群聚圈而成长起来的附属服务业有可能会坚守本位并发展成具有活力的新生工业,即使它们最初服务的工业集群慢慢消失了。

    In some cases , the ancillary services that grew up to service industrial clusters have remained in position and developed into vibrant new industries long after their original client industry has faded .

  4. 通过对工业品位应用和产生条件的分析,揭示了单工程或块段最低工业品位(文中简称工业品位)并非圈矿指标和储量分类的标准。

    The application of industrial grade and its creating conditions indicate that the index of industrial grade does not represent the standard for delineation of orebodies and classification of reserves .