
  1. 浅谈17~18世纪外销紫砂器特征及对欧洲制陶业影响

    Discussion on Characteres of Purple Sand Pottery Exported Between 17th to 18th Century and Their Influence to European Ceramics

  2. 本文就是以这样的宗旨出发,来对紫砂光器的设计及审美特质进行深入细致的研究,以期对现代陶瓷艺术设计产生一些启示。

    This is the purpose of the study and deeply research about the aesthetic characteristics of Purple Clay Wares to expect some inspirations for the modern design of ceramic art .

  3. 由于它拥有独特的材质、造型与文化内涵,早在明代就有学者对其进行研究,时至今日,已有大量关于紫砂光器的文献问世。

    Because of its unique texture , shape and cultural connotation , it was studied by some scholars as early as the Ming Dynasty . Nowadays , there are a lot of literatures about it .

  4. 所以笔者在对紫砂光器的审美特质进行分析研究的时候将侧重在设计艺术学实践的角度,并结合设计图例来探索紫砂光器设计与审美的客观本质及由来。

    Therefore , the author , based on the analysis of aesthetic characteristics of Purple Clay Wares , the study will focus on the art design and practical point of view to explore the aesthetic objective nature and origin of Purple Clay Wares by combining some pictures .

  5. 文章将从以下几个方面来重点阐述。一、从历代文人参与紫砂创作这一线索来探究紫砂光器审美特质的源流。

    The paper will analyze focusing on the following aspects . Firstly , the study will explore the origins of aesthetic qualities of Purple Clay Wares by following the clue of the ancient scholars involved in making Purple Clay Wares .

  6. 中国传统紫砂茶壶是宜兴地区独有的宝贵资产,紫砂茶壶丰富的器形汇集着历代艺人深厚的创作智慧,孕育着独特的造型风格和审美内涵。

    Chinese traditional Boccaro Teapot is precious asset exclusive to Yixing , the rich shapes collect artists ' creative intelligence , and breed the unique style and aesthetics content of Yixing teapots .