
  • 网络copper pipe;red copper;Copper tubes
  1. 高温钎焊紫铜管脆断原因分析

    Analysing the Cause of Brittle Fracture of Oxygen-free Copper Pipe Brazed at High Temperature

  2. 紫铜管在建筑给水系统中的合理应用

    Proper Application of Red Copper Pipe in Building Water System

  3. 浅谈水平连铸TP2紫铜管坯的工艺制度

    Discussion of Process for TP_2 Copper Tubular Billet in Horizontal Continuous Casting

  4. 三辊行星轧制过程中ACR紫铜管的组织和性能演变

    Microstructure and properties of ACR copper tube during three-roll planetary milling process

  5. 试验管为内径4mm长为0.5m的光滑紫铜管。

    Tested was a smooth copper tube that had a 4 mm inner diameter and 0.5 m length .

  6. 通过对紫铜与不锈钢的焊接性能分析和试验,确定了合理的TIG焊焊接工艺,获得了优质的焊接接头,解决了紫铜管与不锈钢管对接焊接的技术难题。

    By weldability analysis and test of red copper and stainless steel , the reasonable welding procedure of TIG were ascertained and good welding , joint was gotten . The welding problem of red copper pipe and stainless steel pipe was resolved .

  7. 真空室由长109.5cm,内直径14cm的无缝紫铜管作成,这台谱仪能聚焦的电子的最大能量为3Mev(对应功率消耗约1070瓦)。

    The vacuum tank of the instrument is made of a copper cylinder having the length of 109-5 cm , and 14 cm inner diameter . The maximum energy of the electrons focused by this instrument is 3 Mev ( corresponding a spend of 1070 watts ) .

  8. 介绍了一种紫铜管光亮酸洗钝化工艺。

    A bright pickling and chromating process for copper pipes was introduced .

  9. 图解法确定紫铜管管壁厚度

    Definition of thickness of wall of red copper tube by graphic method

  10. 紫铜管与不锈钢管对接焊焊接工艺

    Welding Procedure of Red Copper Pipe and Stainless Steel Pipe Butt Welding

  11. 稀土铜添加剂在空调用紫铜管中的应用

    Application of RE-Cu additive in red copper tube used in air condition system

  12. 紫铜管氧化变色的防治

    Prevention and control of oxidizing discoloration of copper tube

  13. 紫铜管表面夹杂及压入类缺陷的控制研究

    Research on impurity and inlay defects for copper tubes

  14. 厚壁紫铜管氩弧焊工艺研究

    Study of thick-wall Red Copper Pipe Argon-arc Welding Technology

  15. 紫铜管与低合金钢管的焊接

    Weld Between Copper Tubes and Low Alloy Tubes

  16. 紫铜管光亮酸洗钝化工艺

    Bright pickling and chromating for copper pipes

  17. 紫铜管开裂原因分析

    Cracking analysis of pure copper tube

  18. 紫铜管钎焊工艺

    Brazing process of copper pipes

  19. 紫铜管中聚丙烯酰胺水溶液抗剪切特性最小量润滑精密车削中切削液的渗透性

    Withstanding Mechanical Degradation of the Polyacrylamide Solution in Copper Tube Permeability of Cutting Fluid in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Precision Turning

  20. 结果表明,在空心紫铜管坯水平连铸过程中施加工频电磁场,可以改善管坯表面质量;

    The results showed that surface quality can be improved by the application of electromagnetic field during horizontal continuous casting ;

  21. 为在建筑给水系统中合理应用紫铜管,并方便设计计算,建立了常用紫铜管水力计算表和最大工作压力表;

    The tables for hydraulic calculation and maximum allowable working pressure of red copper pipes have been established by the authors .

  22. 结果表明,紫铜管渗漏系腐蚀引发裂纹所致,而涂在铜管表面的油胶中的氯离子是引起紫铜管应力腐蚀开裂的主要因素。

    It was concluded that the Cl ion in the oil glue resulted in stress corrosion cracking of the pure copper tube .

  23. 介绍了采用轴向压缩胀形成形原理,生产高档建筑及制冷系统用薄壁紫铜管三通接头的成形工艺和模具结构。

    Axial compress expander forming has been used to production of high-grade thin-wall three-way connection made of red copper used for building and refrigeration .

  24. 通水部位全部采用紫铜管,以充分发挥铜管耐腐蚀的性能;采用铝翼管翼片,以起到强化散热的作用。

    The water run through the red copper tubes which performance a good Corrosion resistance and the aluminum wing has also enhanced the heat dissipation capability .

  25. 研究了工频电磁场对水平连铸紫铜管坯表面质量、力学性能和组织的影响。

    The influence of commercial frequency electromagnetic field on the surface quality , mechanical properties and macrostructure of copper hollow billet prepared by horizontal continuous casting method was investigated .

  26. 冷却器:表冷器采用紫铜管、碳钢管(镀锌)或不锈钢管制作,通过高压试验,确保大流量的流体强压循环。

    Cooler : surface cooling is made by adopting copper tube , galvanized steel tube or stainless steel through high-voltage test to ensure fluid forced circulation with large capacity .

  27. 采用金相显微镜、布氏硬度仪以及激光热导仪对三辊行星轧制过程中紫铜管的组织和性能进行研究。

    The microstructure and properties of the pure copper tube during the rolling process of a three-roll planetary mill were studied using optical microscope , Brinell 's hardness measurements and laser-thermal rating measurements .

  28. 对水在无缝碳钢、不锈钢和紫铜管内的流动阻力特性进行了实验测定;对各种表面的粗糙度和光洁度作了仪器分析;

    The characteristic of the flow obstruction of water in carbon steel tube , stainless steel tube and red copper tube is determined by the experiment in the paper , superficial roughness and smooth finish of three kinds of tubes are analysed with the instruments ;