
xù níng
  • flocculation
絮凝[xù níng]
  1. 选择性絮凝的方法及其机理(II)

    The Method and Mechanism of Selective Flocculation ( II )

  2. 溶剂絮凝法制取低QI煤沥青的研究

    A study on low Qi coal tar pitch using solvent flocculation method

  3. 水温、pH、沉淀时间等对絮凝沉淀过程的影响。

    On the process of flocculation and precipitation .

  4. 阳离子共聚物CAM-co-DM的合成及絮凝和防膨性能

    Synthesis and flocculating / anticlayswelling properties of cationic copolymer cam-co-dm

  5. 电絮凝-催化氧化法去除染料工业废水COD的研究

    Research on removal of COD in dyestuffs wastewater by electrolytic flocculation-catalytic oxidation method

  6. 该絮凝剂具有良好的pH稳定性,对高岭土悬液的絮凝率高达90%以上。

    It had good stability under different pH values , with flocculating rate reaching over 90 % for kaolin clay suspension .

  7. 采用光助Fenton氧化、化学絮凝法联合处理生物难降解的R盐废水,考察了不同反应条件对处理效果的影响。

    The treatment of R salt wastewater with photo-assisted Fenton and flocculation process was preliminarily studied .

  8. EM的絮凝特性试验研究

    TESTING Study on Flocculation Character of EM

  9. NOx催化氧化亚铁制备聚铁工艺及絮凝性能研究

    Study on the Technology of Producing PFS with NOx Oxidizing Catalytically and Flocculation Performance

  10. ~1HNMR选择检测新技术用于新三萜皂苷的结构研究选择性絮凝作用

    Application of Novel Selective ~ 1H NMR Techniques to the Structural Determination of a New Triterpenoid Glycoside

  11. 这样的废水,在适当条件下(pH值及石灰添加量等),采用中和絮凝的方法能得到有效的处理;

    Waste water of this nature can be effectively treated by neutralization and flocculation under suitable conditions ( pH value and lime dosage ) .

  12. 应用电絮凝浮选法对油田3类主要污水进行处理研究证实:炼油厂含油污染水含油量去除率达96%,SS去除率达97%;

    The electrocoagulation and floatation method was applied for the treatment of 3 oilfield sewage .

  13. ST造纸蒸煮助剂壳聚糖对印染废水的絮凝作用和脱色效果

    Cooking Additive Agent for ST Paper Making Flocculation and Decoloration Efficiency of Chitosan for Printing and Dyeing Waste Water

  14. 聚合氯化铝(PAC)是一种具有优异絮凝性能的无机高分子絮凝剂。

    Polyaluminium chloride with excellent flocculation performance is an inorganic polymer flocculant .

  15. COP絮凝作用研究

    A Study on the Flocculation of COP

  16. 强化絮凝法去除水中DBP先质研究

    DBP 's precursor removal by enhanced coagulation in water purification process

  17. 用9种无机絮凝剂(包括无机高分子)对PVC生产废水的絮凝效果进行了比较和选择;

    Compared with the coagulating effects of nine kinds of inorganic and inorganic polymer coagulants on wastewater from PVC manufacture process was presented .

  18. 提出了用铁屑内电解-絮凝法处理含ABS废水的新方法。

    The treatment of containing ABS wastewater by internal electrolysis of iron filings - flocculent process is presented in the paper .

  19. 其最佳絮凝pH范围为6&8.5,最佳絮凝形态是产生Fe(OH)0,·后在此基础上进一步聚合成了带正电的铁的高聚物。

    The best pH range was 6 - 8.5 . The best flocculation species was the iron hydrolysis polymer after forming Fe ( OFT ) 4 ~ .

  20. 试验结果还表明,PACS比聚氯化铝(PAC)的絮凝效果好。

    The flocculation efficiency of PACS is better than that of polyaluminium chloride ( PAC ) .

  21. 其除水色度比PFC好,除浊效果和絮凝体沉降性能又优于PAC。

    Its water leakage chromaticity is better than PFC and the flocculation body subsidence performance surpasses PAC .

  22. 后继处理采用炉渣吸附过滤技术脱氧为后续厌氧创造条件,并去除残留絮凝物进一步降低废水COD及色度;

    And the subsequent treatment is studied in order to deoxygenate the former effluent and reduce COD , chromaticity concentration by cinder absorption-filtration .

  23. 该聚合物的pH值在4~9范围内对膨润土模拟污水有很好的絮凝能力,并能满足目前油田中碳酸盐岩中高温油水井酸化缓速的要求。

    It has good flocculating capability for the bentonite simulated sewage with pH value from 4 to 9 , and can delay the reaction velocity of acid with rock effectively .

  24. 指出了30%左右的水解PAM可以在钠蒙脱土和高岭土的悬浮液中,选择絮凝高岭土。

    It was indicated that PAM whose a is about 30 % may flocculate selectively kaolinite of the mixed suspension of Na-montmorillonite-kaolinite .

  25. 试验考察了絮凝剂种类和用量、废水pH值以及有机-无机絮凝剂联合使用对絮凝效果的影响。同时使用加压溶气气浮装置进行了动态试验,结果表明处理效果令人满意。

    The flocculent dosage , pH value of the wastewater and ratio of inorganic-organic compound flocculent were investigated , and pressurized floatation with dissolved air was used in the experiment , with satisfactory results .

  26. 电催化氧化絮凝复合床处理CTMP废液

    Process of Electro-Catalytic Oxidation Coagulation Compound Bed Cell Applied to the CTMP Effluent Treatment

  27. 改性壳聚糖(VCG)的制备及其对油田酸化废水絮凝性能的研究

    Preparation of Modified Chitosan and Flocculation Study on Acidizing Wastewater of Oilfield

  28. 并利用Zeta电位测定及红外技术对聚硅酸硫酸铝絮凝剂(简称PSAS)的絮凝机理加以分析探讨。

    And the flocculent mechanism of PSAS was discussed through Zeta potential analysis and infrared spectrum technique .

  29. 将传统的化学处理法与絮凝技术相结合,配制选择性好的RSL复合絮凝剂对电镀铬废液进行净化处理、纯化等,得到纯度较高的Cr(VI)液;

    Combinating the traditional chemical method with chemical flocculation technology , we found a new complex flocculation to treat the electroplating chromium wastewater .

  30. 通过循环伏安法和电极极化法研究的机理表明:碳钢屑-活性炭混合床反应器和电化学电解法对焦化废水中的COD的去除主要是通过电絮凝作用。

    It was found that the COD removal of coking wastewater was done with carbon steel scraps and active carbon mixed reactor and electrochemical electrolysis method mainly through electro-coagulation .