
  • 网络flocculent settling;flocculation settling;flocculating settling;flocculation and sedimentation
  1. 在A级,废水中的溶解性有机物主要通过原核细菌的生物代谢作用去除,悬浮有机物和胶体有机物则主要通过生物吸附和絮凝沉淀去除。

    In A stage , most of soluble organic material is removed by biological metabolism of prokaryotic bacteria , most of suspended and colloidal organic material is removed by biological adsorption and flocculation settling .

  2. 运行结果表明,平流沉淀+絮凝沉淀工艺对处理砂石加工废水确实是行之有效的。

    Running results show that the horizontal flow settling and flocculating settling is indeed effective for gravel processing wastewater treatment .

  3. V形斜板强化接触絮凝沉淀设备的研发与应用

    Development and Application of V-shape Inclined Plate Enhanced Contact Flocculation Settler

  4. 水温、pH、沉淀时间等对絮凝沉淀过程的影响。

    On the process of flocculation and precipitation .

  5. 聚合氯化铝产品的显著特点是净水效果明显,絮凝沉淀速度快,适应PH范围宽;

    The product is characterized by a significant water effect is obvious , flocculation and sedimentation speed , wide adaptation PH ;

  6. 通过采用絮凝沉淀、ABR反应池、SBR池、砂滤的工艺实现了废水的达标排放。

    By Flocculentdeposit ABR-SBR and sand leach , waste water are processed in keeping with the standards .

  7. 姜黄素工业废水经Fenton试剂氧化、Ca(OH)2中和及PAM絮凝沉淀处理,废水有很好的脱色及COD去除效果。

    Turmeric industry wastewater can remove color and degrade COD well by Fenton 's reagent oxidation with Ca ( OH ) 2 neutralization , PAM coagulation and sedimentation process .

  8. 选用聚合硫酸铝(PAS)为絮凝剂,用以取代进口药剂对PVC废水的絮凝沉淀处理,进行了实验室工艺条件试验,确定其使用的最佳工艺条件。

    Experiments of coagulation sedimentation of polyaluminum sulfate ( PAS ) for displacing imported reagents in PVC wastewater were conducted in laboratory to select the optimum process conditions .

  9. 介绍冲天炉除尘洗涤循环水处理工艺过程,包括絮凝沉淀、SO2的吸收、循环水冷却、水质稳定、污泥脱水等过程。

    The article introduces the treatment process of circulating water dedusting from blast furnace , including flocculating precipitation , SO 2 absorbing , cooling circulating water , stability water quality , sludge desiccation etc.

  10. 菌体与淀粉颗粒之间结合键的检测结果表明加入EDTA和HCl的絮凝沉淀中絮块大量分解,加入尿素的絮凝沉淀无明显的解絮现象。

    The combination key testing between Bacteria and starch particles showed that when adding EDTA and HCl , flocculation decomposed largely . When adding carbamide , flocculation had no obviously deflocculating phenomenon .

  11. 高浊度水的絮凝沉淀主要是投加聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM),而投加量、投加方式和良好的絮凝条件都会影响高浊度水浑液面的沉速。

    Coagulation of high-turbid water mainly depends on adding HPAM while the quantity of HPAM , the way of adding drugs and good conditions for coagulation can have an influence on sedimentation velocities of high-turbidity water 's surface .

  12. 由于天然有机高分子QH絮凝剂能通过吸附、网捕、包裹等作用于将水中的亲水性粒子絮凝沉淀出来,因而具有高效性。

    Natural Organic Macromolecule QH Flocculating Colloid has high efficiency because it can flocculate the hydrophile particle in the waste water by the function of adsorbing , gathering and enwrapping .

  13. 实验研究了利用FeSO4絮凝沉淀处理含241Am废水时,在各种絮凝条件下絮凝体的粒径分布情况。

    The paper gives distribution of floccule diameter for () ~ ( 241 ) Am wastewater flocculated by FeSO_4 under varions flocculating conditions .

  14. 目的采用壳聚糖絮凝沉淀法用于虫草菌丝体口服液的澄清。

    OBJECTIVE To clarify Cordyceps Mycelia Oral Solutio via chitosan Flocculation .

  15. 絮凝沉淀&Fenton氧化法处理印染废水

    Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Waste Water by Coagulation-Fenton Oxidation Process

  16. 化学法综合治理草浆造纸黑液的研究絮凝沉淀灰滤法处理再生浆造纸废水

    Study on the Chemical Treatment of Straw Pulp Effluent-Black Liquor

  17. 絮凝沉淀、过滤处理合成苯乙烯污水

    Treatment of synthesized styrene wastewater by coagulation and filtration process

  18. 酸性废水絮凝沉淀特性的试验研究

    The experimental research on the characteristics of flocculating precipitation of acid washing wastewater

  19. 铝盐絮凝沉淀法处理再生纸制浆废水

    A Pilot Study of Aluminum Salt Flocculating Settling Process in Pulp Wastewater Treatment

  20. 絮凝沉淀法除铁、锰

    The Method of Concretion to Remove Iron and Manganese

  21. 化学氧化还原-中和-絮凝沉淀法处理电镀废水中铬的研究

    Study on Removal of Chromium in Electroplate Wastewater by the Method of Oxidation-Reduction-Neutralization-Flocculation-Precipitation

  22. SBR+絮凝沉淀法处理造纸中段水

    Treatment of papermaking wastewater by sbr-flocculating sedimentation process

  23. 平流式絮凝沉淀池用于电厂循环冷却水净化

    Horizintal flocculation and sedimentation basin used for purification of circulatory cooling water in power plant

  24. 淀粉废水的絮凝沉淀及生物处理

    Flocculent and Biological Treament of Starch Wastewater

  25. 絮凝沉淀/UASB/生物接触氧化工艺处理制药废水

    Flocculation and Sedimentation / UASB / Biological Contact Oxidation Process for Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater

  26. 针对羊毛脂较低的原料,采用絮凝沉淀&生物接触氧化工艺处理洗毛废水。

    The wool washing wastewater was treated by coagulation sedimentation and biological contact oxidation technology .

  27. 接触絮凝沉淀水处理技术在市政水厂的应用

    The application of coagulation , contact , flocculation , and sediment techniques in municipal water plant

  28. 絮凝沉淀&微滤膜过滤组合工艺去除电镀废水中铜和镍的研究

    Research of Removal Copper and Nickel of Electroplating Wastewater by Flocculation Precipitation and Micro-Filtration Combined Process

  29. 测定絮凝沉淀胰酶滤液的酶活,结果滤液中酶活所占的比率很低,说明絮凝沉淀比较有效。

    The ratio of activities in filtrate were very low , showing the precipitation was effective .

  30. 试验采用ABR+絮凝沉淀+SBR工艺处理奶牛场的高浓度有机废水。

    ABR-flocculating deposition-SBR combined treating process is studied to deal with high density organic wastewater from dairies .