
  • 网络Infrared range finder;Distomat;Infrared EDM instrument;edm
  1. 本文首先分析了红外测距仪加常数现行检测方法的弊端,得出结论是周期误差严重污染加常数,进而提出净化加常数的三种方法;

    This Paper analyses the disadvantages of the current method for testing EDM additive constant and arrives at a conclusion that periodic error contaminating EDM additive constant is very severe . Three optimum methods are then given by this Paper .

  2. 采用PSD的智能红外测距仪

    An Intelligent Infrared Ray Distance Measurement Instrument Using PSD

  3. 红外测距仪配合PC-1500袖珍机在地形测量工作中的应用

    The application of the infrared Ranger combined with a PC-1500 Pocket Computer in topographic survey

  4. 影响CI-450红外测距仪精度的两个主要参数之修正

    Amendment of Two Main Parameters which Affect CI-450 Infrared Distance Meter 's Precision

  5. 用对比的方法着重分析了提高测图精度的原因,并对DM502红外测距仪的反射镜安置方法作了较详细的叙述。文章后谈到了DM502红外测距仪测绘地形的优点。

    Through comparison it is mainly discussed why the accuracy of mapping can be improved using DM502 as well as how to set the reflector related to DM502 .

  6. BHC-5红外测距仪的设计和精度分析

    Design for Infra red Geodimeter BHC 5 and Its Accuracy Analysis

  7. 红外测距仪替代水准测量精度分析

    Analysis of accuracy of infrared distance measuring meter to replace the leveling meter

  8. 红外测距仪常数的室内检定

    Indoor calibration of the constants of infra-red distancer

  9. 红外测距仪在井下测量中的应用

    Application of Redar in Undreground Survey

  10. 红外测距仪代替三、四等水准误差分析

    Error Analysis by Using Infrared Range & Measurement System Instead of the Third or Fourth Grade Levelling

  11. 短程红外测距仪周期误差检测中几个问题探讨

    Discussion on some problems in the examination of cycle errors in short range infrared & distance meters

  12. 并给出在确认(验收)阶段判定软件是否达到可靠性目标的准则。论红外测距仪质量验收

    In addition , the criteria for deciding whether software has achieved its required reliability goal in software validation phase are also presented

  13. 红外测距仪、全站仪的广泛应用,使得坐标法曲线放样的应用更加广泛。

    Due to the wide application of infrared distance meters and total stations , coordinate method is widely used in the layout of curves .

  14. 三角高程测量,特别是用红外测距仪、全站仪精确测定点的高程,都需要精确测定仪器高。

    T is necessary to measure the instrument height accurately in trigonometric levelling , especially in measuring dot altitude accurately with infrared distance gauge .

  15. 应用红外测距仪和经纬仪对样地的每株乔木及幼树进行了测量,并建立了地理信息数据库。

    The every arbor and yang tree in sample plots was measured with infrared distance meter ( RED2L ) and transit , and the geo-database was built .

  16. 射击精度获得是采用一套简单的使用红外夜视和激光测距仪输入的FCS光点火控系统。

    Fire accuracy is attained by a primitive FCS light spot fire control system with IR night vision and laser rangefinder input .

  17. 红外光斑中心检测在红外自动验光仪、红外测距仪等光学测量和检测仪器中是一项关键技术,检测算法的精度、速度直接影响光学测量的精度及速度。

    The infrared spot detection is the key technique used in optical measurement and detection instruments , such as infrared automation optometry , infrared range finder . The precision and speed of the detection algorithm affect those of the optical measurement system directly .