
  • confidante;Soul mate
  1. 事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。

    In fact is the merchant 's confidante .

  2. 这位夫人,善解人意,富有耐心,真可谓是商人的红颜知己。

    She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant 's confidante .

  3. 你有红颜知己么?如果有会不会变成情人?

    Do you have a female confidant ? Will you become lovers ?

  4. 怎么样界定红颜知己?红颜知己能与他分享人生么?

    How to define female confidant ? female confidant can share her life with man ?

  5. 不要为没有红颜知己而懊恼,我就是你的红颜知己!

    Do not have no sirens confidant and chagrin , I am your confidant sirens !

  6. 另一个心愿就是遇到一个可以真心相爱的红颜知己。

    Anather dream is that I can meet the girl that we really gone on each other !

  7. 浪漫型的人士可能声称自己在寻觅完美无暇的红颜知己,然而,呈现的真相却十分平淡无奇。

    Romantic types might say they seek the perfect soulmate but the revealed truth is more prosaic .

  8. 如果唐伯虎能够有你这位红颜知己,真是死而无憾呀。

    If Tong Pak Fu had a friend like you , he wouldn 't have any regrets .

  9. 这项研究并不表示,你可以随便给你的红颜知己买些节日里吃的糖果和水果蛋糕。

    This study doesn 't mean that you should go around buying your lady holiday-themed sweaters and fruitcake .

  10. 飞飞是我的一个密友(红颜知己),最近狂做飞飞字体。

    Feifei is one of my close friend ( friend sirens ), do the recent mad font Feifei .

  11. 当你男友的朋友圈里有一位亲密的红颜知己的时候,你更要加倍小心。

    When there is a close , platonic female friend in the group you need to tread extra carefully .

  12. 不要总当着她夸奖红颜知己,不要对别的女人比对她还关心。

    Do not praise her roots in the presence of total friends , not to her than other women also concerned .

  13. 妻子陪你过日子,情人陪你花钞票,红颜知己陪你聊聊天。

    You have to live with his wife , lover to accompany you to spend money , you chat with friends sirens .

  14. 是开玩笑吧?你办公室美女那么多,至少有一个是你的红颜知己了吧?

    Is it a joke ? There are so many lovely girls in your office , you should have had a female confidant at least , did you ?

  15. 事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。每每遇到困难,他就会找她,而她也总能帮助他走出困境,度过难关。

    Whenever the merchant faced some problems , he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times .

  16. 相形之下,男人很可能会宣告妻子是她们唯一的红颜知己:失去婚姻,男人也就失去了最好的支持者。

    Men , by contrast , are much more likely to report that their spouse is their sole confidante : lose the marriage and they lose their best friend .

  17. 然而,如果你寻找一个品味的女人成为你最好朋友、红颜知己和生活伴侣分享苦与乐,欢迎你留下你的足迹。

    However , you are welcome to leave your footprint if you are searching for a quality woman to be your best friend , soul mate and life partner to share sadness and happiness .

  18. 而在这时,却邂逅了一位红颜知己,发生了一段短暂的爱情,钱也随之花完,最终不过背起行囊郁郁的终老他乡罢了。

    At this time , but encounter of a confidante , a short occurred in love , the money also will spend the end , the end of the day they die , but packed up depressed Bale afar .