
  1. 旅游产业链的两种模式及未来趋势

    Two Models and the Future Trend of Tourism Industrial Chain

  2. 商务方法专利将重塑旅游产业链

    Business Method Patents Will Remould the Industry Chain of Tourism

  3. 延伸餐饮旅游产业链以及坚持大众化的主流方向等。

    And insisting on the development direction of popularization .

  4. 转型时期我国旅游产业链的构建

    On the Construction of China 's Tourist Industry Chain in the Transition Period

  5. 网络旅游产业链的构建及其实现途径分析

    Construction and Realization Analysis of Network Tourism Industry Chain

  6. 网络环境下旅游产业链的思考

    The Travel Industrial Chain on Internet

  7. 随着旅游产业链不断延伸,人流、物流、资金流、信息流广泛交汇。

    With the travel industry-chain extending , person flow , logistic flow , capital flow and information flow are converging .

  8. 旅游产业链是旅游企业间长期稳定合作的一种形式,它的形成具有一定的理论基础。

    This paper explains the formation and evaluation of tourism industrial chain based on theories of specialization and transaction cost in economics .

  9. 从产业经济的角度看旅游产业链的构建与优化已经成为了各旅游地迫切需要解决的问题。

    From the angle of industrial economy , the construction and the optimization of tourism industrial chain become an urgent problem to be solved .

  10. 其次,联合开发产品、整合营销,避免产品雷同,延长旅游产业链,树立区域整体形象。

    Joint development products and integrated marketing to avoid similar products ; extend the tourism industry chain , set the overall image of the region .

  11. 综合分析目前最大的瓶颈就是公路旅游产业链还没有健全,还不能满足公路旅游的发展需要。

    Comprehensive analysis of the biggest bottleneck is the Road tour industry chain without a sound , can not meet the development needs of the road trip .

  12. 针对湖南旅游产业链构建中存在的问题,指出问题的主要解决途径和方法,从而优化湖南旅游产业链构建。

    According to the problems which exist in the construction of Hunan tourism industrial chain , it finds out such a great way to solve the problems that it can optimize the construction of Hunan tourism industrial chain .

  13. 研究发现:第一,上海黄浦江水上旅游产业链主要由上游的码头运营商、中游的游船公司和下游的渠道三个环节构成。

    Study found that : First , the Shanghai Huangpu river tourism industry chain is mainly links from three aspects , the upper reaches of the terminal operator , the middle reaches of the cruise company and the downstream channel .

  14. 本文首先分析了商务旅游产业链的特征,进而指出,在信息化背景下商务旅游的产业融合出现在三个层面,即旅游服务(产品)层面、经营层面和产业层面。

    This paper first analyzes the characters of business travel and tourism industry links . Then it points out that under the background of information-ization such industry amalgamation will be on three levels such as travel services ( products ) level , management level and industry level .

  15. 海南应加大体育赛事的宣传促销力度,延伸体育赛事旅游的产业链,推广销售海南特色赛事旅游纪念品,发展多种形式的旅游产品。海南应注重赛事的后续效应和可持续发展。

    Hainan should strengthen advertisement power , extend the industrial chain of sports events tourism , and focus on the event follow-up effect and sustainable development .

  16. 广西与越南旅游合作项目产业链的构建与优化

    On the Tourism Cooperation Projects ' Industrial Chain of Construction and Optimization Between Guangxi and Vietnam

  17. 第四章对中国入境旅游产业嵌入全球价值链网的时空过程进行了分析。

    In the fourth chapter , author analyzed the space-time process that Chinese inbound tourism inserts in global value chain network .

  18. 旅游客流作为旅游产业链的基础,其重要性日益突出,因此旅游客流驱动模式研究已成为旅游界研究的一个新热点。

    As the basic of tourism industry chain , tourist flow is becoming much more important . The research on the mode of driving tourist flow is a new hot topic of tourism industry .

  19. 加强旅游支持产业和产业链建设可以从构建便捷舒适的交通设施;加强旅行社的竞争力;加强旅游饭店业的竞争力三个方面加以完善。

    To strengthen the tourism industry and the industrial chain construction , we can construct a comfortable and convenient transport facilities , strengthen the competitiveness of travel agents and strengthen the Tourist Hotel industry competitive power .

  20. 第三部分内容,主要运用层次分析法(AHP),从旅游地内部十五大要素对旅游产业链构建和优化的贡献入手,确立旅游产业链构建完善度评价模型。

    In part three , AHP is used to set up a tourism industrial chain and to build a perfect degree evaluation model , based on the contribution which the fifteen elements has done for the construction and the optimization of tourism industrial chain .

  21. 作者认为,树立科学的旅游资源整合观、延长旅游产业链、通过科学促销打开市场之门、对旅游资源进行深层次开发和实现旅游资源的可持续发展是合理开发与整合南阳旅游资源的基本对策。

    Lengthen the industrial chain link ; open the market gate through the science force promotion ; carry on the deep level development to the tourism resources and that realize of tourism resources ' sustaining development .

  22. 旅游产业的集群未能形成,旅游产业链较短。

    The tourism cluster is not formed and its industrial chain is short .

  23. 要从旅游产业区的发展理念转向旅游产业链的发展理念;

    Changing the development idea of tourism industry region into the development idea of tourism industry chain ;

  24. 伴随着旅游业的发展,作为旅游业产业链上重要一环的酒店行业,也获得了发展机遇,市场需求越来越大。

    With the development of tourism industry , the hotel industry which is an important part of the tourism industry chain , has also obtained an opportunity .

  25. 以南昌户外自助旅游为例进行解剖,对旅游经济的产业链及旅游组织形式进行探讨。

    The paper discusses the industrial chain of tourism economy and the tourist pattern on the basis of studying the outdoor help-yourself tourism of Nanchang .

  26. 公共旅游资源作为旅游产业的核心要素和旅游产业链的核心环节必须在发展模式与结构上进行创新,在发展水平上实现突破。

    As the core elements and areas in tourism industry , the public tourism resources must be innovated in mode and structure to get a breakthrough .

  27. 重庆旅游业经过20多年的发展,已经进入以产业链的培植与优化为核心的竞争阶段,旅游产业链的构建已经成为了各旅游地迫切需要解决的问题。

    After more than 20 years ' development , the tourist industry of Chongqing is at a new stage of competition with cultivation and optimization of the industry chain as its core meaning .

  28. 经过市场调研又得知:我国现阶段影视旅游市场空间巨大,易于形成较为系统的旅游产业链,为整个行业带来持续发展的良好前景。

    The market research also shows that , in recent stage , the market space of tour on movie and TV base is giant and easy to form a systematic tour industry chain , which will bring a sustainable development prospect for the whole industry .

  29. 随着旅游产业的转型升级,旅游景区作为旅游产业价值链上的关键环节必将对经营管理提出新的、更加具体的要求,从此,旅游景区管理咨询的市场需求就会日益凸现出来。

    With the development of tourism industry , tourism scenic spots are supposed to have a new and more detailed requirement as a key link in the value chain of tourism industry , and then , the market will demand more and more on the management consultant of scenic spots .

  30. 通过我国观光旅游产品的典型性分析,构建了观光旅游产业价值链,并以观光农业为例,进行观光旅游产品的延伸与耦合研究。

    On the basis of representative analysis of the Sightseeing products in China , the paper constructs value chain of sightseeing industry , and then researches on the extension and the coupling of Sightseeing with taking an example of agriculture .