
lǚ chāi fèi
  • Travel expenses;traveling expenses on a business trip;business traveling expenses
旅差费 [lǚ chà fèi]
  • [travelling expenses] 出差所需要的费用,一般包括车船费、伙食费和住宿费(如在旅行中)

  1. 你每天只能报销20美元旅差费。

    You can only claim $ 20a day for your travel .

  2. 他必须到加利福尼亚去,旅差费答四百多美元。

    He had to travel to California , and the out-of-pocket expenses to over $ 400 .

  3. 我已报销了旅差费。中国农村居民旅游消费水平及区域差异研究

    I have rendered the account of the expenditure on my trips . Tourist Consumption Level of China 's Rural Residents and Its Regional Classification