
  • 网络tourism real estate;Tourist Real Estate;Tourism Estate
  1. 近年来,因为休闲度假游的需求不断高涨,而房地产业又受到国家宏观调控政策的影响,旅游地产成了众多房地产开发商新的逐鹿场。

    In recent years , the leisure vacation travel demand rising , and the real estate industry affected by the national macroeconomic regulation and control policy , so tourist real estate became the new " the field " to many real estate developers .

  2. 柏联集团近期开始专注于开发旅游地产,建设了一系列高端酒店和水疗项目,包括位于云南茶园内的柏联景迈精品酒店(BrilliantResortandSpaJingmai),这家酒店已被列入法国罗莱夏朵(RelaisetChateaux)豪华酒店指南。

    More recently , the company focused on developing tourist properties , constructing a string of high-end hotels and spas , including the Brilliant Resort and Spa Jingmai , a hotel situated among tea plantations in Yunnan that is listed in the luxury French guide Relais et Chateaux .

  3. 概而观之,旅游地产的发展恰好融合了这两者。

    Takes the view , tourism , real estate development just combines the two .

  4. 旅游地产的开发

    Development of Travelling Landed Property

  5. 旅游地产规划的思考&以皖镇旅游地产项目为例

    Thinking of the Real Estate Planning Tourist : In Anhui , Real Estate Project as an Example the Tourism

  6. 正是这些问题和意义的存在引发了我们对于旅游地产景观设计的场所精神进行思考,促成了我们对于旅游地产景观设计中的场所精神进行研究。

    The existence of these problems led us to think about the spirit of place in tourism real estate landscape design , help us to research it .

  7. 所谓旅游地产,其核心是旅游和休闲度假,其产品形式是度假服务而非房屋供应。

    So-called tourism real estate , its core is " travel " and " leisure ", its product form is " holiday service " rather than " home supplies " .

  8. 于是,旅游地产发展既成为传统风景旅游度假区的新增长极,又将是旅游城市持续发展的基础。

    Thus , tourism , real estate development of both a traditional tourist resort of the new growth pole , will be the basis for the sustainable development of tourism city .

  9. 其中个人投资的概念、表现形式及步骤在已有的研究成果中已经相对成熟,而旅游地产的相关概念则相对缺乏权威的表述。

    The concept of individual investment , forms and procedures in the existing research has been relatively mature , and tourism real estate related concept is the relative lack of authoritative statements .

  10. 在这种背景下,探索和研究南昌市旅游地产的开发模式问题,为规范当地旅游地产的开发提供理论和借鉴,显得十分必要和迫切。

    In this context , it is extremely urgent to explore and research the tourism real estate development mode of Nanchang , and provide theory and reference for the planning of local tourism real estate development .

  11. 在对产品定位进行学习和研究的同时,坚持以理论基础和实际相结合,以期待开发企业在进行区域开发旅游地产产品时提供一定的借鉴。

    Product positioning in learning and research at the same time , adhere to the theory and reality , to look forward to develop tourism real estate development enterprises in the region to provide a reference product .

  12. 但一些地方政府盲目开发旅游地产,开发中及后续问题不断出现,投入了大量资金后,经济、社会收益甚微,不能使自身的优势体现出来。

    However , some local governments blindly develop tourism real estate , development and follow-up questions emerging , a lot of money invested , the economic and social benefits is very small and can not be reflected to their own advantage .

  13. 当今旅游地产景观设计国内存在不少问题,一方面过于强调景观实体风格的创造,对景观设计背后的文化背景研究不充分。

    The tourism real estate landscape design in China has incurred many problems : on one hand , it has paid too more attention on " entity landscape " style which ignored creating some meaningful landscape space . It is lack of research in cultural background of landscape design .

  14. 旅游地产是旅游业与房地产业相结合的产物,旅游地产不仅仅是一门涉及旅游业与房地产业的边缘学科,它还与建筑学、工程学与法律等一系列学科有着密切的关系。

    Tourism and Travel Real estate is the result of combining the real estate industry , tourism real estate is not just a tourism and real estate related to the edge of disciplines , it also with the architecture , engineering and law and a series of closely related disciplines .

  15. 然后利用SPSS软件进行多元回归分析,得出每个自变量对旅游住宅地产价格的影响效用。

    Regression analysis was performed using SPSS software to test the effects on TRRE prices caused by each independent variable .

  16. 旅游房地产投资风险评价及控制问题研究

    Study of Investment Risk Evaluation and Control for Tourism Real Estate

  17. 这开拓了旅游房地产研究者的研究视角和市场潜力。

    It expand tourism real estate researchers perspective and market potential .

  18. 本文基于分时度假这个盛行的旅游房地产创新产品展开,通过系统的分析框架对分时度假产品运营进行分析。

    The thesis based on timesharing , innovated product of recreational property ;

  19. 山东省海滨城市旅游房地产开发研究

    The Coastal City of Shandong Province Tourism Real Estate Research

  20. 第四章为大都市旅游房地产的地理学透视。

    The 4th chapter is geography clairvoyance of Metropolitan Tourist Real Estate .

  21. 试析我国旅游房地产市场的建立与规范

    Establishment and Normalization of Tourist Real Estate Market in China

  22. 青岛市旅游房地产发展研究

    The Study of Tourism Real Estate Development of Qingdao

  23. 旅游房地产开发的外部性及其内化途径探析

    A Probe into the Externality of Tourism Real Estate Exploitation and Its Internalization

  24. 三是旅游房地产开发项目实例研究。

    Three is the case study of the tourism real estate development project .

  25. 大都市旅游房地产发展与布局

    The Development and Distribution of Metropolitan Tourist Real Estate

  26. 论海南发展旅游房地产的可行性和必要性

    Research on the Feasibility & Necessity of Developing Tourism Real Estate in Hainan

  27. 三是接待类旅游房地产开发;

    Third , real - estate for reception ;

  28. 我国旅游房地产的肇始&李德立及其牯岭公司

    The first tourism real estate in China

  29. 但在目前的研究大都认为旅游房地产只能在大都市才有生存空间。

    However , it is widely acknowledged that tourism real estate only boosts in metropolis .

  30. 第六章都江堰市旅游房地产发展提出相关策略以及今后发展思路。

    Chapter VI Dujiangyan City tourism real estate development related strategies and future development ideas .