
  • 网络Tourism and leisure;travel;Travel and Leisure;Travel & Leisure
  1. 我公司为专业旅游休闲用品的外贸公司。

    I travel and leisure company for professional foreign trade companies supplies .

  2. 旅游休闲的生活方式催生了一个巨大的旅游市场,旅游纪念品作为食、住、行、游、购、娱旅游活动六大构成要素之一购的主要组成部分,与旅游发展相生相息。

    Lifestyle of travel and leisure has spawned a huge tourism market . Souvenirs as food , shelter , transportation , travel , shopping and entertainment tourism is a major component of " purchase " to the six elements of the tourism development .

  3. 印度旅游休闲公司Tito's的戴维·德·苏扎(DaviddeSouza)表示,这颗钻石只是“在可疑的情形下流失的众多印度文物之一。”

    The stone is " one of the many artefacts taken from India under dubious circumstances , " according to David de Souza from the Indian leisure group Tito 's.

  4. 小平岛项目包含了多种物业形式,分别为:中央居住区(CLD)、中央别墅区(CVD)、中央旅游休闲区(CED)。

    Xiaoping Island project has varied property management forms , including Central Living District ( CLD ), Central Villa District ( CVD ) and Central Entertainment District ( CED ) .

  5. 通过AVC三力理论这一旅游休闲景观规划设计的依据和评判体系为理论基础,运用定量与定性的研究方法展开对旅游休闲区景观设计手法的研究。

    Based on the " three forces of AVC " theory , which is the tourism and leisure landscape plan and evaluation , the paper applies quantitative and qualitative research methods to start the research on the landscape design of tourism and leisure region .

  6. 杭州城市旅游休闲与国际接轨的问题及对策研究

    On Integrating Hangzhou Leisure Tourism into International Practice : Problems and Suggestions

  7. 浅析我国旅游休闲产业的发展

    On the Development of China 's Leisure Tourism Industry

  8. 长沙具有建成观光旅游休闲区的资源和条件。

    Changsha has the resouces and conditions to construct sightseeing and leisure regions .

  9. 大众旅游休闲服装的开发研究

    Study on Popular Tourist Leisurewear

  10. 支持澳门发展旅游休闲产业,促进经济适度多元化。

    We will support Macao in developing its tourism and leisure industry and appropriately diversifying its economy .

  11. 同时,旅游休闲活动的兴盛对具有地方特色的旅游资源也有继承、保护和发展的作用。

    At the same time , it inherits , protects and develops the tourist resources of local features .

  12. 从1991年起,株洲县开始发展旅游休闲产业,已有十多年了,但成效不大。

    Since 1991 , Zhuzhou County has been developing Tourism & Leisure Industry , but received little result .

  13. 全国众多地区已经出现建设山地旅游休闲度假目的地的浪潮。

    Many parts of the country have set off the construction wave of mountain tourist and recreational resort .

  14. 在国民旅游休闲计划及带薪休假的消息刺激下,该股未来将充满机遇。

    Leisure tourism in the National Plan and paid leave message stimulation , the Unit will be full of opportunities .

  15. 支持澳门建设世界旅游休闲中心,促进经济适度多元发展。

    We will support Macao in developing itself into a world center of tourism and leisure and appropriately diversifying its economy .

  16. 西昌是航天城、月亮城、历史文化城、山地旅游休闲城、又是彝族文化的中心。

    Xichan is characterized by aerospace city , moon city , historic and cultural city , tourism city and the center of Yi culture .

  17. 鲜榨果汁行业作为一个新兴的细分市场,与餐饮、零售、旅游休闲等行业密切相关。

    Fresh fruit juice industry as an emerging market segments , and catering , retail , tourism and leisure industry is closely related to .

  18. 旅游休闲活动的发展兴盛是建立在对土地利用的基础之上的。此外旅游产品,交通设施,基础设施的兴建、扩建或改建也都离开对土地的利用。

    The blooming development of tourism is based on land utilization ; and tourism product , transportation , basic facilities never separate from land .

  19. 对于风景如画的杭州来说,旅游休闲、文化创意等第三产业非常重要。

    For the city of Hangzhou which has scenery like a painting , relaxed tourism , cultural creativity and such three industries are extremely important .

  20. 随着社会生产力水平的提高和闲暇时间的增多,以休闲为目的的旅游休闲产业愈来愈受到人们的普遍欢迎。

    With the improvement of productivity level and the increase of the leisure-time , leisure tourism industry has been well accepted by more and more people .

  21. 英国事件管理本科专业设置及其启示&以英国中央兰开夏大学旅游休闲管理系为例

    The UK 's Undergraduate Curriculum of Event Management and its Implications & An Example from Department of Tourism and Leisure Management of University of Central Lancashire

  22. 在对现代景观规划设计学科认知的基础上,探讨了目前社会状态下旅游休闲景观的内容及方向。

    Founded on the knowledge of Landscape Planning and Design , the paper discusses the content and direction of tourism and leisure landscape under the current social condition .

  23. 旅游休闲产业要真正满足旅游者的精神文化需求,关键在于把握时代发展需要,针对现实制约因素寻求发展对策。

    To satisfy the culture need of tourists , it is important for leisure tourism industry to grasp what times needs and quest for solutions in allusion to restrictions .

  24. 在大气污染日益加剧,大气质量尚未好转的情况下,到森林等负离子浓度高的地方旅游休闲有益于人们的健康。

    With the more pollution of the atmosphere , fortunately , we can benefit from the high aero-anion in all kinds of forests and other similar places in China .

  25. 该区域始终坚持“在发展中保护、在保护中发展”的原则,重点发展旅游休闲业、生态观光农业。

    This economic zone has insisted on the principal of " protecting in development , and developing in protection ", and mainly developed the tourist industry and ecological sightseeing agriculture .

  26. 林业休闲产业是以旅游休闲、文化休闲、体育休闲、康体休闲为主导的综合性产业。

    Taking the traveling leisure , the cultural leisure , the sports leisure , the health leisure as the leading industries , the forestry leisure industry is a comprehensive industry .

  27. 围绕主攻工业战略,着力打造加工制造、特色农业、旅游休闲三大基地。

    Persisting in its industrial development strategy , it will focus on building three key bases including a processing and manufacturing base , a characterized agriculture base and tourist leisure base .

  28. 旅游休闲产业既是世界第一大产业,又是充满生机和活力的朝阳产业,各国各地区都在大力发展旅游休闲产业。

    Tourism Leisure Industry is not only the biggest industry in the world , but also a potential one . Many countries and places are taking every effort to develop Tourism Leisure Industry .

  29. 武义是中国旅游休闲产品出口基地、中国文教用品生产基地和中国电动工具制造业基地。

    Wuyi has been successively named as Export Base of Tourism and Leisure Products in China , Production Base of Stationery Goods in China , and Manufacturing Base of Electric Tools in China .

  30. 这里民风淳朴,自然风景秀丽,空气清新,河水清澈,交通便利,是一个旅游休闲度假的好地方。

    Honest people here , the natural scenery beautiful , the air is fresh , the river is clear , the traffic is convenient , it is a good place for leisure tourism .