
  • 网络infrared camera;IR Camera
  1. iPhoneX最新的TrueDepth摄像头系统包括一个红外摄像头,还利用了其他的新技术。

    The iPhone X 's new TrueDepth camera system includes an infrared camera , and other new technology .

  2. Natal利用红外摄像头辨识玩家的三维动作,将其转化成信息输入游戏。

    Natal uses an infrared camera to measure a gamer 's motion in three dimensions and turn it into input for a game .

  3. 贝佐斯展示了这款手机的运动追踪屏幕。它采用了“动态视角”技术,依靠在屏幕四角安装的红外摄像头,让用户不需要借助3D眼镜就能感觉到图片的三维效果。

    Bezos introduced the phone 's motion-tracking screen , which uses " dynamic perspective " head-tracking technology that relies on four corner-mounted infrared cameras to make images appear to be three-dimensional without the need for 3-D glasses .

  4. 它有马达和触觉传感器,还有一个红外摄像头。

    It had motors and touch sensors and it had an infrared camera .

  5. 三个季度内,研究员们通过麦克和红外摄像头紧密观察一支西班牙种群的蟋蟀。

    Using microphones and infrared cameras , researchers monitored a Spanish cricket population for three seasons .

  6. 在此系统中,下位机将远红外摄像头捕获的图像经过二值处理、坐标提取后,仅传输弹着点信息给上位机,上位机根据接收到的信息恢复出原弹着点,实现自动报靶。

    In this system , the local PC only need to transmit the shot points ′ coordinates to the remote PC , which is obtained by the infrared video and distilled by the binary algorithm , in the remote PC the target image was recovered .

  7. 借助红外光源和摄像头,Kinect会在玩家游戏区域的投射三维成像。

    Kinect uses an infrared light and a camera to create a3-D image of your play area .

  8. 而近红外系统的夜视摄像头就没有那么多限制,它被安装在后视镜或挡风玻璃顶端附近。

    A CCD has no such constraints , so it can be mounted on the rearview mirror or near the top of the windshield .