
  • Surveillance camera;【石油】rig camera
  1. 基于OFDM技术的新型监控摄像机的开发

    Development of New Type Monitoring Video Camera Based on OFDM Technology

  2. 朝鲜于是将相关设备搬回宁边,并于本周命令国际原子能机构(iaea)官员拆除在宁边的封条和监控摄像机。

    North Korea has responded by returning equipment to Yongbyon and , this week , ordering International Atomic Energy Agency officials to remove seals and surveillance cameras from Yongbyon .

  3. 这也难怪:2001年以来,美国从整体上大大加强国土安全,投入的资金超过1万亿美元。后果之一就是机场无数的X光机、全身扫描机、监控摄像机,还有很多美国人痛恨的“搜身”。

    Little wonder : since 2001 , the US has heavily increased overall homeland security at a cost of more than $ 1000bn and one consequence has been endless airport X-ray machines , body scanners , CCTV cameras and " pat-downs , " which many Americans hate .

  4. 用户可通过可上网的手机进行远程监控摄像机。

    Users can remotely monitor the camera from Web-enabled mobile phones .

  5. 高速公路监控摄像机太阳能供电方案设计研究

    Design Study of Solar Power Supply to Monitoring Camera on Freeway

  6. 监控摄像机在很大程度上确定了爆炸嫌疑人。

    Surveillance cameras were big part of identifying the bombing suspect .

  7. 非重叠监控摄像机中的目标关联问题是智能监控系统中目标跟踪的核心问题。

    Target association is a core issue in object tracking .

  8. 视频监控摄像机自标定的一种新方法

    A New Camera Auto-Calibration Method for Video Surveillance

  9. 嵌入式监控摄像机属于网络视频监控系统的子系统。

    The Embedded Monitoring Camera is front-end equipment which belongs to Network Video Surveillance System .

  10. 接收端的红外监控摄像机对传感器扫描接收;

    The infrared camera at the receiving terminal scans the sensor and receives the signal .

  11. 高速公路监控摄像机的远程控制

    Long-distance Control of Expressway Surveillance Camera

  12. 接上监控摄像机后,该系统还可以提供入侵危险的视频认证。

    When interfaced with CCTV cameras , the system can provide visual confirmation of the threat .

  13. 在江苏省的南通市,有一个被监控摄像机捕捉到可靠的证据的实例。

    In Nantong city , Jiangsu Province , this was a case with reliable proof captured on a surveillance camera .

  14. 发射端把测温传感器测得的温度量转化为红外信号并发射;接收端的红外监控摄像机对传感器扫描接收;

    The transmitter transforms the measurement of temperature sensor into infrared signals , which are scanned by the infrared camera of receiver .

  15. 提出一种新的视频监控摄像机自标定算法,它利用半正定规划来恢复摄像机的焦距和主点。

    The novelty of the approach lies in the application of semidefinite programming for recovering the camera focal lengths and the principal point .

  16. 本文主要研究非重叠监控摄像机中的目标关联,并针对目标关联中的特征提取与匹配进行了深入的研究。

    This thesis studies target association problem in the non-overlapping surveillance cameras and makes an in-depth study on target feature extraction and matching .

  17. 为防止进一步的案件,警方说站台的监控摄像机将用来拍下每个乘客的4张正面照片。

    To prevent further cases , police have said surveillance cameras in stations will be used to take four frontal pictures of each passenger .

  18. 主要产品有监控摄像机外罩,红外防水摄像机系列,红外半球摄象机系列,一体化摄像机系列,飞碟型摄像机系列。

    The main products are surveillance camera housings , waterproof infrared camera , infrared camera series of hemispheric integration camera series , flying saucer-Camera Series .

  19. 系统基于海康视频监控摄像机,实现了视频对象检测和提取模块、人脸检测模块和人脸识别模块。

    The system has three modules : the detection and extraction of video object module , the face detection module and the face recognition module .

  20. 甚至在前门装了监控摄像机和报案给当地警察之后,也没能得出合理解释。

    No logical explanation could be found , even after the installation of a motion sensor camera at the front door and calls to local police .

  21. 在佛罗里达兰黛湖的监控摄像机也同样纪录了一位愤怒的客户跨越汉堡王柜台面对员工的情景。

    And surveillance cameras were also rolling in Lauder Lakes , Florida , when an angry customer jumped across a Burger King counter to confront workers .

  22. 随着社会安防和交通管理的压力日益增大,越来越多的监控摄像机被架设在道路、车站、小区等公共场所。

    With the increasing pressure of security and traffic management , more and more surveillance cameras are being installed at roads , stations and other public zones .

  23. 在这种模式下,政府机关运行网络程序例如无线视频监控摄像机并支付网络使用费,从而为运营商提供有保障的收入。

    Here , cities run applications such as wireless video surveillance cameras and pay for use of the networks , providing the operators with a guaranteed income .

  24. 他表示,国际原子能机构的专家将到伊朗更换国际原子能机构在核设施中的技术监控摄像机的存储卡。

    He says experts of the IAEA will come to Iran to replace the memory cards of the technical surveillance cameras of the IAEA in nuclear facilities .

  25. 比如,为什么不在交通灯杆上安装监控摄像机来防止人们闯红灯呢?

    Like if people jump the traffic lights , I don 't know why there isn 't a camera at the traffic lights to stop people doing that .

  26. 新版本可以帮助领导设计一种新的按分钟安排的视频监控摄像机,使管理者们能及时看到多种配置的利弊。

    The new version can help security directors design a new surveillance camera layout in minutes , enabling them to instantly see the benefits and drawbacks of numerous configurations .

  27. 应用该技术的机器,可分析数以百计源自监控摄像机与华尔街交易坐席之类的数据流,并总结其结果作出结论。

    Machines using it can analyse data streams from hundreds of sources , such as surveillance cameras and Wall Street trading desks , summarise the results and take decisions .

  28. 通过应用该公司移动设备上的安全知识管理技术可以远程实时监测和控制视频监控摄像机和接收报警事件数据。

    Using the company 's Security Knowledge Manager technology on mobile devices allows organizations to monitor and control live video surveillance cameras and receive alarm and event data remotely .

  29. 目前,一体化摄像机以价格合理、性能完善、安装方便等优势,在监控摄像机领域得到广泛应用。

    At present , the integrated camera with reasonable price , good performance , installation easy and other advantages , they are widely used in the field of surveillance cameras .

  30. 最近,北京的这座电子市场并不景气。这是一家多层商场,布满出售各种设备的摊位,计算器、硬盘、监控摄像机、智能手机,不一而足。

    The recent scene at the electronics market in Beijing a multistory mall crowded with stalls of vendors selling everything from calculators and hard drives to surveillance cameras and smartphones was not encouraging .