
jiān kǎo
  • invigilate;invigilator;monitor examinations;monitor students during a written examination
监考 [jiān kǎo]
  • (1) [invigilate;monitor students during a written examination]∶看管考生,使其不舞弊

  • (2) [invigilator]∶监考的人

监考[jiān kǎo]
  1. 我需要在第一节课监考生物模拟考试。

    I need to invigilate the biology practice examination for the first class .

  2. 我不得不监考三科。

    I have to invigilate three subjects .

  3. 有问题就问监考人。

    If you have a problem , ask the invigilator .

  4. 我教过六年级学生并监考。

    I 've taught sixth formers and invigilated exams .

  5. 大学教师拒绝监考。

    University teachers have refused to supervise students ' examinations

  6. 明天全体学生考英语,他将担任监考。

    Tomorrow he will supervise all the pupils taking the English examination .

  7. 近日,浙江宁波华茂外国语学校的学生参加了一场特殊的期中考试——无监考老师考试。

    A Teacher-free Exam Recently , students at Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School in Zhejiang took their mid-term exam — a teacher-free exam .

  8. 基于Web技术的高校监考安排系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of College Invigilating Arrangement System based on Web

  9. 基于Internet的中学物理课程考试在线监考系统简介

    Introduction of Invigilation System on Line Based on Internet of Physics Course Examination in Senior High School

  10. 基于ARM和DSP的嵌入式监考系统的研究

    Embedded Exam-monitoring System Based on ARM and DSP

  11. 基于Delphi的网络监考系统设计

    Network-supervisor System Based on Delphi

  12. 根据官方媒体中国新闻社(ChinaNews,简称:中新社)上周末的报道,这名开着宝马车去参加辽宁省高考的男生试图用手机作弊,结果被监考老师抓了个正着。

    According to the state-run China News , over the weekend , the student who had driven a BMW to test site in Liaoning province was caught by an official when he tried to cheat by looking at his phone .

  13. l一个学生若在监考人的眼皮底下作弊,那可是在冒险。

    L4.Any student who tries to cheat while the examiner is watching is playing fire .

  14. Coursera则开始尝试在线监考,注册了5门Mooc课程的学生需参加带实况监督的在线考试。

    Coursera , meanwhile , is experimenting with online proctoring . Students enrolled on five Moocs sit online exams with live supervision .

  15. 英国Mooc平台Futurelearn的行政总裁西蒙•尼尔森(SimonNelson)虽然对远程监考持怀疑态度,但也表示“这些新形式的认证显然有助于增强可信度。”

    Simon Nelson , chief executive of Futurelearn , the UK-based Mooc platform , although unconvinced about remote invigilation , says that " new forms of authentication are clearly helpful for gaining credibility . "

  16. 最近,udacity和edx都宣布了一个消息:它们与测验服务提供商pearsonvue达成了协议,在网站上注册学习的学生可以选择参加有监考(认证)的期末考试。

    Both udacity and EDX recently an nounced aagreements with Pearson Vue , a provider of testing services , giving students the option of taking a final , proctored ( certified ) exam .

  17. 监考人员将会给你分配座位。

    The test administrator / supervisor will assign you a seat .

  18. 玛丽亚:好的,监考老师,你收受贿赂吗?

    Maria : OK , supervisor , do you take bribes ?

  19. 在任何时间都可以重考在线的无监考的考试。

    Candidates may not retake a beta exam at any time .

  20. 监考教师不能严格履行监考职责,助长了作弊歪风。

    The teachers invigilation can not do their duties strictly .

  21. 如果有问题就问监考人。

    Eg : If you have a problem , ask the invigilator .

  22. 我们需要多少名监考人员来监督整个考场?

    How many invigilators will we need to supervise the whole room ?

  23. 监考人员抓住他在数学考试中作弊。

    The proctor caught him cheating in the maths exam .

  24. 就在这时,监考官却通知你考试结束时间已到。

    Just then the proctor informs you that the time is up .

  25. 设计了教室安排算法智能型考试安排系统的监考及教室安排算法

    The invigilating and classroom arrangement algorithm of the intelligent test arrangement system

  26. 该系统不仅彻底实现了无纸考试,而且大大减轻了监考人员的工作量,使考生的考试成绩真实。

    The system thoroughly realizes no-paper examination and decreases invigilators ?

  27. 杰基尔小姐今天将监考你们的化学考试。

    Miss Jekyll will be invigilating your chemistry exam tody .

  28. 指导;监督大学教师拒绝监考。

    University teachers have refused to supervise students ' examinations .

  29. 分布式教务监考排定系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Distributed Educational Invigilation Arranged System

  30. 高校二级院系监考安排系统的设计与实现

    The Design Implementation of Invigilating Arrangement System in Secondary Faculties of Universities Colleges