
  1. 我每天使用铅笔和橡皮。

    I use the pencil and rubber everyday .

  2. 铅笔和橡皮工具,是唯一的工具,你真的需要。

    The Pencil and Eraser tools are the only tools you will really need .

  3. 我有四个铅笔和一块橡皮。

    I 've got four pencils and a rubber .

  4. 我想要两支铅笔和一块橡皮。

    I want two pencils and an eraser .

  5. 考试时请准备一支削尖的铅笔和一块橡皮。

    Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam .

  6. 用一把木尺、一把金属匙、一枚硬币、一个铁盒盖、一枝铅笔和一块橡皮,重做这个试验。

    Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler , a metal spoon , a coin , a tin lid , a pencil and a rubber eraser .

  7. 请用一把木尺、一枚硬币、一支铅笔、和一块橡皮,重做这个实验。

    Please repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler , a coin , a pencil and a rubber eraser .

  8. 数据表是厚厚的一本横格纸,你只能通过思维分析,在脑子里进行计算,或者你会看到人们拿着HP12C(老式)财务计算器拼命地工作,手边放着一支铅笔和一块大橡皮。

    Spread sheets were just that - large pads of lined paper and calculations were done in your head via " topside " analysis or one could be found furiously working an HP12C with a pencil and a large eraser nearby .

  9. 铅笔盒里有铅笔、一个削铅笔刀和一块橡皮。

    The pencil case contains pencils , a pencil sharpener and an eraser .