
  • 网络lead zinc ore;lead-zinc ore
  1. 氧化锰铁铅锌矿石选矿研究

    A study on concentration of oxidized manganese iron lead zinc ore

  2. 含砷铅锌矿石;铅锌依次优先浮选;抑制剂JSY01;高锰酸钾;

    Arsenic-bearing lead-zinc ore ; Selective flotation of lead and zinc ; JSY01 depressants ; Potassium permanganate ;

  3. 本文报导从氧化铅锌矿石中浮选硫化铅矿物的新捕收剂PN及相应的抑制剂BD1。

    The new PN collector and BD_1 depressant for floating lead sulphide mineral from lead and zinc oxide ore are introduced in this paper .

  4. 矿床REE地球化学反映铅锌矿石、硅质岩和钠长石岩的形成物质可能来自盆下源深处,成岩成矿作用具有热水沉积性质;

    The REE geochemistry of Zn-Pb ores , albite rock and siliceous rocks shows that their material may have come from the depths below the basins .

  5. 可见,所研制的PN捕收剂和BD1、BD2抑制剂,对提高氧化铅锌矿石浮选指标起了重要作用。

    It is thus clear that the PN as a collector and BD_1 and BD_2 as depressants play an important role in raising the results of flotation of lead-zinc oxide ores .

  6. 氧化铅锌矿石低温浮选工艺研究

    Study on the flotation of lead-zinc oxide ore at low temperature

  7. 硫化铅锌矿石的选矿方法主要是浮选法。

    The beneficiation method of lead-zinc sulfide ore is flotation process .

  8. 陇南某氧化铅锌矿石选矿工艺研究

    Research on Beneficiation Process for Oxidized Lead-Zinc Ore from Longnan

  9. 提高含银铜的铅锌矿石选矿指标的研究

    Study on improving metallurgical performances of Pb-Zn ore containing silver and copper

  10. 细粒嵌布铜铅锌矿石的浮选新工艺试验研究

    Experimental Study on New Flotation Process for Fine-disseminated Copper-lead-zinc Ore

  11. 雅钢选矿厂,主要从事铅锌矿石的浮选和加工;

    Xingda Concentrator , which is primarily engaged in processing of zinc-lead ores ;

  12. 某难选多金属铜铅锌矿石选别研究与应用

    Study and application of one complex polymetallic ore dressing

  13. 从某泥化铅锌矿石中提取铅的试验研究

    On Lead Extraction Out of a Slimy Lead-Zinc Ore

  14. 云南某低品位氧化铅锌矿石选矿试验研究

    Experimental Research on Beneficiation of a Low Grade Oxidized Lead-Zinc Ore in Yunnan Province

  15. 硫化铜铅锌矿石伴生金银的综合回收

    Comprehensive recovery of accompanying gold - silver in copper - lead - zinc sulphide ore

  16. 某铅锌矿石工艺矿物学研究

    Craft Mineralogy Research of Lead-Zinc Ore Somewhere

  17. 四川甘洛县某氧化铅锌矿石选矿试验研究氧化锌-氧化锆催化剂

    Experimental Study on Beneficiation of an Oxidized Lead-zinc Mine in Ganluo County , Sichuan Province

  18. 铅锌矿石既与火山喷流沉积作用有关,又与花岗斑岩侵入作用有关,显示混合成因。

    Lead-zinc ore related to volcanic effusion deposition and granite porphyry intrusive , display mixing origin .

  19. 高碱度分离高硫铅锌矿石工艺的研究与实践

    The study and practice of technology on high lead zinc sulfide minerals with high alkalinity separation

  20. 石柱难选氧化铅锌矿石选矿工艺研究铅锌选厂尾矿库生态系统中铅镉污染现状调查及对策

    Investigation of Status of Lead and Cadmium Pollution from Ore-dressing Tailings of Lead and Zinc Dressing Works

  21. 我国乃至世界的铅锌矿石中,硫化铅锌矿占绝大多数。

    In China even in all over the world , the majority of lead-zinc ores are sulfide ones .

  22. 会理难选铅锌矿石电位调控抑锌浮铅优先浮选新工艺

    Novel Pb-Zn Separation Process of Pb Preferential Flotation with Zinc Depressing by Potential Controlled Flotation for Intricate Pb-Zn Sulphide Ore from Huili Lead-zinc Mine

  23. 根据某含银低品位铅锌矿石的原矿性质,进行了多种药剂条件试验和闭路试验研究。

    According to the Ag-bearing run-of-mine ore property with low lead-zinc grade , a experimental study has been conducted on some reagent condition and closed-circuit tests .

  24. 氧化铅锌矿石浮选新药剂的研究关系到大量复杂的氧化铅锌矿资源的开发利用。

    The study on new flotation reagents for lead and zinc oxide ores is concerned to the development of a large amount of complicated lead and zinc oxide ores resources .

  25. 针对兰坪难选氧化铅锌矿石,通过对矿石性质、选矿试验的分析,对试验流程方案、设备配置情况、技术经济的比较、以及对流程结构的优化等,确定了设计合理的选矿工艺流程。

    In order to process refractory oxide lead-zinc ore in Lanping , a reasonable ore-dressing technological flowsheet has been designed through analysis of ore characteristics and concentration tests , and comparison of tested flowsheets , equipment arrangement , technical economy parameters as well as optimization of process structure .

  26. 矿床δ(34S)比较接近,但铅锌矿矿石中硫源来源更广。

    The value of δ( 34S ) are also close to each other , but the Sulphur source of Lead-Zinc deposit is more complicated and broadly .

  27. 洪雅等地铅锌矿矿石性质与选矿工艺研究

    Research on ore property and mineral processing technology of Hongya Pb-Zn ores

  28. 某硫化铅锌矿矿石浮选工艺流程的改进

    An improvement on the floatation flowsheet for lead and zinc sulfide ores

  29. 难选铅锌银矿石的试验研究

    The Study on Refractory Lead - Zinc Silver Ores

  30. 该区矿石类型以银铅锌矿矿石为主,大多细粒结构、块状构造。

    The main type of ore is silver-lead-zinc , with granule texture and block structures .