
  • 网络Monitoring level;supervision level
  1. 监控级主要功能是实现人机接口,采用32位ARM处理器,包括LCD显示,键盘,USB接口。

    The supervisory level which is consist of a 32 bits ARM processor , LCD , keyboard , USB interface , is main used for human-machine interface .

  2. 现场总线控制系统(FCS&FieldBusControlSystem)构成了信息控制一体化系统的过程级和监控级,是信息控制一体化系统监控功能的主体和Internet/Intranet的神经末梢。

    Field Bus Control System ( FCS ) is the process rank and the stakeout-control rank of the communication control integrative system . It is also the principal part of the stakeout-control function in the communication control integrative system and the nerve twig of the Internet / Intranet .

  3. 系统由ARM为中心的组织监控级、DSP和CPLD控制的协调控制级和底层执行级组成。

    The control system is made up of monitor level , coordinate control level and bottom-level . ARM is the center of monitor-level . DSP and CPLD is responsible for the other two levels .

  4. 在冶金行业选矿干选工艺的自动控制中,将PROFIBUS现场总线技术应用于现场控制级和过程监控级,实现PC与PLC间、PLC与PLC间以及CPU与远程I/O间的总线通信。

    In the metallurgical concentration process automatic control system , PROFIBUS is applied in field control level and process supervisory level for the communication between PC and PLC , PLC and PLC , CPU and its remote IOs .

  5. 在充分研究磨矿过程自动控制、效益优化和信息集成技术基础上,提出了磨矿DCS的过程控制级、过程监控级和生产管理级三层实现方案。

    On the basis of fully study the grinding optimization control and information integration , the three levels solution in the grinding DCS was giving out , which was made up of Controlling Level , Supervisory Control Level and Management Level .

  6. PLC-SCADA系统的体系结构分为三级:现场控制级、过程监控级和实验管理级。

    PLC-SCADA system is composed of three levels : the field control level , the process supervisory control level and the experiment manage level .

  7. 分布式控制系统智能化开关柜的监控级组态软件封装、互连、连接器组件

    Monitoring Station Configuration Software with Intelligent Switchgear Assemblies in DCS

  8. 开发了监控级与现场级之间的CAN通信软件。

    Designs the communication software based on CAN-bus between monitor and controller .

  9. 该系统采用基本的两级控制结构,包括上位监控级和下位控制级。

    The system uses two basic control structure , including upper-level monitoring and under - level control .

  10. 现场控制单元通过输入输出模块直接与被控对象相连,完成数据采集和控制等任务,是由上(监控级计算机)及下(现场设备)的桥梁和纽带。

    Field Contral Unit is connected with the controlled object directly by IO modules and fulfil the task of data acquisition and control .

  11. 其中,监控级实现了系统在不同负荷下的调节参数切换,并利用神经网络模型对氨产率进行预测来指导生产操作。

    The monitoring step can perform regulator parameters when the system is in different loads , and forecast ammonia productivity with the neural network model to supervise production .

  12. 论文首先探讨了基于网络的大型泵站综合自动化系统的设计,整个流程包括现场级、监控级、管理级的控制。

    Firstly , the paper presents the design of the comprehensive automation system based on network . The whole design includes spot process , process monitoring level and management level .

  13. 监控级主要负责组织级下达的任务或命令,保证和维持执行级中各控制器的正常运行。

    Monitor level accomplishes the tasks or demands which are assigned by the organization level so that it can ensure and maintain all the controller running normally in the execution level .

  14. 环境模拟试验台分布式测控系统基于多种通信协议,采用现场级、下位测控级、上位管理级和远程监控级分布式结构。

    In distribution measure and control system for environment simulation test station based on multi-communication protocols , distributed structure of local level , down measure and control level , upper manager level and long-distance monitor level was adopted .

  15. 引入分级控制原理,将系统分为监控级、主控级、底层控制级,各级之间通过CAN总线通信。

    With the theory of hierarchical control , this control system is divided into three level , include supervisory level , main control level , the bottom control level . The CAN bus is used to communication to each other .

  16. 整个发酵系统采可分为三部分:现场参数检测系统、现场参数处理系统、控制系统;也可分为两级:基础自动化级、监控级。

    The fermentation system can be divided into three parts : field parameter measurement system , field parameter processing system , control system , and the system is composed of two layers : basic automation and supervisor . Basic automation is completed to control the action of acid pump .

  17. 工控机组成监控管理级,PLC、变频器、手操屏组成现场控制级。

    The field control level is composed of PLC , inverter and operation screen .

  18. 在分形网络协同制造系统中,协作目标包含了工作流自相似的多级子目标,但缺乏有效的基于Web的方法来监控所有级别子任务的执行进度。

    Fractal web-based manufacturing project contains several hierarchical cooperative sub-projects with the self-similar workflows . But it lacks an efficient web-based approach to monitor the operational progress of all multi-level sub-projects .

  19. 主要介绍了地铁设计中FAS在中央监控管理级和车站监控管理级的监控功能和监控范围及接口中的应用。

    The applications of FAS in supervisory functions and scope and interfaces in management grade of center supervisory control and management grade of supervisory control in stations are introduced .

  20. 利用计算机网络和接口技术将分散在各个子系统中不同楼层的直接数字控制器连接起来,通过联网实现各个子系统与中央监控管理级计算机之间及子系统相互之间的通信。

    With computer network and interface technique , digital controller each sub system are connected .

  21. 控制系统由过程控制级与监控管理级构成,形成二级分层体系结构。

    According to the requirement of the technic , this system is consisted of the process control level and monitor system level .

  22. 主要介绍广州地铁机电设备监控系统车站级组网方案的发展及演变过程,包括站内通信局域网、PLC控制器、现场总线等的配置结构和特点。

    The paper presents the development of the station network schemes for monitoring control system for electromechanical equipment of Guangzhou metro , including local area network for communications within the station , PLC controller and the configuration structure and characters of site concentration line and so on .

  23. 电力监控系统实时级互联的研究

    Study on the real-time basis interconnection of electric power supervisory and control systems

  24. 电网监控系统用户级数据分类初探

    A study of User 's Data Category for Power Pool Supervisory Control System

  25. 本文也介绍了监控操作系统级资源的常用工具。

    This article also describes tools that are commonly used to monitor the operating system level resources .

  26. 论文给出了楼宇监控系统二级网络构成的设计方案,二级网络分别为现场控制级和集中管理级。

    In this thesis , a two level networks design scheme of Intelligent Building Monitoring and Control System is given .

  27. 分析现有组网方案的优点及不足,提出对今后地铁机电设备监控系统车站级构成的优化建议。

    The advantages and disadvantages of current network schemes are analyzed , and some suggestions on how to optimize monitoring control system for electromechanical equipment of metro station are put forward .

  28. 工控组态软件用于对工业控制中的数据采集与过程控制功能进行组态,是自动控制系统监控层一级的软件开发环境。

    The configuration software for industrial control is used to configurate the data acquisition and process control functions of industrial control system , which is the software development environment at monitoring and control level of automatic control system .

  29. NOVA包含一个微虚拟机监控程序和用户级环境,用于系统的核心功能。

    NOVA consists of a microhypervisor and user-level environment for core functions of the system .

  30. 本监控系统采用三级分层结构,监控单元SU、监控站SS和监控中心SC。

    This system introduced a three-gradation structure , that is , supervision unit ( SU ) , supervision station ( SS ) and supervision center ( SC ) .